Although he was actually born in Connecticut, “Texan” President Bush has earned his cowboy hat and spurs. During the last six years of his presidency he has overwritten unwanted freedoms for much needed security. He has brought tax cuts to those who know how to spend money and full employment for the United States of America. The President has spread American values to the Middle Eastern nations and brought hope to the world. George “Dubya” Bush is America’s finest and smartest President. He is the man to be the king of the free world.
The liberals have always been on the President’s case for his Patriot Act, demanding its repeal and claiming that the act is unconstitutional and immoral. They claim the Patriot Act is a clear affront to our right to privacy and free speech. Their priorities are twisted. Security is our number one issue now. What good is freedom of speech if it costs you the freedom of walking down the street without being blown up? Americans do not need free speech. Any American should be arrested on the spot for talking against the Bush Administration as they are an obvious threat to security. Only terrorists who kill innocent babies and old women would speak out against the government. By imprisoning and torturing any dissenting citizen, the Bush Administration has successfully kept America secure from wild and dangerous men. Since the inception of the Patriot act, there has not been another terrorist attack on our soil.
George Bush’s policy on wiretapping has been deemed “an invasion of privacy” by the liberals. Would they rather have an invasion of Arabs that want to kill them? The CIA has every right to listen to American phone conversations for the protection of the American people who have nothing to hide. If they do have something to hide, they must be doing something illegal. When you cross the border and the police ask if they can search your car, are you really going to say no? Of course not! That is the first indication that you have marijuana stuffed inside the doorframe. The same is true for wiretapping. If you object, you deserve to be locked up, without trial, in Guantanamo Bay, because it is apparent you have some illegal skeletons in your closet, such as that dirty bomb you obviously plan to detonate in New York. Model American citizens know that the Bush Administration wants to know everything about its people for the nation’s protection. George Bush cares about his people. He wants to see them living in peace and security on the home front. The loss of privacy is far outweighed by the gain in security, which George Bush is further fighting for in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are vital to the defense of the United States of America. Without these wars, another terrorist attack, possibly much worse than 9-11, may have occurred several times. Due to our President’s determination to keep America secure, we have kept the terrorists at bay for four years. The unpatriotic liberals argue that the war in Iraq is a complete mess with no way out. They argue that Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction (WMD) did not exist and that there was no link between Saddam and Osama. They argue that all the Bush Administration has done is ruin these two countries. These are completely false statements. Under Bush’s leadership, we have brought the Iraqis and Afghanis freedom that even American citizens do not enjoy (such as freedom of speech and freedom to privacy.) Iraqis and Afghanis are happy living with the constant threat of being killed by a suicide bomber because they no longer have to worry about being tortured by Saddam’s cronies. Their women can now become doctors, their teens can now listen to Godsmack and their cities all now have an open Starbucks or a McDonalds to serve them coffee and refuge from the insurgency. The presence of the insurgency itself is a clear indication of Saddam’s dealings with Osama. Where else would they have come from? China? I don’t think so. Osama and Saddam shared a common enemy. Even though they hated each other, they would have supported each other. Saddam would have willingly sold Osama a WMD if that meant getting the Americans to stop breathing down his neck. And Osama would have used that WMD to kill as many Americans as possible. George Bush’s invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq was a giant step toward a secure United States of America and towards peace in the Middle East. Although the streets of Baghdad and Kabul remain violent today, we are winning the war. American values, such as obesity and Burger King, are now being accepted into mainstream Muslim society and even bolstering the American economy.
War is good for the economy. George Bush has solved the unemployment problems in the United States by starting a war. Now there are plenty of positions available in the United States military. Positions open up every day, especially in Iraq. As American soldiers are killed, another one can join up and take his place. If the soldier lives, he’ll get paid. The money he earns goes into the economy and raises the American standard of living. There is no need for unemployment when there is continuous job availability in the Army and the Marines. It’s not just any job either. Although it may be hazardous, you are fighting for your country’s security. That makes it all worth getting your arm blown off by an improvised explosive device. Anyone would be proud to have a job like that. Not only is Bush creating jobs in the military, he is also helping sustain the entertainment industry. After all, who would Jay Leno and David Letterman be making fun of at ten o’clock at night? Because of George Bush, these two comedians still have jobs. Hollywood makes money because of Bush’s decision to invade Iraq and declare an all out war on terrorism. According to an article in New Political Science, authors Carl Bogg and Tom Pollard explain,
“The al Qaeda attacks of 9/11 heightened public fascination with terrorism, fueled by mounting fear and paranoia, and this was destined to inspire a new cycle of films in which on-screen terrorism dramatizes elements of real-life threats that now include possible weapons of mass destruction.” (Bogg and Pollard)
By creating an anti-terrorist hysteria that Hollywood can exploit, Hollywood is creating millions of dollars on anti-terror films. All this money leads to a better economy.
George Bush’s wars are improving America’s declining economy. Many liberals would complain that this war is driving the U.S. deficit into a hole, trillions of dollars deep. The security the war brings us makes it all worth it. Once it becomes apparent to Americans that the war is keeping the threat at bay, they will come out of their homes and spend money and eventually, about a century or two, our deficit will be paid off. George Bush’s tax cuts will also help this deficit shrink. All the cuts go to the rich. Who better to have the money? The rich know how to use the money, they also are the most able to spend the money and inject the money into the economy. The more the rich buy, the more taxes they pay and ever so slowly, the deficit shrinks to become the surplus Clinton created for us. Although our grandkids will be having grandkids by the time that happens, it will eventually happen.
George Bush is the greatest American president of the 21st Century. In the last six years, he has created more jobs in the market. He has brought freedom to the Iraqis and security to the Americans. Most importantly, he has protected our nation from evildoers that are jealous of our own rights and freedoms. The liberals who call Bush a catastrophe do not see the security that the President has brought to us. By starting a war, George Bush has brought us peace. War is Peace. George Orwell said that.
Works Cited
Bogg, Pollard Tom. “Hollywood and the Spectacle of Terrorism.” New Political Science. Sept. 2006: 28.3. Online. EBSCOhost. Oct. 29, 2006.
"I love you like a fat kid loves cake!!!"
-50 Cent
J Kuhl Signing Off
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Air Traffic Control
Recently overheard on Fargo (N.D.) Approach Control frequency:
"Cessna One Alpha Bravo, you have unidentified traffic at 2 o'clock, three miles, altitude unknown, over the railroad tracks. Very slow moving primary target, might be a helicopter."
(Long pause.)
"Might be a train."
Gotta love the ATC guys. There they all are, all warm in their tower as us pilots shiver in our cockpits, sitting at the end of Runway 14, waiting for takeoff clearance. I'm sitting there at the hold-short line, holding short, while big bad ATC sips their coffee and then finally decides to clear us.
I use to be afraid of the ATC. It was the old fear that if I said something wrong in the mike, they'd shoot a missile out of the tower and kill me or something. Now its so much easier. Just say what you need to say and if you screw up, oh well. Its not as scary anymore. They're just regular guys in a tower, drinking coffee, and holding me short of the runway.
"You've flown 23.7 hours and 53 landings in the past 90 days." -Skyscheduler
J Kuhl Signing Off
"Cessna One Alpha Bravo, you have unidentified traffic at 2 o'clock, three miles, altitude unknown, over the railroad tracks. Very slow moving primary target, might be a helicopter."
(Long pause.)
"Might be a train."
Gotta love the ATC guys. There they all are, all warm in their tower as us pilots shiver in our cockpits, sitting at the end of Runway 14, waiting for takeoff clearance. I'm sitting there at the hold-short line, holding short, while big bad ATC sips their coffee and then finally decides to clear us.
I use to be afraid of the ATC. It was the old fear that if I said something wrong in the mike, they'd shoot a missile out of the tower and kill me or something. Now its so much easier. Just say what you need to say and if you screw up, oh well. Its not as scary anymore. They're just regular guys in a tower, drinking coffee, and holding me short of the runway.
"You've flown 23.7 hours and 53 landings in the past 90 days." -Skyscheduler
J Kuhl Signing Off
Monday, October 23, 2006
Come on Cindy, respond already! I wanna get my coffee and study for my midterm already! Gosh!
I remember back in Mississippi this April at breakfast. I'm sitting at the table, drinking my crappy cup of black coffee and across the way, Bridget and Heather are talking about coffee and how its so great with cream and sugar and raspberries and coconut and chocolet and pineapple and marinara sauce and all sorts of stuff that won't even make it taste like coffee anymore. And I'm sitting there thinking, what the heck is wrong with you two? There is only one way to drink coffee. Pure. Pitch. Black. Don't put anything in your coffee. It ruins it.
It all started during a pancake breakfast in March. I had gotten about one hour of sleep the night before. I had to serve pancakes, but I was practically falling asleep, face first into the maple syrup. So I drank my first cup of coffee. As soon as that stuff hit my insides, I was awake. I was jittery. Man, I was annoying. Drinking coffee on an empty stomach was the weirdest, shakeist, energetic feeling ever.
And ever since then, I was addicted to coffee. They say its bad for you, but screw that. It gets me going in the morning. It gives me an extra buzz to stay awake through economics class. Coffee is a good thing. If it weren't for coffee, I'd be a mean little SOB sometimes.
So now, here I am chatting with an internet technician to figure out my laptop problem and she and I can't seem to wrap up our internet conversation so I can go out and buy myself a cup of joe so I can stay awake as I review my notes for tommorrow's midterm. I'm turning into a mean little SOB right now . . .
So give me that rich, nutty Starbucks coffee. No, I said black. Not cream, not sugar, not marinara. Black and strong, like a kick to the gut. And hot. Cold coffee tastes like crap. Hot, strong, black coffee. The way god intended.
I mean, do coffee beans grow with cream? I thought not.
In other news, never call for tech support anymore. Everyone on the other end is friggin Indian. I don't have a problem with Indians, but I have no idea what they are saying. I think I got a new harddrive out of them, but don't blame me when a Learjet is delivered to your door because I might have accidently bought one.
"Nashua Tower, Webster 81 is holding short runway 3-2 for left departure" -Me yesturday.
J Kuhl Signing Off
I remember back in Mississippi this April at breakfast. I'm sitting at the table, drinking my crappy cup of black coffee and across the way, Bridget and Heather are talking about coffee and how its so great with cream and sugar and raspberries and coconut and chocolet and pineapple and marinara sauce and all sorts of stuff that won't even make it taste like coffee anymore. And I'm sitting there thinking, what the heck is wrong with you two? There is only one way to drink coffee. Pure. Pitch. Black. Don't put anything in your coffee. It ruins it.
It all started during a pancake breakfast in March. I had gotten about one hour of sleep the night before. I had to serve pancakes, but I was practically falling asleep, face first into the maple syrup. So I drank my first cup of coffee. As soon as that stuff hit my insides, I was awake. I was jittery. Man, I was annoying. Drinking coffee on an empty stomach was the weirdest, shakeist, energetic feeling ever.
And ever since then, I was addicted to coffee. They say its bad for you, but screw that. It gets me going in the morning. It gives me an extra buzz to stay awake through economics class. Coffee is a good thing. If it weren't for coffee, I'd be a mean little SOB sometimes.
So now, here I am chatting with an internet technician to figure out my laptop problem and she and I can't seem to wrap up our internet conversation so I can go out and buy myself a cup of joe so I can stay awake as I review my notes for tommorrow's midterm. I'm turning into a mean little SOB right now . . .
So give me that rich, nutty Starbucks coffee. No, I said black. Not cream, not sugar, not marinara. Black and strong, like a kick to the gut. And hot. Cold coffee tastes like crap. Hot, strong, black coffee. The way god intended.
I mean, do coffee beans grow with cream? I thought not.
In other news, never call for tech support anymore. Everyone on the other end is friggin Indian. I don't have a problem with Indians, but I have no idea what they are saying. I think I got a new harddrive out of them, but don't blame me when a Learjet is delivered to your door because I might have accidently bought one.
"Nashua Tower, Webster 81 is holding short runway 3-2 for left departure" -Me yesturday.
J Kuhl Signing Off
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Chicago Under Attack from . . . . Light Aircraft???
As everyone no doubt knows, just last week a small general aviation airplane crashed into the side of a building in New York City, killing a few people and scaring the nation for a few hours as we expectedly overreacted to a tragic accident that the media decided to sensationalize because they are dirty little scumbags that get profit from the pain and fear of the general public.
And I am so sick of Couric hitting the news. I mean, who cares? So some woman from one show becomes ABC anchor (Or was it CBS?). Whoopity doo!
Anyways, the Mayor of Chicago now wants to make Chicago a no-fly zone, because "a singe or two engine plane can kill as many people as they want to." Yeah, okay, GA aircraft are a really threat to your city. Forget about the homeless bums and the criminals running loose, lets worry about small airplanes. Think about it Mayor Daley, how many GA aircraft have crashed into buildings? Not very many. I've only heard of one. Glad he has his priorities straight.
Enough is Enough by Phil Boyer.
What would a no-fly zone do? Nothing. If a terrorist wanted to repeat 9-11 in Chicago, do you really think he's going to worry about airspace rules?
I also suggest that Daley open up a FAR/AIM and read it cover to cover. His city is safe. We pilots follow the rules.
In other news, the radio stations in New Hampshire are complete crap. They have about ten songs. Ten. Every hour, its the same few songs, the same sickening "Chains Hang Low" crap that I can't stand hearing once, much less multiple times in one hour. Has our culture sunk that low, that we (as in everyone but me) can only stand ten songs? How about some variety. Some of the songs I wouldn't mind if they weren't ruined by radio DJ's that think that if they don't play the same dumb song every five minutes they'd lose listeners. Well, they lost me.
When I got my windows media player going, I like to start with Linkin' Park's Numb and then let it randomly go from there. Some Coldplay followed by the Beatles. Then the Peanuts theme song. Then Lovely Bunch of Coconuts. Then some Third Eye Blind followed by Sugar Ray, Ride of the Valkeries and Dave Matthews. Then more Beatles (but not the same song as before) and so on. It goes on for hours before it hits the same songs again and its awesome. Radio stations should do that. They should play so many songs that they can only play the same song once a day. If they want ratings, they play the songs no one else likes at 3 in the morning. Or they can do repeats then, when I'm asleep.
Radios need more music and need to repeat less. Also, health insurance should be free.
"Hans, Hans, Hans! We've been frew this a dozen times. I don't have any weapons of mass destwuction, OK Hans?" Kim Jong Il, Team America
J Kuhl Signing Off
And I am so sick of Couric hitting the news. I mean, who cares? So some woman from one show becomes ABC anchor (Or was it CBS?). Whoopity doo!
Anyways, the Mayor of Chicago now wants to make Chicago a no-fly zone, because "a singe or two engine plane can kill as many people as they want to." Yeah, okay, GA aircraft are a really threat to your city. Forget about the homeless bums and the criminals running loose, lets worry about small airplanes. Think about it Mayor Daley, how many GA aircraft have crashed into buildings? Not very many. I've only heard of one. Glad he has his priorities straight.
Enough is Enough by Phil Boyer.
What would a no-fly zone do? Nothing. If a terrorist wanted to repeat 9-11 in Chicago, do you really think he's going to worry about airspace rules?
I also suggest that Daley open up a FAR/AIM and read it cover to cover. His city is safe. We pilots follow the rules.
In other news, the radio stations in New Hampshire are complete crap. They have about ten songs. Ten. Every hour, its the same few songs, the same sickening "Chains Hang Low" crap that I can't stand hearing once, much less multiple times in one hour. Has our culture sunk that low, that we (as in everyone but me) can only stand ten songs? How about some variety. Some of the songs I wouldn't mind if they weren't ruined by radio DJ's that think that if they don't play the same dumb song every five minutes they'd lose listeners. Well, they lost me.
When I got my windows media player going, I like to start with Linkin' Park's Numb and then let it randomly go from there. Some Coldplay followed by the Beatles. Then the Peanuts theme song. Then Lovely Bunch of Coconuts. Then some Third Eye Blind followed by Sugar Ray, Ride of the Valkeries and Dave Matthews. Then more Beatles (but not the same song as before) and so on. It goes on for hours before it hits the same songs again and its awesome. Radio stations should do that. They should play so many songs that they can only play the same song once a day. If they want ratings, they play the songs no one else likes at 3 in the morning. Or they can do repeats then, when I'm asleep.
Radios need more music and need to repeat less. Also, health insurance should be free.
"Hans, Hans, Hans! We've been frew this a dozen times. I don't have any weapons of mass destwuction, OK Hans?" Kim Jong Il, Team America
J Kuhl Signing Off
Monday, September 11, 2006
America Did Not Stay the Course
Terrorism never works. The purpose of terrorism is to terrorize, to make your enemies cower and hide under the bed. It never works. September 11th is the prime example of the failure of Al-Quaeda and other terrorist groups. Americans aren't afraid. They don't hide in their homes, worrying that they will be hit next. They don't capitulate to terrorist demands. Instead, they get pissed, unite, and retailate. And when we retaliate, we really hit hard.
Look at our military. You've got B-52 Bombers that can bomb the crap out of anything. A-10's that can tear everything apart and can get hit by anything and never go down. B-2 Spirits and F-22 Raptors that can strike from nowhere. Our soldiers are, for the most part, confident, competent and professional. Any terrorist staring down the barrel of an American M-16 is quaking in his turban.
Rather than sitting back and hiding, what did we do? We attacked. We pointed the mighty spear of Americas military at the heart of Al-Quaeda in Afghanistan.
Then we changed our minds. Thanks to our hypocrite president, we suddenly decided to ignore Osama Bin Laden (who Bush has been quoted saying "I'm not worried about him") and attack a nation that was not a threat to American security.
Our president has said, about ten thousand times in the last five years, that the United States will "stay the course until the job is done." We did not stay the course. We did not do what we set out to do in October 2001, in retaliation to the worst attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor in 1941. In October 2001, we headed to Afghanistan, where the Taliban was harboring the terrorist group Al-Quaeda, which was responisible for the attacks on 9-11. Then we ousted the Taliban and set our sights on Al-Quaeda. And then we shifted focus to Iraq, leaving Afghanistan largely ignored in the eyes of the public. We're still looking, but we aren't putting any effort into it. Our army is bogged down inVietnam Iraq and we cannot concentrate enough force to flush out our main enemy, Al-Quaeda headmaster Bin Laden, and kill or capture him. Al-Quaeda is still a major threat to the American public and where are we? In Iraq fighting insurgents, who if we hadn't invaded, would have left us alone. Meanwhile, we half-heartedly fight Al-Quaeda. We lost the course when we invade Iraq.
George Bush and his cowboy attitude has gotten us nowhere. Al Quaeda still exists. Bin Laden is still at large and more Americans have been killed. The terror threat has raised, we can no longer bring liquid on an airplane. We aren't safe from terrorists. On the contrary, the situation even worse. By attacking a foreign nation that had nothing to do with the terrorist attack, we've angered the Middle Easterns even further, generating more extremists and more attacks. I don't feel safer than I did before the attack, I feel more vulnerable. Because of this, George Bush is a failure. An incompetent cowboy who has no idea what he is doing or who he is really hurting.
To stay the course, the United States should have stayed in Afghanistan until Al-Quaeda was crushed and its leaders captured or killed. Then we go home. We keep searching for other terrorist threats and deal with them accordingly as we find them. But we also need to improve relations in the Middle East to further avoid terrorism. The United States and the Middle East both need to learn to compromise and, if not like each other, learn to live with each other.
We did not stay the course in Afghanistan. Today is September 11, 2006 and Osama Bin Laden and his network is still a major threat to the American people. In five years after the attacks, George Bush has accomplished absolutely nothing.
J Kuhl Signing Off
Look at our military. You've got B-52 Bombers that can bomb the crap out of anything. A-10's that can tear everything apart and can get hit by anything and never go down. B-2 Spirits and F-22 Raptors that can strike from nowhere. Our soldiers are, for the most part, confident, competent and professional. Any terrorist staring down the barrel of an American M-16 is quaking in his turban.
Rather than sitting back and hiding, what did we do? We attacked. We pointed the mighty spear of Americas military at the heart of Al-Quaeda in Afghanistan.
Then we changed our minds. Thanks to our hypocrite president, we suddenly decided to ignore Osama Bin Laden (who Bush has been quoted saying "I'm not worried about him") and attack a nation that was not a threat to American security.
Our president has said, about ten thousand times in the last five years, that the United States will "stay the course until the job is done." We did not stay the course. We did not do what we set out to do in October 2001, in retaliation to the worst attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor in 1941. In October 2001, we headed to Afghanistan, where the Taliban was harboring the terrorist group Al-Quaeda, which was responisible for the attacks on 9-11. Then we ousted the Taliban and set our sights on Al-Quaeda. And then we shifted focus to Iraq, leaving Afghanistan largely ignored in the eyes of the public. We're still looking, but we aren't putting any effort into it. Our army is bogged down in
George Bush and his cowboy attitude has gotten us nowhere. Al Quaeda still exists. Bin Laden is still at large and more Americans have been killed. The terror threat has raised, we can no longer bring liquid on an airplane. We aren't safe from terrorists. On the contrary, the situation even worse. By attacking a foreign nation that had nothing to do with the terrorist attack, we've angered the Middle Easterns even further, generating more extremists and more attacks. I don't feel safer than I did before the attack, I feel more vulnerable. Because of this, George Bush is a failure. An incompetent cowboy who has no idea what he is doing or who he is really hurting.
To stay the course, the United States should have stayed in Afghanistan until Al-Quaeda was crushed and its leaders captured or killed. Then we go home. We keep searching for other terrorist threats and deal with them accordingly as we find them. But we also need to improve relations in the Middle East to further avoid terrorism. The United States and the Middle East both need to learn to compromise and, if not like each other, learn to live with each other.
We did not stay the course in Afghanistan. Today is September 11, 2006 and Osama Bin Laden and his network is still a major threat to the American people. In five years after the attacks, George Bush has accomplished absolutely nothing.
J Kuhl Signing Off
Monday, September 04, 2006
Stingrays are Better Than Steve Irwin
On my way to Algebra this morning, I came up with three superlative statements. First was that pirates are better than ninja's. Why? Because pirates kick ass and get booty when they arrive at port. Ninjas don't. Then pilots are better than engineers. Although engineers build the airplanes, pilots get to be one with the airplanes the engineers build. And last was that stingrays are better than Steve Irwin. Why? Because one just owned the Crocidile Hunter last night in Australia.
And who could have seen this comming? Steve Irwin who enjoys wrestling wild and dangerous animals such as crocs or lions, gets killed by a wild and dangerous animal he was probably wrestling with. You get whats comming to you.
But if it was Chuck Norris fighting that stingray, Chuck would have obviously won, roundhouse kicking all the stingrays, and everything else, out of the ocean.
Stingrays are pirates, Steve Irwinis was a ninja. Chuck Norris is god.
"Chuck Norris once fought God. And won"
J Kuhl Signing Off
And who could have seen this comming? Steve Irwin who enjoys wrestling wild and dangerous animals such as crocs or lions, gets killed by a wild and dangerous animal he was probably wrestling with. You get whats comming to you.
But if it was Chuck Norris fighting that stingray, Chuck would have obviously won, roundhouse kicking all the stingrays, and everything else, out of the ocean.
Stingrays are pirates, Steve Irwin
"Chuck Norris once fought God. And won"
J Kuhl Signing Off
Saturday, September 02, 2006
The steady rumble of the reciprocating engine, muffled by green headsets, fills the tiny cockpit. The pre-takeoff check is complete. One hand on the yoke, another on the throttle, I gently aim the airplane down the run way. I push in the throttle and watch the airspeed indicator needle. I tap softly on the right rudder to re-align with the center. Then I pull back on the yoke and break the chains of gravity.
There is nothing like it, no comparison. Flying is a unique experience and I can't match it up to anything. Its a drug. Once you take it, you have to come back again. And there is nothing that can replace it. You and the airplane become one entity and take on the empty skies. Its an exhileration like no other.
And its a challenge. At any given second, the pilot has about ten things to do. Check the checklist, watch the airspeed indicator, the vertical speed indicator, the altimiter, the tachometer, the heading indicator, the GPS, the horizon, the attitude indicator, the turn coordinator and a few other instruments, not to mention keeping his hands on the yoke and throttle and feet on the rudders. Any event, such as straight and level flight, requires constant attention and concentration. In fact, I think there is even a checklist for the checklist! And thats just in the cockpit. As a student, a pilot has plenty of studying to do. I personally have four books to read, "Cessna Information Manual" "Private Pilot Maneuvers" "Airplane Flying Handbook" and the "Private Pilot Textbook." There are sectional maps to study, checklists to familiarize, more checklists, and a whole lot more to it than just fiddling around with a yoke. Flying is an art.
It takes experience. Pilots are rated in hours. A pilot who has flown less than another pilot is almost always inferior. Airplane flying takes coordination which is a learned art that can only be developed through practise.
This is a skill I will treasure for the rest of my life.
In other news, college life is interesting, much better than high school. Much more freedom of movement. I can do what I want, even skip classes and not worry about being punished (but I'll prolly fail). The hours kind of suck sometimes, but hey, I get to fly three times a week and that makes it worth it.
"eagles may soar but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines"
J Kuhl Signing Off
There is nothing like it, no comparison. Flying is a unique experience and I can't match it up to anything. Its a drug. Once you take it, you have to come back again. And there is nothing that can replace it. You and the airplane become one entity and take on the empty skies. Its an exhileration like no other.
And its a challenge. At any given second, the pilot has about ten things to do. Check the checklist, watch the airspeed indicator, the vertical speed indicator, the altimiter, the tachometer, the heading indicator, the GPS, the horizon, the attitude indicator, the turn coordinator and a few other instruments, not to mention keeping his hands on the yoke and throttle and feet on the rudders. Any event, such as straight and level flight, requires constant attention and concentration. In fact, I think there is even a checklist for the checklist! And thats just in the cockpit. As a student, a pilot has plenty of studying to do. I personally have four books to read, "Cessna Information Manual" "Private Pilot Maneuvers" "Airplane Flying Handbook" and the "Private Pilot Textbook." There are sectional maps to study, checklists to familiarize, more checklists, and a whole lot more to it than just fiddling around with a yoke. Flying is an art.
It takes experience. Pilots are rated in hours. A pilot who has flown less than another pilot is almost always inferior. Airplane flying takes coordination which is a learned art that can only be developed through practise.
This is a skill I will treasure for the rest of my life.
In other news, college life is interesting, much better than high school. Much more freedom of movement. I can do what I want, even skip classes and not worry about being punished (but I'll prolly fail). The hours kind of suck sometimes, but hey, I get to fly three times a week and that makes it worth it.
"eagles may soar but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines"
J Kuhl Signing Off
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Creationism is a myth, here is the proof:
Priest Drowns Trying to Walk On Water
Darwinian evolution right here.
I can say no more.
J Kuhl Signing Off
Darwinian evolution right here.
I can say no more.
J Kuhl Signing Off
Monday, August 21, 2006
More About the Pope
A long time ago, I wrote about the new Pope, Pope Benedict XVI. And I had a photoshopped picture of him blessing a gallon of beer, and I joked that he was an alcoholic and we needed to intervene. Well, I was only kidding. Besides the fact that he looks like Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars and besides the fact that he was in the Hitler Youth, he' still an alright Pope for the most part. Somewhat conservative, somewhat homophobic, but he's doing alright. And he did desert the Nazi's in WW2 rather than fight for them, which makes him pretty cool. Even deserting an army of evil is, in its own way, courageous. I mean, where would he be had the Nazi's won?
But anyways, I bring this up because the issue of alcohol has filtered down to my own parish. My parents are catholic, thus they have dragged me to mass every sunday of my life. We got a young and energetic priest and he's got a lot on his hands. He runs four churches, one is 30 miles away from the other three, and he has to deal with a crumbling steeple, a stalled elevator project, and all the grouchy, closeminded citizens of this here town of Rumford. He also is helping cluster the parishes into one, and will probably close one or two of the parishes.
This Sunday, he announced that someone wrote to the Bishop, complaining that they'd smelled wine in his breath.
Wine. No crap genius. Priest drink a glass of wine every day, during mass. It is, in fact, their god given job. They live to drink, literally.
Now he has to undergo a four week evaluation.
Our priest is not an alcoholic. He is a fair and flexible father who is running four parishes at the same time. And to throw such a cruel accusation at him because you are afraid he'll close your parish is selfish and petty. And I know those were the accuser's motives because the accusation is much to preposterous to believe. I'm guessing his line of thought was something to the effect of: "I don't like this priest how can I get rid of him . . . hmm, he drinks wine, therefore he'll smell like wine . . . I know! Lets accuse him of alcoholism!" It's too obvious.
When he announced it, our priest brought up a good point, straight out of the Bible to boot! Something to the effect of "If you have a problem with your brother, talk to your brother." Ephesians. If this disgruntled maniac truly had a concern, shouldn't he have brought it to the priest or the parish council first? No, I smell a plot, a plot to denounce and remove Father because someone disagrees with him.
Why are people so cruel? (I was watching Hotel Rwanda the other day, wondering that same question. That movie was the only one to actually touch me!) Such selfishness is not only against what Christianity and the Church stands for, but against the morality of all mankind. Pouting that you can't get your way and then sneaking behind underhandedly to sack an innocent man. I only hope whoever did this realizes what he has done.
I was glad to stand up in support of my parish priest, even with my doubts about God and the Church. I hope him the best of luck and I'll be glad to see him back.
And it's pretty funny. When Father announced this to the parish, everyone stood up and clapped in support. Everyone. This one disgruntled loser must have felt very alone.
And this is part of the reason I don't like Rumford. This town has plenty of people in it, too many of them, who push and shove to get their way, in religion and in politics. No one here has an open mind. No one here is willing to risk a little.
Our Town Hall is in desperate need of repairs in order to be brought to fire safety codes. If we don't fix up the hall, it will probably be closed down. This issue came up in the town meeting a few months ago. In order to do this, the tax cap would have to be raised $600,000, which, in the end, would have resulted in an annual tax hike of about ten dollars. Ten lousy dollars. And the town, unwilling to spend a little bit more, voted it down.
They also become very upset to learn that the town was buying land to sell to businesses because "What if it doesn't sell?" This town is too dense to realize that risks must be taken and to make money, one must spend it first.
Also, besides the close-minded bureaucrats who control the town, there are those who live on welfare. They own a few dirtbikes, snowmobiles and four wheelers. And you can tell, because their crap is strewn about the lawn in front of their mobile home. And they won't get jobs.
Of course I don't entirely blame them. This town has no jobs. You can work in the hospital or the mill or move out. Perhaps spend time at Wal-Mart or Shop and Save, but those aren't careers.
Rumford is a rundown village and I can't wait to leave it.
"Even if things get a bit to heavy, we'll all float on." -Float On by Modest Mouse
J Kuhl Signing Off
But anyways, I bring this up because the issue of alcohol has filtered down to my own parish. My parents are catholic, thus they have dragged me to mass every sunday of my life. We got a young and energetic priest and he's got a lot on his hands. He runs four churches, one is 30 miles away from the other three, and he has to deal with a crumbling steeple, a stalled elevator project, and all the grouchy, closeminded citizens of this here town of Rumford. He also is helping cluster the parishes into one, and will probably close one or two of the parishes.
This Sunday, he announced that someone wrote to the Bishop, complaining that they'd smelled wine in his breath.
Wine. No crap genius. Priest drink a glass of wine every day, during mass. It is, in fact, their god given job. They live to drink, literally.
Now he has to undergo a four week evaluation.
Our priest is not an alcoholic. He is a fair and flexible father who is running four parishes at the same time. And to throw such a cruel accusation at him because you are afraid he'll close your parish is selfish and petty. And I know those were the accuser's motives because the accusation is much to preposterous to believe. I'm guessing his line of thought was something to the effect of: "I don't like this priest how can I get rid of him . . . hmm, he drinks wine, therefore he'll smell like wine . . . I know! Lets accuse him of alcoholism!" It's too obvious.
When he announced it, our priest brought up a good point, straight out of the Bible to boot! Something to the effect of "If you have a problem with your brother, talk to your brother." Ephesians. If this disgruntled maniac truly had a concern, shouldn't he have brought it to the priest or the parish council first? No, I smell a plot, a plot to denounce and remove Father because someone disagrees with him.
Why are people so cruel? (I was watching Hotel Rwanda the other day, wondering that same question. That movie was the only one to actually touch me!) Such selfishness is not only against what Christianity and the Church stands for, but against the morality of all mankind. Pouting that you can't get your way and then sneaking behind underhandedly to sack an innocent man. I only hope whoever did this realizes what he has done.
I was glad to stand up in support of my parish priest, even with my doubts about God and the Church. I hope him the best of luck and I'll be glad to see him back.
And it's pretty funny. When Father announced this to the parish, everyone stood up and clapped in support. Everyone. This one disgruntled loser must have felt very alone.
And this is part of the reason I don't like Rumford. This town has plenty of people in it, too many of them, who push and shove to get their way, in religion and in politics. No one here has an open mind. No one here is willing to risk a little.
Our Town Hall is in desperate need of repairs in order to be brought to fire safety codes. If we don't fix up the hall, it will probably be closed down. This issue came up in the town meeting a few months ago. In order to do this, the tax cap would have to be raised $600,000, which, in the end, would have resulted in an annual tax hike of about ten dollars. Ten lousy dollars. And the town, unwilling to spend a little bit more, voted it down.
They also become very upset to learn that the town was buying land to sell to businesses because "What if it doesn't sell?" This town is too dense to realize that risks must be taken and to make money, one must spend it first.
Also, besides the close-minded bureaucrats who control the town, there are those who live on welfare. They own a few dirtbikes, snowmobiles and four wheelers. And you can tell, because their crap is strewn about the lawn in front of their mobile home. And they won't get jobs.
Of course I don't entirely blame them. This town has no jobs. You can work in the hospital or the mill or move out. Perhaps spend time at Wal-Mart or Shop and Save, but those aren't careers.
Rumford is a rundown village and I can't wait to leave it.
"Even if things get a bit to heavy, we'll all float on." -Float On by Modest Mouse
J Kuhl Signing Off
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Miss Bush

I can remember my last conversation with my jedi pupil when he turned to evil. I caught him on a lava planet called 'Mustafar.' He had changed his name to Darth Bush and sent the Republic into disgrace. When I confronted him with what he had done, Bush replied, "I have brought freedom, justice and security to my new Empire!"
"You're new Empire, George, my oath was to protect the Republic, for democracy!" I shouted.
"If your not with me, then you are my enemy!" Darth Bush responded.
I sighed. "Only a republican deals in absolutes. I shall do what I must." I ignited my lightsaber.
"You shall try!" he arrogantly sneered. And we fought. But I was unable to defeat him, and lucky to escape and go into exile. That was six years ago. Now Darth Bush has taken control of the Republic with an iron fist.
"Get all the fools on your side and you can be elected to anything." Frank Dane
J Kuhl Signing Off
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Friday, July 14, 2006
How the Universe Came To Be
A long, long time ago, about thirteen billion years ago, God was bored. He already read all his books, and watched all his movies. His jigsaw puzzles were completed and framed in various parts of Heaven. God had nothing to do. So he went down to his library. He found himself perusing the cookbooks when he found an interesting book, "Baking a Universe in Simple Steps" it read. Intrigued, God picked it up and decided to try it out.
He set up his kitchen. Running a finger down the list of needed supplies, he made sure he had enough of everything, tied an apron around his waist and set to work.
"Step 1, Heat a large vat of Nothing over the stove at 400." He got out his largest vat, sat it on the stove top. He then opened a box of Nothing and dumped the contents in. "Let it simmer. Stand back, it may generate a small explosion," the book warned. God did so. He waited about ten minutes and then BANG! He flipped out and started cursing until he got control of his nerves. He moved on to the next instruction, "Step 2, With a large strainer, seperate the Force of Gravity, followed by the Strong Force (Force between atomic protons and neutrons). DO NOT DO THIS OUT OF ORDER! VERY IMPORTANT!" So God did so. "Set the forces aside in seperate containers, shake them up and dump them back in." And God followed. "Let the Universe inflate for a split second and then watch the quarks and antiquarks annihilate each other." God did so, adding more quarks when needed. As this was going on, as per instructions of the book, god strained out electriomagnetism and radioactivity, and then proceeded to clumping the quarks into protons. "Let cool." God turned down the stove. He peered in and found himself with a vat full of nuclei. He then clumped them all up and began constructing matter. He looked at what he made. His universe was finished and he liked it, but he wasn't content.
His good friend, Mike, had a tank full of fish to feed. Mike enjoyed watching these fish and, when not busy with his Archangel duties, he gazed into their shimmering tank and watched them swim all day long. God looked at his universe and said to himself, boy, if I had a tank like that! So he gathered up his matter, and set to work forming stars as a framework to support his fish tank. Then he built a few planets, to be a home for his fish, but he didn't like them. He shaped a crystaline ball of green, white and blue, and he loved it. He carefully had it form at the edge of a moderately warm star. Then he went off into his chemistry lab, grabbed a few amino acids, some water, proteins and such and dumped them on the planet. Then he carefully invented the nucleotide. He made certain that a thunderstorm sent a streak of lightning down on his mixture and out of the pool, crawled a small, photosynthetic bacteria. God was disappointed. He wanted fish, not germs. Then he had an idea. He guided that bacteria into more bacteria, each generation subtly different from the other, eventually leading off into five branches of life. Now God had a tank. And even Mike would rather go to God's house and view God's tank than watch his own. Mike's fish died. God had more than fish. God had giraffes, tigers, bears, rabbits, trees, dolphins, and many others too numerous to mention. He hated, and destroyed, the dinosaurs he accidently generated (dropped too many steroids into the ocean, bumping his arm on his kitchen counter), but he loved his monkeys.
So one day, God decided to tweak their DNA a bit and made them smarter and smarter. Each improvement built on the last. Then God made man. He looked at his humans and then said
So isn't it at all possible that this scenario may have occured, that God, using science, created this world? Well, all the evidence points that way anyways.
And yet one always finds some moron advocating creationism in science class, because in the oh-so-holy Bible, God said, "Let there be" and there was. Except that they forget that Genesis was written by a hebrew who had no understanding of science at all. He only wrote down that God created the world and how the writer assumed it was done.
Creationism is not a science. There is very little evidence that supports it and those who do believe in creationism, do so out of zeal for God, not from any scientific standpoint. Schools are to be secular and creationism is in no way secular. Leave it out of public science classes.
How would a hindu think if he was forced to study a judeo-christian theory? I'm sure he wouldn't be happy about it, for two reasons. First, he would believe it was wrong and contradicts his own religious or scientific beliefs. Second, he'd wonder why all the other religions are missing from the science curriculum.
Creationism has no place in a public school, no matter what anyone believes, until there is strong scientific evidence for the theory and it becomes a matter of science rather than religion. But now, it is strictly religion. Leave it out of the science class.
"Nietzsche is Dead" -God
J Kuhl Signing Off
He set up his kitchen. Running a finger down the list of needed supplies, he made sure he had enough of everything, tied an apron around his waist and set to work.
"Step 1, Heat a large vat of Nothing over the stove at 400." He got out his largest vat, sat it on the stove top. He then opened a box of Nothing and dumped the contents in. "Let it simmer. Stand back, it may generate a small explosion," the book warned. God did so. He waited about ten minutes and then BANG! He flipped out and started cursing until he got control of his nerves. He moved on to the next instruction, "Step 2, With a large strainer, seperate the Force of Gravity, followed by the Strong Force (Force between atomic protons and neutrons). DO NOT DO THIS OUT OF ORDER! VERY IMPORTANT!" So God did so. "Set the forces aside in seperate containers, shake them up and dump them back in." And God followed. "Let the Universe inflate for a split second and then watch the quarks and antiquarks annihilate each other." God did so, adding more quarks when needed. As this was going on, as per instructions of the book, god strained out electriomagnetism and radioactivity, and then proceeded to clumping the quarks into protons. "Let cool." God turned down the stove. He peered in and found himself with a vat full of nuclei. He then clumped them all up and began constructing matter. He looked at what he made. His universe was finished and he liked it, but he wasn't content.
His good friend, Mike, had a tank full of fish to feed. Mike enjoyed watching these fish and, when not busy with his Archangel duties, he gazed into their shimmering tank and watched them swim all day long. God looked at his universe and said to himself, boy, if I had a tank like that! So he gathered up his matter, and set to work forming stars as a framework to support his fish tank. Then he built a few planets, to be a home for his fish, but he didn't like them. He shaped a crystaline ball of green, white and blue, and he loved it. He carefully had it form at the edge of a moderately warm star. Then he went off into his chemistry lab, grabbed a few amino acids, some water, proteins and such and dumped them on the planet. Then he carefully invented the nucleotide. He made certain that a thunderstorm sent a streak of lightning down on his mixture and out of the pool, crawled a small, photosynthetic bacteria. God was disappointed. He wanted fish, not germs. Then he had an idea. He guided that bacteria into more bacteria, each generation subtly different from the other, eventually leading off into five branches of life. Now God had a tank. And even Mike would rather go to God's house and view God's tank than watch his own. Mike's fish died. God had more than fish. God had giraffes, tigers, bears, rabbits, trees, dolphins, and many others too numerous to mention. He hated, and destroyed, the dinosaurs he accidently generated (dropped too many steroids into the ocean, bumping his arm on his kitchen counter), but he loved his monkeys.
So one day, God decided to tweak their DNA a bit and made them smarter and smarter. Each improvement built on the last. Then God made man. He looked at his humans and then said
So isn't it at all possible that this scenario may have occured, that God, using science, created this world? Well, all the evidence points that way anyways.
And yet one always finds some moron advocating creationism in science class, because in the oh-so-holy Bible, God said, "Let there be" and there was. Except that they forget that Genesis was written by a hebrew who had no understanding of science at all. He only wrote down that God created the world and how the writer assumed it was done.
Creationism is not a science. There is very little evidence that supports it and those who do believe in creationism, do so out of zeal for God, not from any scientific standpoint. Schools are to be secular and creationism is in no way secular. Leave it out of public science classes.
How would a hindu think if he was forced to study a judeo-christian theory? I'm sure he wouldn't be happy about it, for two reasons. First, he would believe it was wrong and contradicts his own religious or scientific beliefs. Second, he'd wonder why all the other religions are missing from the science curriculum.
Creationism has no place in a public school, no matter what anyone believes, until there is strong scientific evidence for the theory and it becomes a matter of science rather than religion. But now, it is strictly religion. Leave it out of the science class.
"Nietzsche is Dead" -God
J Kuhl Signing Off
Monday, July 10, 2006
Like Mike!
Read this:Man says he's tired of being mistaken for MJ
You know what this man has inspired me to do? Sue the Irish. I spent twelve years at school being called a "leperechaun" because I look like a short Irelander. Now I am sick of it. I want it to stop. I've been emotionally and psychologically damaged. (I cry at night and dream of pots of gold at the end of rainbows). I'm gunna take up a lawsuit against the Irish government for the distress being called "leperachaun" has caused me. I'm going for $273,893,236,247,823.37 (American currency). If they had never invented the little guys, I wouldn't be the catastrophe I am today. And to top it off, I'm suing Lucky Charms as well. Every time I see a box on the shelf in Shop And Save, I cringe and remember haunting memories of a distant past, of school yard bullies taunting me in the playground.
Nevermind the fact that I eat Lucky Charms for breakfast every morning (a part of my complete, nutritional breakfast), nevermind the fact that I wear green suits and green top hats and four-leaf clover neckties, nevermind the fact that I have red hair, a red beard and I am 3'2" tall, I am suing Lucky Charms and the Irish for the pain they have caused me. THEY ARE GOING DOWN!!!
"Maybe he should just grow some hair, then he won't look like him. LOL" -FoxZero, member of 3dgs forums
J Kuhl Signing Off
You know what this man has inspired me to do? Sue the Irish. I spent twelve years at school being called a "leperechaun" because I look like a short Irelander. Now I am sick of it. I want it to stop. I've been emotionally and psychologically damaged. (I cry at night and dream of pots of gold at the end of rainbows). I'm gunna take up a lawsuit against the Irish government for the distress being called "leperachaun" has caused me. I'm going for $273,893,236,247,823.37 (American currency). If they had never invented the little guys, I wouldn't be the catastrophe I am today. And to top it off, I'm suing Lucky Charms as well. Every time I see a box on the shelf in Shop And Save, I cringe and remember haunting memories of a distant past, of school yard bullies taunting me in the playground.
Nevermind the fact that I eat Lucky Charms for breakfast every morning (a part of my complete, nutritional breakfast), nevermind the fact that I wear green suits and green top hats and four-leaf clover neckties, nevermind the fact that I have red hair, a red beard and I am 3'2" tall, I am suing Lucky Charms and the Irish for the pain they have caused me. THEY ARE GOING DOWN!!!
"Maybe he should just grow some hair, then he won't look like him. LOL" -FoxZero, member of 3dgs forums
J Kuhl Signing Off
Thursday, July 06, 2006
I was surfing the net the other day. Something caught my eye, a video of comedian Jamie Kennedy tooling on some heckler in the audiance. It starts out with Kennedy telling a joke, involving a waitress. After he says waitress, a feminazi shouts out "They're called servers!" Kennedy stops and then begans to tool on her. He really flips out when he finds out she isn't even a "server." Complete ownage.
Kennedy had every right to slam this woman. Why shouldn't we call servers "waiters" and "waitresses?" Apparently because these two terms somehow engender inequality between male and female. And here we go again, with this politically correct crap. Politically correct does not solve a problem. Politically correct is merely a means of pleasing everybody, which is impossible. PC only hides the problem. Have you ever read the book "1984"? In this book, the world is controlled by three fascist empires. The main fascist group of the book had begun the developement of a new language, Newspeak. And in this language, all shades of gray had been removed, making crimethink, speaking against the state, an impossiblility, unless you said it directly - "BB is ungood (Big Brother is bad.)" Newspeak conveniantly hides the evils of the government from public knowledge by making it much more difficult to speak out against the government. PC also is an attempt to hide the problems of equality rather than do something about it.
Every Christmas, someone argues that it is the "holiday season" rather than the "Christmas season," trying to make sure that ever religion is included. Sounds great. Exactly the point. If everyone is so damned concerned about the words we are using, we forget about the attitudes that seperate our cultures, (and the ACLU conveniently forgets that holiday is a religious word [holy day] which makes them hypocrites). Rather than working hard to ensure it is called a "Holiday tree" (again using the religious term "Holy Day") we should be working hard to change peoples attitudes towards these different groups and try to be a little tolerant of everyone. Let the Christians have their tree. Let the Jews have their manorah.
And we have these feminazi groups that want to change our language into their own Newspeak. Waiter and waitress is to be replaced with "waitron" or "server." Fireman is now firefighter. Women is now womyn or woperson. And I suppose human is now huperson. This does nothing for woman's rights. It merely hides the problem in schematics. And besides that, who cares? About 1 in a million women (womyn I mean) will throw a fit if I call her a waitress or a mailman. They are making a fuss over nothing.
So lets forget the words. When words tell us that there is a problem, there is no need to change the words, there is a need to change the problem. Attitudes need to be changed to be more tolerant of diversity. The words we have in our language work just fine to acknowledge this diversity.
In other news, I have become an alumni of St. Dominic Regional High School as of May 26, 2006 at 7:00 PM. Woo hoo! Now for a long boring summer between now and Daniel Webster's Lonely Hearts Club Band. I still don't know what I think about graduation.
"Wow! Brazil is big!" George Bush to the President of Brazil.
J Kuhl Signing Off
Kennedy had every right to slam this woman. Why shouldn't we call servers "waiters" and "waitresses?" Apparently because these two terms somehow engender inequality between male and female. And here we go again, with this politically correct crap. Politically correct does not solve a problem. Politically correct is merely a means of pleasing everybody, which is impossible. PC only hides the problem. Have you ever read the book "1984"? In this book, the world is controlled by three fascist empires. The main fascist group of the book had begun the developement of a new language, Newspeak. And in this language, all shades of gray had been removed, making crimethink, speaking against the state, an impossiblility, unless you said it directly - "BB is ungood (Big Brother is bad.)" Newspeak conveniantly hides the evils of the government from public knowledge by making it much more difficult to speak out against the government. PC also is an attempt to hide the problems of equality rather than do something about it.
Every Christmas, someone argues that it is the "holiday season" rather than the "Christmas season," trying to make sure that ever religion is included. Sounds great. Exactly the point. If everyone is so damned concerned about the words we are using, we forget about the attitudes that seperate our cultures, (and the ACLU conveniently forgets that holiday is a religious word [holy day] which makes them hypocrites). Rather than working hard to ensure it is called a "Holiday tree" (again using the religious term "Holy Day") we should be working hard to change peoples attitudes towards these different groups and try to be a little tolerant of everyone. Let the Christians have their tree. Let the Jews have their manorah.
And we have these feminazi groups that want to change our language into their own Newspeak. Waiter and waitress is to be replaced with "waitron" or "server." Fireman is now firefighter. Women is now womyn or woperson. And I suppose human is now huperson. This does nothing for woman's rights. It merely hides the problem in schematics. And besides that, who cares? About 1 in a million women (womyn I mean) will throw a fit if I call her a waitress or a mailman. They are making a fuss over nothing.
So lets forget the words. When words tell us that there is a problem, there is no need to change the words, there is a need to change the problem. Attitudes need to be changed to be more tolerant of diversity. The words we have in our language work just fine to acknowledge this diversity.
In other news, I have become an alumni of St. Dominic Regional High School as of May 26, 2006 at 7:00 PM. Woo hoo! Now for a long boring summer between now and Daniel Webster's Lonely Hearts Club Band. I still don't know what I think about graduation.
"Wow! Brazil is big!" George Bush to the President of Brazil.
J Kuhl Signing Off
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
I've never been a big fan of the Dixie Chicks, I don't like country music. However, they have been called un-American by so-called "patriots" for their vocal opposition to Bush and the war in Iraq. People destroyed their CD's and radio stations refused to play their music.
American fascism comes alive again. The Chicks were more patriots than the patriots that banned and censored them because of their remarks. Freedom of expression is an elemental right in our constitution and their remarks against Bush are the backbone of democracy. Democracy demands that the voice of the people be heard, whether it be for or against the actions of the current administration. The government must hear the voice of the people to be more in tune with the people, not the people being in tune with the government. That is simply what the band did, voiced their opinions in what should be an open and democratic society, only to be struck down by fascist "patriots." And simply because someone may disagree with what they say doesn't give anyone the right to censor their opinions, a clear violation of the First Amendment.
Censorship is evil. it leads to ignorance and blind followership. The government's actions would be unchecked if we the people could not moniter and argue about the governments actions. We the People are the final check in the system of checks and balances and if our information has changed to block out what the government does not want to hear, we have a fascist government. One cannot censor anyone elses expressed opinion for this reason. We need information to make educated decisions about our nation and our lives and through censorship, this cannot be done. This is the reason behind our Freedom of Speech.
The Chicks action, back in 2003 when they spoke out against Bush was a very patriotic statement, whether you are for Bush or against him. They defend our freedom of speech. So now that they are returning, I applaud them.
In other news, two more days before g-r-a-d-u-a-t-i-o-n. I had a rehearsal today. Scared the crap out of me. Two more days.
"You've gotta love life to have life and you gotta have life to love life. It's what I like to call a vicious circle" - The Stage Manager, Our Town by Thorton Wilder
J Kuhl Signing Off
American fascism comes alive again. The Chicks were more patriots than the patriots that banned and censored them because of their remarks. Freedom of expression is an elemental right in our constitution and their remarks against Bush are the backbone of democracy. Democracy demands that the voice of the people be heard, whether it be for or against the actions of the current administration. The government must hear the voice of the people to be more in tune with the people, not the people being in tune with the government. That is simply what the band did, voiced their opinions in what should be an open and democratic society, only to be struck down by fascist "patriots." And simply because someone may disagree with what they say doesn't give anyone the right to censor their opinions, a clear violation of the First Amendment.
Censorship is evil. it leads to ignorance and blind followership. The government's actions would be unchecked if we the people could not moniter and argue about the governments actions. We the People are the final check in the system of checks and balances and if our information has changed to block out what the government does not want to hear, we have a fascist government. One cannot censor anyone elses expressed opinion for this reason. We need information to make educated decisions about our nation and our lives and through censorship, this cannot be done. This is the reason behind our Freedom of Speech.
The Chicks action, back in 2003 when they spoke out against Bush was a very patriotic statement, whether you are for Bush or against him. They defend our freedom of speech. So now that they are returning, I applaud them.
In other news, two more days before g-r-a-d-u-a-t-i-o-n. I had a rehearsal today. Scared the crap out of me. Two more days.
"You've gotta love life to have life and you gotta have life to love life. It's what I like to call a vicious circle" - The Stage Manager, Our Town by Thorton Wilder
J Kuhl Signing Off
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Who's My Daddy?
Your Daddy Is Darth Vader |
![]() What You Call Him: Big Daddy Why You Love Him: Because he's your baby daddy |
In other news, I am a moderate.
Your Political Profile: |
Overall: 40% Conservative, 60% Liberal |
Social Issues: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal |
Personal Responsibility: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal |
Fiscal Issues: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal |
Ethics: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal |
Defense and Crime: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal |
"Men!" -Whitney
J Kuhl Signing Off
Oprah's Grand Scheme for World Domination
Oprah Winfrey, the man, the myth, the legend. Has it occured to anyone yet that Oprah commands a force far superior to the US or Chinese militaries? Oprah has power beyond comprehension. She has power beyond even God, peut-etre. She controls the mindless mass of American middle-aged women, a power too often ignored.
Winfrey is a magician with words and guile. She so easily ensnares those aging homebodies, discontented with life, by brainwashing them with juicy gossip on celebrities or new cars for the entire audience. And in a week, she goes on air to announce her success at the Legends Ball in which she, and several other cronies, declare themselves the sole rulers of this her earth. And with their armies of admirers and Oprah at the lead, they will do it!
They must be stopped! Every man must stand up for his rights! He must firm against the rising power of Oprah! Every man who currently controls his household needs to fight back! I'm begging you, keep your wives from the TV!
"I would say the best moment of all [during my presidency] was when I caught a 7.5-lb perch in my lake" -George Bush
J Kuhl Signing Off
Winfrey is a magician with words and guile. She so easily ensnares those aging homebodies, discontented with life, by brainwashing them with juicy gossip on celebrities or new cars for the entire audience. And in a week, she goes on air to announce her success at the Legends Ball in which she, and several other cronies, declare themselves the sole rulers of this her earth. And with their armies of admirers and Oprah at the lead, they will do it!
They must be stopped! Every man must stand up for his rights! He must firm against the rising power of Oprah! Every man who currently controls his household needs to fight back! I'm begging you, keep your wives from the TV!
"I would say the best moment of all [during my presidency] was when I caught a 7.5-lb perch in my lake" -George Bush
J Kuhl Signing Off
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Mission To Mississippi

Behind me was the forbidding maw of the stage that I knew so well. The ghosts of the old plays flickered behind the ominous black curtains. But that was another story. And at such an early hour, before these dark curtains, another began. There we were, arrayed on the stage for our picture before take-off, the Mission to Mississippi group of 2006, at 5:45, watching flash after flash as parents took an endless stream of pictures.
And there we were, all twenty four of us. Most I had now known for almost four years. Next to me stood Benny, Drama’s stage manager and a good friend of mine who survived AP US History with me. Then PJ, who was once the quietest kid in the class and was now the one with the most backbone, and who desperately wanted to catch an armidillo. And there was Joe, whose good-natured humor kept us from going insane in class as well as on the trip. Jimmy, who caught bumblebees and kept them as pets. And next to him was Devon, who never said much but turned out to be a fun guy to work with. Then Bridget, who played Cinderella in the play Into the Woods, and of course there was that awkward dance with me at the prom. And next to her was Nick Hixon, the son of The General, an avid lover of art, who joined forces with PJ on the armidillo hunt. And there was Amanda, who intelligently screwed up my testimony in the AP English Crime and Punishment trial. Next was Meghan, who, in her first yahtzee game, got three yahtzees in a row. And then Liz, who went to prom with Chuck as an anti-couple alliance and effectively created the most obvious couple of the class. There was Lucas, who worked with me behind the canteen at a fundraiser. And David who was perpetually late to meetings and to school. In front of him was Malley, perhaps the best female athlete in the class. And behind her was Renée who celebrated her birthday down south. And next to her was Julie who played field hockey with Malley. In front of her was Tomiko, the classes most enthusiastic cheerleader. And next to her was Heather who took charge when Mrs. DeAngelis had her accident. Behind her was Tobias, who never said much of anything, except to comment on how ridiculous Ms. Ducey’s AP classes were. And then there was Chuck, the class cynic and my trip buddy, who almost blew up the set of Into the Woods, screwing in a lightbulb. Towering next to him was Nick Stalford, to whom I had bragged to about having a prom date, before she suddenly had to cancel. And next to him was Andrew, who schooled some of the Mississippi kids at basketball, surprisingly. There was Lindsay who probably wasn’t as bad of a driver as she seemed to be, although she did get into a few too many accidents. And next to her, on the other side of me, was Kyle who wished to blow up the internet from an airplane, when I first met him. And then there was me. Mission to Mississippi 2006.
Unfortunately, we weren’t unsupervised. Our leader was Ms. Little, who taught me Algebra I & II and Trigonometry. Mr. Hixon, “The General,” was our bus driver. He was the man at the school who ruled with an iron fist, locking students in detention if they displeased him. He says he slept the best when he drove the bus . . . Mr. Boulet drove the bus for some periods. He taught religion and headed Music Ministry. He taught us about Temptation Pie too. He looked like Mr. Rogers. There was Mrs. Gagnon, who works at St. Patrick’s who was fun to work with. Mrs. DeAngelis, Liz’s mom, who distributed the drugs. Well, Alavert, Dramamine, and Advil anyways. She was the nurse. And on the way back, Mrs. Bourget drove. And danced to the music while driving. I guess I was lucky to live. Oh! There was also Marcel. He brought his guitar and accordian. He was an alumni who had done the trip as a student.

It was an amazing trip that I will never forget. I left on Thursday 14 from school in Auburn ME with 23 other students in my class and a few chaperones. Our mission was to go to Mound Bayou, Mississippi, help the poor, and come back and have a good time while doing so. Our leader was my Algebra teacher, Ms. Little, and our bus driver was our hardlining "General," Mr. Hixon, who takes care of the discipline problems at school.
We left on that Thursday at 6:00 in the morning. It was a long bus trip. By 9 in the evening, we were in Silver Spring, Maryland. By the end of the second day, we were in Knoxville Tennessee, where we went to Good Friday service.
The next day, we stopped in Graceland and saw Elvis's house. Then we went to Beale St. in Memphis. There were some amazing street singers singing "Sittin' on the dock of the bay." and other good songs. And there was an acrobat doing backflips in the street. We ate at BB King's Famous Club, where there were more excellent performers. Beale St. was awesome.
Then when we got back to the bus, we found out, we were robbed. It was the dumbest robbery I had ever heard of. They rifled through Heather's jewelery but took none of it. But they got away with Kyle's Graceland shirt, Jimmy's $200 sunglasses, and my entire backpack, boxers and all. And they took the time to remove my insect repellent before taking the bag. So I had to resupply at Wal-Mart! But they did not take my wallet or my digital camera. They were dumb. Chuck, my buddy for the trip, noted that my shirt read "Life is good" which was kind of ironic at that moment.
Late that night, we arrived at our campground and pitched tents and went to sleep. It was long and interesting day. The next day was easter sunday. We went to mass in Greenville MS. They had a gospel choir. It was amazing. Everyone in the church was getting into the music and the worship and the spirit was so incredible. Even Jimmy, an admitted athiest, wished to see another mass after that. They made northern masses look dull.
After mass, we had an easter egg scavenger hunt at the campground (my team won) and then headed off to Mound Bayou (MB). When we got to the St. Gabriel Center, we cleaned the place up so we could open for business. It took the rest of the day. Then back to the campground to sleep.
On the first day of work I was tasked to a house in MB. My job was to rake the yard and paint over some kitchen stains. Simple. Then after lunch I was tasked to paint a house. My housepainting group had a lot of fun. Marcel, one of the chaperones, and David, got into a paint duel. Marcel was owned. It was funny. We got most of the house painted by dinner. The next day, another group would take over.

After lunch, it was back to Mrs. Dunlap's house and then dinner. That night, PJ, Nick and I went armadillo hunting. We saw one. It got a way though. PJ saw a raccoon.
The third day, I was back at Mrs. Dunlap's again, finishing the painting and the trees. Our chaparone, Mrs. DeAngelis, kept commenting to Lindsay, who is afraid of heights, that "you'd be alright if you fell five-ten feet" Tobias, the class's quietest kid suddenly opened up, and talked to everyone. He demanded waterbreaks every five minutes and was joking around. He claimed that he was doing the most work. He was fun to work with. He told Lindsay, he never spoke to her because "she wasn't popular enough." We laughed. But later disaster struck. Mrs. DeAngelis fell off a ladder, about five-ten feet, and broke her arm. Heather immediately took charge and we got her to a hospital. My team had to head back to the St. Gabriel center for the rest of the day.
We got to hang out with the citizens of MB. They were all black, they all had a strong black MS accent and they all had a totally different culture than any of the Mission Mississippi kids were use to. They came to us and wanted to hang out with us. We played soccer, basketball, even yahtzee with them. We did this every evening. They were very friendly people.
That night, there was a loud thunderstorm. It sounded as if nuclear bombs were going off. But somehow, I slept through the storm, except for the first few thunders.

On the day we left, we cleaned the center again. Then had a barbeque with the community. At 5, we left. Arrived in Lincoln Alabama late at night.
The next day, saturday, we set off for atlanta, which was going to be our side trip. I started to think about it. I remembered something about roller coasters in Atlanta, but I knew that we weren't going to one. Then Renee got excited about six flags. I thought "there is no way" But we did. We went to six flags. Now that was fun.
After six flags, we had dinner at the Hard Rock in Georgia. Then we headed to a hotel. The next day, we started our long trip home. At 12:46:06 AM Wednesday 26, two days after Atlanta, we crossed the Maine border. At 1:30 we were at the school. At 2:30 I was asleep at a friends house. At 10:00, I was finally home.
What did I learn? I learned that if you take a bumblebee, freeze it for ten minutes, and tie a string to it, you can keep it as a pet. Jimmy was talking about that on the bus.
But really, we had a positive affect on this community. We couldn't fix everything. But we were much appreciated. We made lives better in a community 1700 miles away. We made people less fortunate than myself happy. The smile on Mrs. Dunlap's face, when she saw her house, was worth the three day trip and the robbery.
I had a great time.


So now the great era of High School is ending. I have 9 days until graduation. And I'm feelling rather manic-depressive about it, sometimes manic, sometimes depressive. But I can't wait to graduate. Get out of the school, get out of Rumford and head forth to the Big Time. Next step is to survive college and then we'll see what will happen. If there is anything I learned in the last four years, its that you can't expect or be prepared for anything, but you must prepare yourself just the same. Life has several unexpected twists that will fly in your face at any given moment and you've got to be ready to do with these twists whatever is necessary to ensure your survival, not only physically, but mentally and emotionally. I mean, hell, I'm going to a whole new world next year. Anything can happen. God help me. I mean it.
"God helps those who help themselves"
J Kuhl Signing Off
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
When white man found this land, Indians were running it.
No Taxes.
No Debt.
No Pollution.
Plenty Buffalo.
Plenty Beaver.
Women did most of the work.
Medicine Man free!
Indian men hunted and fished all the time!
White man dumb enough to think he could improve system like that.
-Submitted by SQUIDY4191 at
So true indeed!
"It's all in the mind." George Harrison Yellow Submarine
J Kuhl Signing Off
No Taxes.
No Debt.
No Pollution.
Plenty Buffalo.
Plenty Beaver.
Women did most of the work.
Medicine Man free!
Indian men hunted and fished all the time!
White man dumb enough to think he could improve system like that.
-Submitted by SQUIDY4191 at
So true indeed!
"It's all in the mind." George Harrison Yellow Submarine
J Kuhl Signing Off
Friday, May 05, 2006
Congratulations, Mr. Christ! Its a boy!
When it comes out this summer, I plan to go see The Da Vinci Code. Why? Because it was an excellent book. I mean sure, Tom Hanks's hair is utterly ridiculous but no priest or religious nut is stopping me from watching the movie for one of my favorite books.
The idea that the book attacks the church is stupid on several counts. First of all it's a work of fiction, its purpose is to entertain. Dan Brown did this successfully by creating a suspenseful conspiracy based on historical theory. Dan Brown discussed several potential lies about the old medieval church. Some less controversial than others. However, this isn't an attack, this is how the church was in the middle ages, that was part of the reason we had the reformation and, 500 years later, Vatican II. The church was a corrupt organization back in the day. Today, it isn't, at least, not as much. No one is perfect.
But the big coverup of the church is, according to the church, the idea that Jesus got married and had a kid. Big deal. Its only an idea. There is no hard evidence that Jesus did indeed have a kid; it can't be proven. Secondly, if Jesus did have a kid, how does that change anything? According to Catholic doctrine, Jesus was both divine AND human, ergo, he could have kids and still be god. It shows his human side, just as much as the fit he threw in the temple. So, essentially, if he had a kid, it changes absolutely nothing.
I for one found the book very exciting and can't wait for the movie.
In other news, Mission Mississippi was fun, I'll have the story soon.
"If I spoke prose you'd all find out / I don't know what I talk about." -Jeremy Hillary Boob, PhD. -Yellow Submarine
J Kuhl Signing Off
The idea that the book attacks the church is stupid on several counts. First of all it's a work of fiction, its purpose is to entertain. Dan Brown did this successfully by creating a suspenseful conspiracy based on historical theory. Dan Brown discussed several potential lies about the old medieval church. Some less controversial than others. However, this isn't an attack, this is how the church was in the middle ages, that was part of the reason we had the reformation and, 500 years later, Vatican II. The church was a corrupt organization back in the day. Today, it isn't, at least, not as much. No one is perfect.
But the big coverup of the church is, according to the church, the idea that Jesus got married and had a kid. Big deal. Its only an idea. There is no hard evidence that Jesus did indeed have a kid; it can't be proven. Secondly, if Jesus did have a kid, how does that change anything? According to Catholic doctrine, Jesus was both divine AND human, ergo, he could have kids and still be god. It shows his human side, just as much as the fit he threw in the temple. So, essentially, if he had a kid, it changes absolutely nothing.
I for one found the book very exciting and can't wait for the movie.
In other news, Mission Mississippi was fun, I'll have the story soon.
"If I spoke prose you'd all find out / I don't know what I talk about." -Jeremy Hillary Boob, PhD. -Yellow Submarine
J Kuhl Signing Off
Monday, May 01, 2006
As Much as I Like Mexican . . .
. . . we don't need them crossing the border illegally. Those fences on the US/Mexico border, we should build them. Build two if need be, maybe five. Illegal immigrants do not belong in the USA. They present a security threat to our nation. Imagine the terrorists that could slip through, posing as a mexican farm hand, and then setting up a cell in Baltimore to organize a strike on the Capitol. Not sure we'd want that. So for the sake of security, lets keep these illegals out.
I cannot believe that they have the gall to protest en mass. As illegal immigrants they only have one right, deportation. Protesting is not one of their rights. I don't understand why we are taking such a soft line on this issue. It is clear, that the holes in our border are a threat to security.
If someone from Mexico, or anywhere else for that matter, wishes to come to the United States, he or she should do it through a legal matter. Get a passport. It isn't hard. And if you can't get in, then there is (a) a good reason we don't want you here, or (b) some grand mistake some agency can fix. I'm not against all immigrants, just the ones who come in illegally. Get a passport folks.
If we can stop this flood, we can increase our security by far.
In other news, gas prices are up again. Which I find amazing. Not only do our standards of living go up to make fat pigs happier, no one does anything about it! Prices come up, the hemy comes out, people buy an SUV or a Hummer with a hemy, then they cry about prices! WAKE UP! Stop feeding these pigs. Rather than getting in our SUV's every morning, lets try going by bus, or bike, or walk. God, or nature, depending on your point of view, gave us two legs that are free to use. Perhaps we should use them.
Or maybe we should do as Iceland did. Drive in hydrogen powered cars. They emit H2O (also known as water) rather than carbon monoxide. They are clean and efficient. And they will get us off oil. They will, as the computer did with use, become cheaper and cheaper. If we can only get started on alternative fuel, we would not have this problem.
But as long as the White House is in the pockets of the oil companies, we are screwed. Lets let the gas and oil dry up and move on to something better.
"YOU are what I like to call a MESS!" -Joe Vining
J Kuhl Signing Off
I cannot believe that they have the gall to protest en mass. As illegal immigrants they only have one right, deportation. Protesting is not one of their rights. I don't understand why we are taking such a soft line on this issue. It is clear, that the holes in our border are a threat to security.
If someone from Mexico, or anywhere else for that matter, wishes to come to the United States, he or she should do it through a legal matter. Get a passport. It isn't hard. And if you can't get in, then there is (a) a good reason we don't want you here, or (b) some grand mistake some agency can fix. I'm not against all immigrants, just the ones who come in illegally. Get a passport folks.
If we can stop this flood, we can increase our security by far.
In other news, gas prices are up again. Which I find amazing. Not only do our standards of living go up to make fat pigs happier, no one does anything about it! Prices come up, the hemy comes out, people buy an SUV or a Hummer with a hemy, then they cry about prices! WAKE UP! Stop feeding these pigs. Rather than getting in our SUV's every morning, lets try going by bus, or bike, or walk. God, or nature, depending on your point of view, gave us two legs that are free to use. Perhaps we should use them.
Or maybe we should do as Iceland did. Drive in hydrogen powered cars. They emit H2O (also known as water) rather than carbon monoxide. They are clean and efficient. And they will get us off oil. They will, as the computer did with use, become cheaper and cheaper. If we can only get started on alternative fuel, we would not have this problem.
But as long as the White House is in the pockets of the oil companies, we are screwed. Lets let the gas and oil dry up and move on to something better.
"YOU are what I like to call a MESS!" -Joe Vining
J Kuhl Signing Off
Monday, April 03, 2006
Gotta Love The Two of Me!
It would be great fun to create a clone of myself. He'd run around the house, doing dishes, the laundry, cleaning stuff and cooking me food. And when he misbehaves, I can harvest an organ from him to help some poor shmuck who lost a kidney or needs a liver. But there would be a problem:
He'd probably escape to down town and pick up some hot chicks while I'm stuck at home. While he's having a grand old time being smooth and getting a few phone numbers, I'll be at home updating this blog. But I suppose if he did, I could kill him. And his girlfriend wouldn't know the difference, so I could easily step in.
Actually that sounds like a plan. I think I'm going to go do that . . .
But no. Cloning is one of those disturbing things people are striving to achieve. I don't know if I'd want a few dozen of me running around. It would be utter mass confusion (the more I talk, the more I like cloning, mass confusion, sounds like fun!) What if my clone gets arrested? The police lock him up. The next day, they find me and lock me up. Then they find another, and lock him up. And he argues it was me and I argue it was the first clone who argues that it was the other clone. What then? Do we all get the death penalty? Do we all go free? Can we prove which of us it really was? Cloning leads to confused situations.
And what of the clone himself? Is he human or can we harvest his organs? Will he have the same exact mind as his original? What will his impact be on society? Can a human be developed successfully in a Brave New World? Being bred in a factory leads to the destruction of family life, life which is being proven to be so vital for the psychological and physical welfare of the child. Cloning conjures up frightening images of "people factories." I can imagine some mad man running about creating an army of clones. Imagine Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmedinejad with nukes and an army of clones. Not even America would stop him. Would Ahmedinejad's clones have rights? Well, if they are human, they do deserve rights. But are they? Aren't they just a photocopy of some poor soul who was suckered into a laboratory? They're experiments! We can mess with them and then throw them into the trash like an unborn fetus! And then imagine, the year 3065 when the clones demand civil rights and revolt against governments. What a catastrophe we will have put ourselves in then!
There is something inherently immoral with the cloning process. It is a matter that should never be brought about.
In other news, this Ahmedinejad is really creepy. Says he wants to destroy Israel and "believes that the Islamic revolution's raison d'etre is to prepare the way for messianic redemption, which in his eschatology is preceded by worldwide upheaval and chaos. How better to light the fuse for eternal bliss than with a nuclear flame? Depending on your own beliefs Ahmedinejad is either mystical or deranged." -Time magasine, April 3,2006.
Ahmedinejad's looking for nukes. And in my opinion, he is both mystical and deranged and a man who is both isn't afraid of suicidal moves such as a nuclear attack. The way the world is now World War 3 would start in the Middle East. Ahmedinejad's just the personality who'd start it. Let me name someone else who was mystical and deranged.
Adolph Hitler.
So why are we so worried about Iraq and Saddam? This guy is scarier. But I still say, better leave him alone and hope he does nothing foolish rather than provoke him in an invasion.
Oscar Madison: Where are you going?
Felix Ungar: To the john.
Oscar Madison: Alone?
Felix Ungar: I always go alone. Why?
Oscar Madison: No reason. You going to be in there long?
Felix Ungar: As long as it takes. -The Odd Couple
J Kuhl Signing Off
He'd probably escape to down town and pick up some hot chicks while I'm stuck at home. While he's having a grand old time being smooth and getting a few phone numbers, I'll be at home updating this blog. But I suppose if he did, I could kill him. And his girlfriend wouldn't know the difference, so I could easily step in.
Actually that sounds like a plan. I think I'm going to go do that . . .
But no. Cloning is one of those disturbing things people are striving to achieve. I don't know if I'd want a few dozen of me running around. It would be utter mass confusion (the more I talk, the more I like cloning, mass confusion, sounds like fun!) What if my clone gets arrested? The police lock him up. The next day, they find me and lock me up. Then they find another, and lock him up. And he argues it was me and I argue it was the first clone who argues that it was the other clone. What then? Do we all get the death penalty? Do we all go free? Can we prove which of us it really was? Cloning leads to confused situations.
And what of the clone himself? Is he human or can we harvest his organs? Will he have the same exact mind as his original? What will his impact be on society? Can a human be developed successfully in a Brave New World? Being bred in a factory leads to the destruction of family life, life which is being proven to be so vital for the psychological and physical welfare of the child. Cloning conjures up frightening images of "people factories." I can imagine some mad man running about creating an army of clones. Imagine Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmedinejad with nukes and an army of clones. Not even America would stop him. Would Ahmedinejad's clones have rights? Well, if they are human, they do deserve rights. But are they? Aren't they just a photocopy of some poor soul who was suckered into a laboratory? They're experiments! We can mess with them and then throw them into the trash like an unborn fetus! And then imagine, the year 3065 when the clones demand civil rights and revolt against governments. What a catastrophe we will have put ourselves in then!
There is something inherently immoral with the cloning process. It is a matter that should never be brought about.
In other news, this Ahmedinejad is really creepy. Says he wants to destroy Israel and "believes that the Islamic revolution's raison d'etre is to prepare the way for messianic redemption, which in his eschatology is preceded by worldwide upheaval and chaos. How better to light the fuse for eternal bliss than with a nuclear flame? Depending on your own beliefs Ahmedinejad is either mystical or deranged." -Time magasine, April 3,2006.
Ahmedinejad's looking for nukes. And in my opinion, he is both mystical and deranged and a man who is both isn't afraid of suicidal moves such as a nuclear attack. The way the world is now World War 3 would start in the Middle East. Ahmedinejad's just the personality who'd start it. Let me name someone else who was mystical and deranged.
Adolph Hitler.
So why are we so worried about Iraq and Saddam? This guy is scarier. But I still say, better leave him alone and hope he does nothing foolish rather than provoke him in an invasion.
Oscar Madison: Where are you going?
Felix Ungar: To the john.
Oscar Madison: Alone?
Felix Ungar: I always go alone. Why?
Oscar Madison: No reason. You going to be in there long?
Felix Ungar: As long as it takes. -The Odd Couple
J Kuhl Signing Off
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
When I go to church, I sort of lean back and daydream a bit. I wonder in my head, how I would rule the world if I were God. One day, I may take up that position, and if I do, this is a microcosm of what I would do:
What a wonderful world it would be. I can't wait to be God!
In other news, does civilization even need a God?
Every civilization, since the Sumerians cultivated Mesopotamia some 4000 years ago, had a god or many gods. The concept of God explained scientific phenomena such as the origin of life. God also imposed a strict moral code that mankind adhered to to avoid the wrath and damnation of God. Yet now, 6000 years later, we no longer need God to explain our physical universe. Since the start of the 20th century, the universe has revealed itself at such a fascinating speed. The scientific community now has a great understanding of the movement of atoms and the origins of the universe. Not all is yet uncovered but enough has been learned that we can know explain our universe without a deity. God doesn't make for a good scientific explaination of our world anyways. "Why does the sun go around the earth?" "Because God says so." That answer tells us the responder is either too lazy to find the truth or cannot reach the truth within his own means.
And do we need God for a moral law? No. Unquestioning devotion to an unpercievable being for the ultimate self-interest (or unwavering faith in God for Heaven) is to be brainwashed. Makes us into moral zombies and hypocrites. With God, I am only nice to you so I can go to heaven. I truly don't give a crap about you, but Hell isn't my prefered cup of tea. And do we truly know why we are being moral? Probably not. Morality doesn't need God; morality stems from the heart of man. A man does something nice for another simply for the do-good buzz feeling. Someone like Mother Theresa is a better moral code as they follow their morals out of their heart than their greed.
Then what do we need God for? What ties everything together? What keeps everything in such a perfect pulse? If there is indeed a god, then he would be the glue that holds all things together. He would be the typical, mushy ideas of hope and love and that stuff. God would be the burst of light in a rainstorm or a sunset sinking beyond forested mountains. God would be the aesthetic values of the world. But the problem is still, is there a god? My mind just blanked.
"People pay more attention to you when they think you're up to something" -Calvin Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson
J Kuhl Signing Off
- Humans would be made without an execratory system. All waste would be annihilated by a sac of antimatter in our small intestine. No more annoying urges. The only downside would be spontaneous combustion, which would be entertainment for me, and therefore not a downside at all.
- There would be peace on the world. All would be in harmony and justice. Then, getting bored, I'd ruin it; I'd set up George Bush as the Supreme Dictator for Life of the World. Then I'd watch the sparks fly. Talk about quality entertainment.
- Shrimp, being considered to be holy, would be blasphemous to eat. Same goes for asperagus, onions, beets, cabbage, liver, saurkraut, mayonese, coconut, sweet pickles, celery, sushi, crab, oysters, and chocolate (the chocolate is reserved for me and me only)
- Singers would be required to have a liscence, distributed by me, and Britney Spears and all of N'Sync would be denied. Anyone caught singing without a liscence is condemned to Hell.
- Advocates for the politically correct and George Bush would lose their voices for eternity.
- Extremists of all faiths would be allowed to preach throughout the world with protection and freedom, but every word they speak would be greeted with ridicule.
- There would be about 100x more christmas songs, so come December, we don't hear the same dumb song every hour.
- Those born without arms or legs could manipulate stuff with the force and be ubergeniuses.
- The Honda Element and the PT Cruisers would be considered the Carriages of Satan and all models would be destroyed (and any owners who don't willingly give them up)
- Any day that ends with the letter Y is considered the Sabbath and I don't have to work on those days. (everyone else does)
- Last but not least, the golden rule: I do what I want!
What a wonderful world it would be. I can't wait to be God!
In other news, does civilization even need a God?
Every civilization, since the Sumerians cultivated Mesopotamia some 4000 years ago, had a god or many gods. The concept of God explained scientific phenomena such as the origin of life. God also imposed a strict moral code that mankind adhered to to avoid the wrath and damnation of God. Yet now, 6000 years later, we no longer need God to explain our physical universe. Since the start of the 20th century, the universe has revealed itself at such a fascinating speed. The scientific community now has a great understanding of the movement of atoms and the origins of the universe. Not all is yet uncovered but enough has been learned that we can know explain our universe without a deity. God doesn't make for a good scientific explaination of our world anyways. "Why does the sun go around the earth?" "Because God says so." That answer tells us the responder is either too lazy to find the truth or cannot reach the truth within his own means.
And do we need God for a moral law? No. Unquestioning devotion to an unpercievable being for the ultimate self-interest (or unwavering faith in God for Heaven) is to be brainwashed. Makes us into moral zombies and hypocrites. With God, I am only nice to you so I can go to heaven. I truly don't give a crap about you, but Hell isn't my prefered cup of tea. And do we truly know why we are being moral? Probably not. Morality doesn't need God; morality stems from the heart of man. A man does something nice for another simply for the do-good buzz feeling. Someone like Mother Theresa is a better moral code as they follow their morals out of their heart than their greed.
Then what do we need God for? What ties everything together? What keeps everything in such a perfect pulse? If there is indeed a god, then he would be the glue that holds all things together. He would be the typical, mushy ideas of hope and love and that stuff. God would be the burst of light in a rainstorm or a sunset sinking beyond forested mountains. God would be the aesthetic values of the world. But the problem is still, is there a god? My mind just blanked.
"People pay more attention to you when they think you're up to something" -Calvin Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson
J Kuhl Signing Off
Monday, March 20, 2006
Statistics = A Lie
People often rely on numbers to form an opinion and all to often they take these numbers to be truth. Yet, they, in the end, are often merely lying to themselves, especially when they use numbers to defend/condemn a risk they face or fear. The following was my responce to K.C. Cole's essay, Calculated Risks. It's a commonplace entry for my english class:
Statistics are a dangerous weapon when placed in the wrong hands. Numbers can be finagled so easily and legally to make any naive or gullible soul believe them. The evidence is altered or cut apart to appease a certain point of view. Assessing risked with statistics is equally dangerous and misleading. People often assess risk and manipulate the data to hear what they want to hear. They go wild over dangerous, obvious risks that they uncover, and ignore subtle and tiresome risks because they fear to change their world to protect themselves from the smaller, more common risks. They would rather be upset over the chemicals companies add to food, than be concerned with the huge amounts of fat they devour while plopped in front of a TV that’s been on for far too long. Why? Because they fear, more than anything in the world, change. So they don’t want to face the potato chips they gobble down or the cigarette smoke they inhale but they’d rather blame their problems on forces beyond their control. When one goes to Alcoholics Anonymous, he states, “hello, I am ____, and I am an alcoholic.” He admits to a weakness. People don’t like to do that. It makes them feel weak. Weakness is evil, it brings shame and pain. People hate pain. They go at great lengths of avoiding it and hiding it, so they manipulate the numbers, magnify unimportant risk assessments and ignore the truly significant factors in their lives. People must wake up, admit they have a problem and then do something about it. Otherwise they will always have the same problem to deal with; it will never be fixed.
In other news, Fred Phelps is sending a gang of monkeys up here to Norway Maine, about 45 miles away from my home, to celebrate the death of Sgt. Corey Dan, the tenth Maine soldier killed in Iraq, he died (IED I think) about a week ago. This action angered me.
But then I read about the life of the Pastor Fred Phelps at Its a sad story actually. The man is violent. He is an advocate of child/wife abuse, citing the Bible as his main evidence for his abuse. He threatens anyone who crosses him with lawsuits, Hell, sometimes even death. He's defamatory, sinister and has a mean streak a mile wide. His hate is unbelieveable.
But I am clearly convinced now, after reading his biography, that Fred is simply a poor, insane, deluded man. Fred was alcoholic, abused drugs (barbituates, amphetamines), throws fits about twice a day, and has a temper worse than my own. If you read the article, you will see, the man is clearly out of his mind.
So we shouldn't be too concerned with him, nor too upset with him. He's a loudmouth to be sure, but a mouth that we should simply ignore. I listened to one of his sermons.Ten minutes of it anyways. The whole thing was him simply loudmouthing about how great his opinions are. Thats all it was. "Gays are fags and those who disagree are fags" was the general idea. Let him rant and rave for as long as he wants.
There is only one thing we should do about this church before we can ignore it completely. Put limits on funeral protests. A freedom cannot infringe on another freedom. The freedom of speech cannot infring on the freedom to grieve. Funerals are solemn ceremonies, not public forums. Keep the protesters away from funerals. Let them protest elsewhere.
But their message can be ignored.
"Boy, you just have too much energy today! Get down and give me twenty!" -Ms. Ducey, Friday's English class.
J Kuhl Signing Off
Statistics are a dangerous weapon when placed in the wrong hands. Numbers can be finagled so easily and legally to make any naive or gullible soul believe them. The evidence is altered or cut apart to appease a certain point of view. Assessing risked with statistics is equally dangerous and misleading. People often assess risk and manipulate the data to hear what they want to hear. They go wild over dangerous, obvious risks that they uncover, and ignore subtle and tiresome risks because they fear to change their world to protect themselves from the smaller, more common risks. They would rather be upset over the chemicals companies add to food, than be concerned with the huge amounts of fat they devour while plopped in front of a TV that’s been on for far too long. Why? Because they fear, more than anything in the world, change. So they don’t want to face the potato chips they gobble down or the cigarette smoke they inhale but they’d rather blame their problems on forces beyond their control. When one goes to Alcoholics Anonymous, he states, “hello, I am ____, and I am an alcoholic.” He admits to a weakness. People don’t like to do that. It makes them feel weak. Weakness is evil, it brings shame and pain. People hate pain. They go at great lengths of avoiding it and hiding it, so they manipulate the numbers, magnify unimportant risk assessments and ignore the truly significant factors in their lives. People must wake up, admit they have a problem and then do something about it. Otherwise they will always have the same problem to deal with; it will never be fixed.
In other news, Fred Phelps is sending a gang of monkeys up here to Norway Maine, about 45 miles away from my home, to celebrate the death of Sgt. Corey Dan, the tenth Maine soldier killed in Iraq, he died (IED I think) about a week ago. This action angered me.
But then I read about the life of the Pastor Fred Phelps at Its a sad story actually. The man is violent. He is an advocate of child/wife abuse, citing the Bible as his main evidence for his abuse. He threatens anyone who crosses him with lawsuits, Hell, sometimes even death. He's defamatory, sinister and has a mean streak a mile wide. His hate is unbelieveable.
But I am clearly convinced now, after reading his biography, that Fred is simply a poor, insane, deluded man. Fred was alcoholic, abused drugs (barbituates, amphetamines), throws fits about twice a day, and has a temper worse than my own. If you read the article, you will see, the man is clearly out of his mind.
So we shouldn't be too concerned with him, nor too upset with him. He's a loudmouth to be sure, but a mouth that we should simply ignore. I listened to one of his sermons.Ten minutes of it anyways. The whole thing was him simply loudmouthing about how great his opinions are. Thats all it was. "Gays are fags and those who disagree are fags" was the general idea. Let him rant and rave for as long as he wants.
There is only one thing we should do about this church before we can ignore it completely. Put limits on funeral protests. A freedom cannot infringe on another freedom. The freedom of speech cannot infring on the freedom to grieve. Funerals are solemn ceremonies, not public forums. Keep the protesters away from funerals. Let them protest elsewhere.
But their message can be ignored.
"Boy, you just have too much energy today! Get down and give me twenty!" -Ms. Ducey, Friday's English class.
J Kuhl Signing Off
Thursday, March 16, 2006
A Fair Warning
Everyday I get up, its the same thing, as if I've been following the same script, the same stage directions. I get up, go to school, curse my physics teacher, come home, eat dinner, go to sleep and get up and go to school the next day. Over and over again. The key reason why I can't wait to graduate is to break this tiresome cycle.
Life works in cycles but it doesn't mean we humans have to get trapped in one. Rather, we should avoid a tiresome repetitive life and try to live each day differently. Do something new. Unfortunately, it isn't that easy. Jobs, school, these often suck us into an unavoidable cycle. So how do we quit then?
I don't know. My only advice would be don't take those jobs. But those jobs must be taken. I don't plan to take a job that sticks me into a routine.
Trust me, routines are bad for your health. It makes a drudgery of a life. It's exhaustive and boring. Routines are like cigarrettes, they so easily ensnare our lives. Stand up for yourselves! Beware of the routine!
"Oh thats how its going to be! Running away eh? Come back here and take what's comming to you, you yellow bastards! I'll bite your legs off!" -The Black Knight Monty Python
J Kuhl Signing Off
Life works in cycles but it doesn't mean we humans have to get trapped in one. Rather, we should avoid a tiresome repetitive life and try to live each day differently. Do something new. Unfortunately, it isn't that easy. Jobs, school, these often suck us into an unavoidable cycle. So how do we quit then?
I don't know. My only advice would be don't take those jobs. But those jobs must be taken. I don't plan to take a job that sticks me into a routine.
Trust me, routines are bad for your health. It makes a drudgery of a life. It's exhaustive and boring. Routines are like cigarrettes, they so easily ensnare our lives. Stand up for yourselves! Beware of the routine!
"Oh thats how its going to be! Running away eh? Come back here and take what's comming to you, you yellow bastards! I'll bite your legs off!" -The Black Knight Monty Python
J Kuhl Signing Off
Friday, March 03, 2006
A New Direction
This blog is going in a new direction. As of old, it was partly a dairy. I quit that. This is now my sounding board. I give my thoughts on current events and such here. No more diary stuff.
And speaking of new directions, New Orleans celebrated Mardi Gras this week. Some critics are upset and believe that the money could be better spent on repairing the town. Point, but the moral in that city lately has, of course, been really low. And besides, Mardi Gras helps repair the city in and of itself. It allows people to go out and forget for a few hours, their problems and have fun and party. It relieves them of their worries and it brings them energy. Secondly, Mardi Gras brings in much needed money from tourism and helps stimulate the economy. So I'm glad they celebrated Mardi Gras this year and didn't skip it. I hope for the best for the people of New Orlean.
"How do you make chocolate? You take dark chocolate, you mix it with white milk, and it becomes a delicious drink." Mayor Ray Nagin
J Kuhl Signing Off
And speaking of new directions, New Orleans celebrated Mardi Gras this week. Some critics are upset and believe that the money could be better spent on repairing the town. Point, but the moral in that city lately has, of course, been really low. And besides, Mardi Gras helps repair the city in and of itself. It allows people to go out and forget for a few hours, their problems and have fun and party. It relieves them of their worries and it brings them energy. Secondly, Mardi Gras brings in much needed money from tourism and helps stimulate the economy. So I'm glad they celebrated Mardi Gras this year and didn't skip it. I hope for the best for the people of New Orlean.
"How do you make chocolate? You take dark chocolate, you mix it with white milk, and it becomes a delicious drink." Mayor Ray Nagin
J Kuhl Signing Off
Monday, February 27, 2006
Extremist Baptists Are Idiots
The other day I was searching for a picture of God on I didn't find anything that I could use but I did find this:, a site advocating the condemnation of homosexuals. Unfortunately, I was unsurprised to learn it was run by an intolerant baptist church. The baptist extreme right has always been an intolerable group, claiming to be messengers of God and only spreading evil. Isaiah and Jeremiah warn us of false prophets, and these extremists are just that, false. They are not sent by God.
Who are they to judge others? Where do they get the arrogance that leads them to believe that they can condemn? And where do they get the belief that God hates homoesexuals? The Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) believes that their obligation in life is to condemn them, rather than help them, as if their homosexuality is their fault. You will find them picketing around solemn funerals. They are truly a hateful bunch.
One of the kids, "Bob," in my religion class opened up about three months ago. One of his fellow students asked him if homosexuality was a choice. Bob replied no. And how could it be? No one wants to be an outcast. Bob said that he hid from it, hoping for a normal attracting with a girl than a boy. But it never came. His sexual oreintation is not his fault. How can a kind and loving God punish someone for a condition that is not their fault? It isn't their choice. I'm pretty sure homosexuality is as much of a choice as heterosexuality, and given the choice, almost all the homosexuals would take heterosexuality, but again, it isn't their choice.
The Old Testement would not understand this, being written by primitive civilizations, long before the New Testement. They would view homosexuality as being a demon or a sin because they could not understand it. The Old Testement also advocates wife beating and slavery. So I suppose if we take the Old Testement as still being up-to-date, then we should reinstate slavery and beat our wives.
Jesus came with the New Testement, if you are a christain (and I believe Baptists are) and a new message. He brought us truth. He said "Love thy neighbor as you love thyself." Clearly, he did not tell us to hate people, especially the sinners. He hung out with the sinners! He helped them! He loved them! He never, ever condemned the sinners! So if the homosexuals are sinners, as WBC clearly believes, then Jesus would do his best to love them!
Also, there is the scene in the Bible where a bunch of Jews are about to stone a woman for adultury. Jesus enters the scene and says to them all, "Let he who is without sin throw the first stone." Are any of you, WBC, absolutely sinless? No none of you are. Your hatred is sin. Jesus, AKA God, commanded us to love our neighbors. He commands us to love our enemys, sinners, outcasts, ill, everyone. Jesus never said "Oh, condemn the fags who will burn in Hell."
Anyone who pickets at a funeral is sick. The WBC believes that God is killing American soldiers because our military supports homosexuality. They believe that this soldier is inherently evil for fighting for the US and is therefore in hell. I don't care who died, picketing at funerals is tasteless. It is insensitive to the grieving family, who just lost a loved one. "People have a right to demonstrate, but they don't have a right to infringe on the rights of a family trying to mourn the loss of a loved one. That too is a fundamental right." Rep. Dan Severson stated as Minnisota passed limits on funeral protests, a good move in my opinion. How incredibly cruel is that, to picket at a funeral. I'm sure their own family would be enraged if I picketed the funeral of a baptist, holding a sign that says "God Hates Baptists!" The governer said it best in one word, appalling.
Listen to what happened at another funeral:
'As Ostlund turned away to enter Zion Lutheran Church, Shirley Phelps-Roper taunted her: "Adulterer! You can't admit you sent your own child to hell! If she does not heed this warning, she will look up from hell with him."'source. How incredibly dispicable. I am seething with rage right now. How dare anyone display such blatant disrespect and cruelty to a bereaving mother. How truely hateful. If there was a Patroit Guard Rider (a group that fights funeral picketing) chapter nearby, I'd join up.
If anyone is going to condemn anyone, God will, as God is the only one who has the right. No one knows who God hates. No one can say for God who God hates. To write a memorial to a dead woman and celebrate the alleged "fact" that she is burning in hell is downright cruel too. Every human has dignity (Pope John Paul II) and this is the most undignified act that anyone can make. Shame on anyone who acts like this. The WBC also insists on condemning US Soldier "fags" who are bringing evil to the Americans. The WBC actually supports the terrorist organizations fighting America and bombing our people. The WBC are unpatriotic traitors. They believe America will burn in Hell for our gay sins. They forget, American soldier's protected their right to protest and picket.
"God Himself Has Now Become America's Terrorist, Killing Americans in Strange Lands for "Brokeback Mountain Fag Sins." pdf source
God doesn't kill. God doesn't send terrorists, who subjugate women, and kill innocent civilians, to kill American soldiers. Bush's greed and the greed of the terrorists lead to these deaths. "Thank God for IED's" No, thank God for God's forgiveness. What is wrong with you people! GOD DOES NOT HATE! DID YOU READ THE NEW TESTEMENT YOU MORONS! "LOVE THY NEIGHBOR!" "LOVE THY NEIGHBOR!" ITS IN YOUR PRECIOUS BIBLE!
Intolerant morons like the WBC need to learn that their ignorant ways are evil and immoral. They need to learn that ignorance and intolerance only leads to further death and destruction. They need to learn that their message of hate ignores everything that Jesus Christ ever said. Being Christians, they should know this. They should know what they are doing is wrong and hateful, but they are too stupid and too blind in their hatred to see.
Thank God for other groups, such as the Patriot Guard Riders, who ride out to protect funerals from picketers. and thank God for Minnesota's new law. Thank God for those who fight these false prophets. May God forgive these mistaken people, because I'm not sure that I can.
I suppose homosexuality is the cause of Katrina too.
J Kuhl Signing Off
Who are they to judge others? Where do they get the arrogance that leads them to believe that they can condemn? And where do they get the belief that God hates homoesexuals? The Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) believes that their obligation in life is to condemn them, rather than help them, as if their homosexuality is their fault. You will find them picketing around solemn funerals. They are truly a hateful bunch.
One of the kids, "Bob," in my religion class opened up about three months ago. One of his fellow students asked him if homosexuality was a choice. Bob replied no. And how could it be? No one wants to be an outcast. Bob said that he hid from it, hoping for a normal attracting with a girl than a boy. But it never came. His sexual oreintation is not his fault. How can a kind and loving God punish someone for a condition that is not their fault? It isn't their choice. I'm pretty sure homosexuality is as much of a choice as heterosexuality, and given the choice, almost all the homosexuals would take heterosexuality, but again, it isn't their choice.
The Old Testement would not understand this, being written by primitive civilizations, long before the New Testement. They would view homosexuality as being a demon or a sin because they could not understand it. The Old Testement also advocates wife beating and slavery. So I suppose if we take the Old Testement as still being up-to-date, then we should reinstate slavery and beat our wives.
Jesus came with the New Testement, if you are a christain (and I believe Baptists are) and a new message. He brought us truth. He said "Love thy neighbor as you love thyself." Clearly, he did not tell us to hate people, especially the sinners. He hung out with the sinners! He helped them! He loved them! He never, ever condemned the sinners! So if the homosexuals are sinners, as WBC clearly believes, then Jesus would do his best to love them!
Also, there is the scene in the Bible where a bunch of Jews are about to stone a woman for adultury. Jesus enters the scene and says to them all, "Let he who is without sin throw the first stone." Are any of you, WBC, absolutely sinless? No none of you are. Your hatred is sin. Jesus, AKA God, commanded us to love our neighbors. He commands us to love our enemys, sinners, outcasts, ill, everyone. Jesus never said "Oh, condemn the fags who will burn in Hell."
Anyone who pickets at a funeral is sick. The WBC believes that God is killing American soldiers because our military supports homosexuality. They believe that this soldier is inherently evil for fighting for the US and is therefore in hell. I don't care who died, picketing at funerals is tasteless. It is insensitive to the grieving family, who just lost a loved one. "People have a right to demonstrate, but they don't have a right to infringe on the rights of a family trying to mourn the loss of a loved one. That too is a fundamental right." Rep. Dan Severson stated as Minnisota passed limits on funeral protests, a good move in my opinion. How incredibly cruel is that, to picket at a funeral. I'm sure their own family would be enraged if I picketed the funeral of a baptist, holding a sign that says "God Hates Baptists!" The governer said it best in one word, appalling.
Listen to what happened at another funeral:
'As Ostlund turned away to enter Zion Lutheran Church, Shirley Phelps-Roper taunted her: "Adulterer! You can't admit you sent your own child to hell! If she does not heed this warning, she will look up from hell with him."'source. How incredibly dispicable. I am seething with rage right now. How dare anyone display such blatant disrespect and cruelty to a bereaving mother. How truely hateful. If there was a Patroit Guard Rider (a group that fights funeral picketing) chapter nearby, I'd join up.
If anyone is going to condemn anyone, God will, as God is the only one who has the right. No one knows who God hates. No one can say for God who God hates. To write a memorial to a dead woman and celebrate the alleged "fact" that she is burning in hell is downright cruel too. Every human has dignity (Pope John Paul II) and this is the most undignified act that anyone can make. Shame on anyone who acts like this. The WBC also insists on condemning US Soldier "fags" who are bringing evil to the Americans. The WBC actually supports the terrorist organizations fighting America and bombing our people. The WBC are unpatriotic traitors. They believe America will burn in Hell for our gay sins. They forget, American soldier's protected their right to protest and picket.
"God Himself Has Now Become America's Terrorist, Killing Americans in Strange Lands for "Brokeback Mountain Fag Sins." pdf source
God doesn't kill. God doesn't send terrorists, who subjugate women, and kill innocent civilians, to kill American soldiers. Bush's greed and the greed of the terrorists lead to these deaths. "Thank God for IED's" No, thank God for God's forgiveness. What is wrong with you people! GOD DOES NOT HATE! DID YOU READ THE NEW TESTEMENT YOU MORONS! "LOVE THY NEIGHBOR!" "LOVE THY NEIGHBOR!" ITS IN YOUR PRECIOUS BIBLE!
Intolerant morons like the WBC need to learn that their ignorant ways are evil and immoral. They need to learn that ignorance and intolerance only leads to further death and destruction. They need to learn that their message of hate ignores everything that Jesus Christ ever said. Being Christians, they should know this. They should know what they are doing is wrong and hateful, but they are too stupid and too blind in their hatred to see.
Thank God for other groups, such as the Patriot Guard Riders, who ride out to protect funerals from picketers. and thank God for Minnesota's new law. Thank God for those who fight these false prophets. May God forgive these mistaken people, because I'm not sure that I can.
I suppose homosexuality is the cause of Katrina too.
J Kuhl Signing Off
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Curious George learns to drive!
Why did we elect this moron? Check out!
J Kuhl Signing Off
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Memory Lane
Mrs. Robi suggested the other day that my class writes about our memories of the last few years. I got to thinking and I found myself, as usual, in the Drama society.
The play at the time was Hello Dolly. The day's rehearsal was over. Benny and Kyle were carrying the soundboard to the stage to store it for the night. I was in the lead, clearing a path through the chairs. Then I have no idea what happened. I was flying. I was looking straight at the cieling as I flew. Slowly, ever so slowly, I moved through the air and landed on my back, like a beetle. Amazingly, it didn't hurt. But I've never been able to go near that soundboard again without some irrational fear.
Then the next day Josie, the co-directer came in and announced that she needed two husky men. So naturally, Nick Hixon and myself went out to help. We walked to her car and managed to pull the spotlight out. Nick and I pushed the spot to the door where it hit the threshhold and started leaning dangerously forward. We tried to pull it straight but somehow my foot got stuck. To lean it forward even more would free my foot but drop the spot. What a conundrum. Finaly, I managed to wiggle free and push the dumb thing into the building and roll it into position.
Another crisis averted by J Kuhl!
But then there are other memories too, unrelated to drama. Senior Retreat. 12:00 PM. I am in my bed, trying to sleep as the kids in the room next to mine are talking. Loudly. About sex. I was too disgusted to sleep, too tired to stay awake. The bloody hockey players wouldn't shut up. But after about an hour of their horrific conversation, I fell asleep. It seemed immediate. There came a loud knock on the door. It was 6:30 AM. Mr. Servidio was knocking on doors shouting "Good Morning! It's a beautiful rainy day! Time to get up!" I knew from that moment, it would be a long, long day.
Eventually, I woke up. The class then went to Mass, then we boarded the busses. I was planning to go to the Ninety-Nine with a bunch of friends once we got back. As the bus started off for Auburn, I was looking forward to this. Then the bus broke down at the first stop sign. While we were waiting, Jake flashed his chest. He's rather big, so it was funny, and yet disturbing. After about an hour ago, a mechanic showed up and the bus got moving at about 25 miles an hour for about two hours.
We finally made it back to the school. About 8 of us went to the Ninety-Nine. Mike was in heaven because they were playing old songs on the radio. It started to snow. We made our orders and we were joking around, waiting for our food. Mike's mother then showed up, very angry. She hates driving in any type of snow. She told him it was time to go. Mike argued that the food was still coming. She argued that it was snowing out their and Matt, Mike's brother, had an appointment. Mike protested. She aquiessed and left, rather angry. Mike wasn't in heaven anymore.
These are some small samples of my memories of the last four years. That is what the entire career has been, a mesh of stories strung together, woven with different characters and events. These are two random samples, but they are important to me. They show some of the strangeness of the situation. These are memories of a larger story, becoming more and more painfully significant as the end of this year rapidly comes to a close. I want to keep these memories, and all the other memories, to ensure that I never lose the experiances I've had.
Experiance is the world's greatest teacher after all. Do these memories have any special lesson to them? Perhaps. They give me some insight on how life works after all. I could take Mr. Servidio's cheerful attitude on a rainy day as a signal for keeping spirits up during dark times. His attitude also reveals how ironic, and maybe even cruel life can be. Every memory will teach me something though. Whether I consciously know it or not, I get something out of everything.
And in the past four years, I have gotten so many somethings out of these memories that now my life is so completely different than it was in 2002 that I wouldn't recognize myself four years ago.
"Captain and crew, Captain and crew, Take me, oh take me, To anywhere new." -Shell Silverstein, Falling Up, Needles and Pins
J Kuhl Signing Off
The play at the time was Hello Dolly. The day's rehearsal was over. Benny and Kyle were carrying the soundboard to the stage to store it for the night. I was in the lead, clearing a path through the chairs. Then I have no idea what happened. I was flying. I was looking straight at the cieling as I flew. Slowly, ever so slowly, I moved through the air and landed on my back, like a beetle. Amazingly, it didn't hurt. But I've never been able to go near that soundboard again without some irrational fear.
Then the next day Josie, the co-directer came in and announced that she needed two husky men. So naturally, Nick Hixon and myself went out to help. We walked to her car and managed to pull the spotlight out. Nick and I pushed the spot to the door where it hit the threshhold and started leaning dangerously forward. We tried to pull it straight but somehow my foot got stuck. To lean it forward even more would free my foot but drop the spot. What a conundrum. Finaly, I managed to wiggle free and push the dumb thing into the building and roll it into position.
Another crisis averted by J Kuhl!
But then there are other memories too, unrelated to drama. Senior Retreat. 12:00 PM. I am in my bed, trying to sleep as the kids in the room next to mine are talking. Loudly. About sex. I was too disgusted to sleep, too tired to stay awake. The bloody hockey players wouldn't shut up. But after about an hour of their horrific conversation, I fell asleep. It seemed immediate. There came a loud knock on the door. It was 6:30 AM. Mr. Servidio was knocking on doors shouting "Good Morning! It's a beautiful rainy day! Time to get up!" I knew from that moment, it would be a long, long day.
Eventually, I woke up. The class then went to Mass, then we boarded the busses. I was planning to go to the Ninety-Nine with a bunch of friends once we got back. As the bus started off for Auburn, I was looking forward to this. Then the bus broke down at the first stop sign. While we were waiting, Jake flashed his chest. He's rather big, so it was funny, and yet disturbing. After about an hour ago, a mechanic showed up and the bus got moving at about 25 miles an hour for about two hours.
We finally made it back to the school. About 8 of us went to the Ninety-Nine. Mike was in heaven because they were playing old songs on the radio. It started to snow. We made our orders and we were joking around, waiting for our food. Mike's mother then showed up, very angry. She hates driving in any type of snow. She told him it was time to go. Mike argued that the food was still coming. She argued that it was snowing out their and Matt, Mike's brother, had an appointment. Mike protested. She aquiessed and left, rather angry. Mike wasn't in heaven anymore.
These are some small samples of my memories of the last four years. That is what the entire career has been, a mesh of stories strung together, woven with different characters and events. These are two random samples, but they are important to me. They show some of the strangeness of the situation. These are memories of a larger story, becoming more and more painfully significant as the end of this year rapidly comes to a close. I want to keep these memories, and all the other memories, to ensure that I never lose the experiances I've had.
Experiance is the world's greatest teacher after all. Do these memories have any special lesson to them? Perhaps. They give me some insight on how life works after all. I could take Mr. Servidio's cheerful attitude on a rainy day as a signal for keeping spirits up during dark times. His attitude also reveals how ironic, and maybe even cruel life can be. Every memory will teach me something though. Whether I consciously know it or not, I get something out of everything.
And in the past four years, I have gotten so many somethings out of these memories that now my life is so completely different than it was in 2002 that I wouldn't recognize myself four years ago.
"Captain and crew, Captain and crew, Take me, oh take me, To anywhere new." -Shell Silverstein, Falling Up, Needles and Pins
J Kuhl Signing Off
Thursday, February 16, 2006
With the disturbingly quick approach of the End Of All Things (graduation), I came to wondering what the purpose was. An age old question I suppose, but that was my question. What is the purpose of evering thing that happened in the last four years?
Well, for starters, lets look at fundimentals. What is mankind's primary purpose for existance? Do we have a purpose? At first glance, one dispairs at the uselessness of life. We have 100 years on this planet and then we die. All comes to naught in the end. So life is worthless, isn't it? Why should I live a life of accomplishment, when in the end, it will mean nothing at all?
Many religions, such as Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and many others answer this with the concept of heaven. Buddhism and Hinduism addresses the problem with the idea of Nirvanah. And yet, there are those who believe in nothing after death. Essentially, our lives will have an effect in our after life. According to Hinduism and Buddhism, when one finally lives a good life, he will break out of his cycle of suffering and go to Nirvanah, for a while. Even in those religions, Nirvanah isn't eternal. According to the judaic-based religions, one either goes to Heaven or Hell according to their behavior.
But no one religion can define the purpose of life for all people. There are far to many and picking the correct religion is simply the luck of the draw. Who's to say what book is the correct book to read? The Bible, the Torah or the Qu'ran?
The answer is neither. Lets look at a few lives. Martin Luther King Jr. fought for his lifetime for civil rights. John Lennon may have been the most successful musician in all of history. Did they live purposeless lives? No. They did something with their lives, unconcerned with Heaven or Nirvanah. They and many other extraordinary people have done great things to better the Earth. Their purpose was to use their talents to better the Earth.
And so how do we, the ordinary people find a purpose? How do we tell if we are indeed extraordinary? We can't. I lied earlier. King and Lennon are not extraordinary. They are ordinary people who followed their dream and made an impact on the world.
The purpose of life therefore is to find your dream and do something to make the world a better place. You don't have to do anything ubergreat, simply make the lives around you brighter. Strive to bring happiness to all around you.
So what does this have to do with the last four years? In the last four years, I have seen and heard so many different things and finally I'm off that first step to find my own particular purpose.
Forget the other news.
"Was Richelieu African-American?" -Brian
J Kuhl Signing Off
Well, for starters, lets look at fundimentals. What is mankind's primary purpose for existance? Do we have a purpose? At first glance, one dispairs at the uselessness of life. We have 100 years on this planet and then we die. All comes to naught in the end. So life is worthless, isn't it? Why should I live a life of accomplishment, when in the end, it will mean nothing at all?
Many religions, such as Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and many others answer this with the concept of heaven. Buddhism and Hinduism addresses the problem with the idea of Nirvanah. And yet, there are those who believe in nothing after death. Essentially, our lives will have an effect in our after life. According to Hinduism and Buddhism, when one finally lives a good life, he will break out of his cycle of suffering and go to Nirvanah, for a while. Even in those religions, Nirvanah isn't eternal. According to the judaic-based religions, one either goes to Heaven or Hell according to their behavior.
But no one religion can define the purpose of life for all people. There are far to many and picking the correct religion is simply the luck of the draw. Who's to say what book is the correct book to read? The Bible, the Torah or the Qu'ran?
The answer is neither. Lets look at a few lives. Martin Luther King Jr. fought for his lifetime for civil rights. John Lennon may have been the most successful musician in all of history. Did they live purposeless lives? No. They did something with their lives, unconcerned with Heaven or Nirvanah. They and many other extraordinary people have done great things to better the Earth. Their purpose was to use their talents to better the Earth.
And so how do we, the ordinary people find a purpose? How do we tell if we are indeed extraordinary? We can't. I lied earlier. King and Lennon are not extraordinary. They are ordinary people who followed their dream and made an impact on the world.
The purpose of life therefore is to find your dream and do something to make the world a better place. You don't have to do anything ubergreat, simply make the lives around you brighter. Strive to bring happiness to all around you.
So what does this have to do with the last four years? In the last four years, I have seen and heard so many different things and finally I'm off that first step to find my own particular purpose.
Forget the other news.
"Was Richelieu African-American?" -Brian
J Kuhl Signing Off
Monday, February 13, 2006
I was out and about on the far side of the internet the other day when I came across the Best Page in the Universe where a pirate by the name of Maddox spews out his opinions on life in general. The writer is arrogant, sexist, egotistic and afraid of jocks. His articles are offensive and down-right slander at times.
And yet there are times when he can be funny. And there are times when he is right. The article on the "pedosmile" caught my attention. This is the absolute truth. I have never seen a pediphile without a half-concealed grin on his face. And just why are they smiling? Because they recieve enjoyment by touching helpless children. Enjoyment. We need to take a harder stand on them. We should, and I am serious, castrate them. Remove half the cause of their problem. Then throw them in prison for life. These lunetics threaten society and should never be set loose.
I'm sure God may say to forgive. I say to forgive them too, if they truly to repent.
But keep them locked up anyways.
In other news Maddox has also spewed off in hatred against bloggers He states that bloggers are narcissist. Yet, he has an entire webpage, updated now and then, filled with his arrogant opinions, which is the definition of blog. His definition of blogger is worse: "Blogger: Term used to describe anyone with enough time or narcissism to document every tedious bit of minutia filling their uneventful lives." The funny thing is, this is exactly what he is doing. Trust me Maddox, you are blogging. And you are too conceited to see that! He calls us arrogant for posting our opinions!
This is what I find funny about The Best Page in the Universe. It is a worthless pile of garbage for the most part, but his rants can be quite entertaining. So let him type. It's his webpage and this is America after all.
92,389,288 people find Maddox's site tasteless and offensive
J Kuhl Signing Off
And yet there are times when he can be funny. And there are times when he is right. The article on the "pedosmile" caught my attention. This is the absolute truth. I have never seen a pediphile without a half-concealed grin on his face. And just why are they smiling? Because they recieve enjoyment by touching helpless children. Enjoyment. We need to take a harder stand on them. We should, and I am serious, castrate them. Remove half the cause of their problem. Then throw them in prison for life. These lunetics threaten society and should never be set loose.
I'm sure God may say to forgive. I say to forgive them too, if they truly to repent.
But keep them locked up anyways.
In other news Maddox has also spewed off in hatred against bloggers He states that bloggers are narcissist. Yet, he has an entire webpage, updated now and then, filled with his arrogant opinions, which is the definition of blog. His definition of blogger is worse: "Blogger: Term used to describe anyone with enough time or narcissism to document every tedious bit of minutia filling their uneventful lives." The funny thing is, this is exactly what he is doing. Trust me Maddox, you are blogging. And you are too conceited to see that! He calls us arrogant for posting our opinions!
This is what I find funny about The Best Page in the Universe. It is a worthless pile of garbage for the most part, but his rants can be quite entertaining. So let him type. It's his webpage and this is America after all.
92,389,288 people find Maddox's site tasteless and offensive
J Kuhl Signing Off
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Texans, Mohammed, and Snarling Pro-Abortion Feminist Commenters
Rednecks. I can't stand rednecks. And Texas is one giant redneck state. Rednecks are the group of people who are bringing our nation down. They are the shotgun-weilding, bible-thumping, morons who laze around all day long, wasting taxpayer money in their mobile homes and their Ford pick-ups. They don't even have the decency to talk straight. "I bought them trucks with my own money." I hate it when people say "them" in that manner. You don't use them! Them is for when you don't have noun! And ain't bugs me too. "I ain't eddycated 'nuff to use those when them is the wrong word."
I was going to comment on the cartoons that have been pissing off the Muslims. These cartoons make me proud to be American, where there is a little right called THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH in which I can say anything I like, such as, George W. Bush is a liar and a moron. George Bush is more of a terrorist than al-Zaqwari will ever be. Anyways back to the point. The cartoons were offensive. They should have never been posted in the first place. But now that they have been, I think we should reprint them in every paper across the western world to show the Middle East that they cannot intimidate us into subjugating to their will. We have the right to say what we want about who we want and they cannot tell us what to do.
Besides, why should we respect the Middle-East? Every time we do some jackass decides to kill some more of us. And they are such a hypocritical bunch of wild animals. They depict images that mock other religions and those other religions don't go burning down buildings over a stupid cartoon.
Rather than crying a screaming fit and shooting random shots into the sky, why don't they become a little more civilized and complain the proper way. Perhaps if they would stop killing and burning and actually try, just try to act civilized, the western civilization will learn to respect them.
Thats why these cartoons need to be reprinted. To teach them a lesson. Maybe if they become less violent and hateful, we will get rid of our cartoons. But we will never get rid of our freedom of speech.
In other news, I got some rediculus comments on my last post. Some snarling, brainless feminist decided to be a pain in the neck and say some stupid stuff. Lets go through her comments:
"easy for you to say..being male, you never have to give birth and then give up the baby." Okay, point there. Being male, I will never know what birth is like. I agree. But abortion is still murder.
"Also what about times when it will kill the mother to have the infant?" I addressed this. Why don't you read the post? I said, "There are few legitiment reasons for an abortion. If the birth of the child may cause the death of the mother, then abortion maybe the only option."
"What about young girls too young to take care of a baby who were raped?" Girls too young to take care of a baby should know better before they have the baby, its the consequence for their actions. And there's adoption. As to rape, is it the baby's fault? Why punish the baby? Actually, I am more or less undecided in this extreme because keeping the baby may cause emotional damage. As to this, I don't know.
"one more thing...and sometimes babies are girls" This is incredibly stupid. Of course babies can be girls. I don't want to say "he or she" at every pronoun. As there is no genderless pronoun other than "it," which describes inanimate objects, I will use "he," which is more or less generic. I'm not discriminating female babies, its just easier to say "he." And enough with this politically correct bullshit (I had to be vulgar, PC annoys me) I HAVE FREEDOM OF SPEECH! And some how I get the feeling, that if I had said "she" no one would care. That annoys me. Anytime you piss off a minority, they call you racist, sexist, or ignorant.
And let me make a note: I don't include all muslims/middle-easterners in my invective: just the stupid ones.
"Good fences make good neighbors" - Robert Frost
J Kuhl Signing Off
I was going to comment on the cartoons that have been pissing off the Muslims. These cartoons make me proud to be American, where there is a little right called THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH in which I can say anything I like, such as, George W. Bush is a liar and a moron. George Bush is more of a terrorist than al-Zaqwari will ever be. Anyways back to the point. The cartoons were offensive. They should have never been posted in the first place. But now that they have been, I think we should reprint them in every paper across the western world to show the Middle East that they cannot intimidate us into subjugating to their will. We have the right to say what we want about who we want and they cannot tell us what to do.
Besides, why should we respect the Middle-East? Every time we do some jackass decides to kill some more of us. And they are such a hypocritical bunch of wild animals. They depict images that mock other religions and those other religions don't go burning down buildings over a stupid cartoon.
Rather than crying a screaming fit and shooting random shots into the sky, why don't they become a little more civilized and complain the proper way. Perhaps if they would stop killing and burning and actually try, just try to act civilized, the western civilization will learn to respect them.
Thats why these cartoons need to be reprinted. To teach them a lesson. Maybe if they become less violent and hateful, we will get rid of our cartoons. But we will never get rid of our freedom of speech.
In other news, I got some rediculus comments on my last post. Some snarling, brainless feminist decided to be a pain in the neck and say some stupid stuff. Lets go through her comments:
"easy for you to say..being male, you never have to give birth and then give up the baby." Okay, point there. Being male, I will never know what birth is like. I agree. But abortion is still murder.
"Also what about times when it will kill the mother to have the infant?" I addressed this. Why don't you read the post? I said, "There are few legitiment reasons for an abortion. If the birth of the child may cause the death of the mother, then abortion maybe the only option."
"What about young girls too young to take care of a baby who were raped?" Girls too young to take care of a baby should know better before they have the baby, its the consequence for their actions. And there's adoption. As to rape, is it the baby's fault? Why punish the baby? Actually, I am more or less undecided in this extreme because keeping the baby may cause emotional damage. As to this, I don't know.
"one more thing...and sometimes babies are girls" This is incredibly stupid. Of course babies can be girls. I don't want to say "he or she" at every pronoun. As there is no genderless pronoun other than "it," which describes inanimate objects, I will use "he," which is more or less generic. I'm not discriminating female babies, its just easier to say "he." And enough with this politically correct bullshit (I had to be vulgar, PC annoys me) I HAVE FREEDOM OF SPEECH! And some how I get the feeling, that if I had said "she" no one would care. That annoys me. Anytime you piss off a minority, they call you racist, sexist, or ignorant.
And let me make a note: I don't include all muslims/middle-easterners in my invective: just the stupid ones.
"Good fences make good neighbors" - Robert Frost
J Kuhl Signing Off
Friday, January 13, 2006
Murder Is Murder.
It doesn't matter the age, murder is murder. When one takes away the life of another one for no justifiable reason, that is murder. When one kills another life simply because they cannot take the responsibility to appreciate that life, that is murder. That is abortion.
The act of abortion is clearly that, murder. From the point the sperm and the egg meet, you have one bonafide human baby. That one cell has every strand of dioxyribonuclaic acid (DNA) that he needs to become who he will be. He is a human. He has every right to life as any other human.
To claim that someone is not a human before birth is dead wrong. Fetuses are human. They are babies. And to prove this, there are people out there who have memories of being inside the womb. How does birth define one being a human? Birth is simply the movement of the child from the mother to the outside world. It isn't the creation of a baby, that is conception. At conception you have a human life with every right protecting them. Killing an unborn is as bad as slaughtering the elderly, or worse. At least the elderly had a chance at life.
It isn't a "woman's right to privacy" issue either. No woman, no matter her religion, has the right to kill an unborn child. Abortion is murder and there is no denying it. Murder cannot be justified in most cases. Most abortions occur because the parents were irresponsible. Then they further their irresponsibility by trying to destroy the problem they brought upon themselves. All abortion is is a cruel escape from the stupid mistakes two people made. An abortion occurs when the parents are too irresponsible, too lazy to take care of the child they created. It isn't the baby's fault that the parent's screwed up, why deny him life?
Why would one go through an abortion anyways? There are adoption agencies that will take the child. There are other options. There are few legitimet reasons for an abortion. If the birth of the child may cause the death of the mother, then abortion maybe the only option. But when abortion is not the only option, it is vile contemptable murder.
Abortion is a cruel practise that must be stopped.
In other news, more Bush-bashing.
Why is Osama bin Laden still free? This question I ask myself whenever I am reminded of Sept. 11. Al-Quaeda is still at large, its leader still plotting against us, and yet, here we are, attacking Iraq who was no threat to us. We have done nothing against terrorism since 9-11. Absolutely nothing. Al-Quaeda is still free. Knowing that Saddam is gone doesn't make me feel any safer. In fact, it makes me feel worse. Now that we have made a new boiling pot of American-killers, there is more to worry about. George Bush did the stupidest thing enterining Iraq. I say we impeach the idiot and go back to Afghanistan where we belonged and go back to taking out our main threat, Al-Quaeda.
As we dismantle Al-Quaeda, our next step should be to convince the Middle East to respect us and not be so hateful. This is something that cannot be done with bombs and guns but with words and deeds. In order to combat terrorism, we must find a way to gain the respect of the Middle Eastern nations. How? I have no idea. I'm not a politician. But it must be done or there will always be terrorism.
"Never underestimate the schwartz!" -Yohgurt Spaceballs
J Kuhl Signing Off
The act of abortion is clearly that, murder. From the point the sperm and the egg meet, you have one bonafide human baby. That one cell has every strand of dioxyribonuclaic acid (DNA) that he needs to become who he will be. He is a human. He has every right to life as any other human.
To claim that someone is not a human before birth is dead wrong. Fetuses are human. They are babies. And to prove this, there are people out there who have memories of being inside the womb. How does birth define one being a human? Birth is simply the movement of the child from the mother to the outside world. It isn't the creation of a baby, that is conception. At conception you have a human life with every right protecting them. Killing an unborn is as bad as slaughtering the elderly, or worse. At least the elderly had a chance at life.
It isn't a "woman's right to privacy" issue either. No woman, no matter her religion, has the right to kill an unborn child. Abortion is murder and there is no denying it. Murder cannot be justified in most cases. Most abortions occur because the parents were irresponsible. Then they further their irresponsibility by trying to destroy the problem they brought upon themselves. All abortion is is a cruel escape from the stupid mistakes two people made. An abortion occurs when the parents are too irresponsible, too lazy to take care of the child they created. It isn't the baby's fault that the parent's screwed up, why deny him life?
Why would one go through an abortion anyways? There are adoption agencies that will take the child. There are other options. There are few legitimet reasons for an abortion. If the birth of the child may cause the death of the mother, then abortion maybe the only option. But when abortion is not the only option, it is vile contemptable murder.
Abortion is a cruel practise that must be stopped.
In other news, more Bush-bashing.
Why is Osama bin Laden still free? This question I ask myself whenever I am reminded of Sept. 11. Al-Quaeda is still at large, its leader still plotting against us, and yet, here we are, attacking Iraq who was no threat to us. We have done nothing against terrorism since 9-11. Absolutely nothing. Al-Quaeda is still free. Knowing that Saddam is gone doesn't make me feel any safer. In fact, it makes me feel worse. Now that we have made a new boiling pot of American-killers, there is more to worry about. George Bush did the stupidest thing enterining Iraq. I say we impeach the idiot and go back to Afghanistan where we belonged and go back to taking out our main threat, Al-Quaeda.
As we dismantle Al-Quaeda, our next step should be to convince the Middle East to respect us and not be so hateful. This is something that cannot be done with bombs and guns but with words and deeds. In order to combat terrorism, we must find a way to gain the respect of the Middle Eastern nations. How? I have no idea. I'm not a politician. But it must be done or there will always be terrorism.
"Never underestimate the schwartz!" -Yohgurt Spaceballs
J Kuhl Signing Off
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