Monday, February 13, 2006


I was out and about on the far side of the internet the other day when I came across the Best Page in the Universe where a pirate by the name of Maddox spews out his opinions on life in general. The writer is arrogant, sexist, egotistic and afraid of jocks. His articles are offensive and down-right slander at times.

And yet there are times when he can be funny. And there are times when he is right. The article on the "pedosmile" caught my attention. This is the absolute truth. I have never seen a pediphile without a half-concealed grin on his face. And just why are they smiling? Because they recieve enjoyment by touching helpless children. Enjoyment. We need to take a harder stand on them. We should, and I am serious, castrate them. Remove half the cause of their problem. Then throw them in prison for life. These lunetics threaten society and should never be set loose.

I'm sure God may say to forgive. I say to forgive them too, if they truly to repent.

But keep them locked up anyways.

In other news Maddox has also spewed off in hatred against bloggers He states that bloggers are narcissist. Yet, he has an entire webpage, updated now and then, filled with his arrogant opinions, which is the definition of blog. His definition of blogger is worse: "Blogger: Term used to describe anyone with enough time or narcissism to document every tedious bit of minutia filling their uneventful lives." The funny thing is, this is exactly what he is doing. Trust me Maddox, you are blogging. And you are too conceited to see that! He calls us arrogant for posting our opinions!

This is what I find funny about The Best Page in the Universe. It is a worthless pile of garbage for the most part, but his rants can be quite entertaining. So let him type. It's his webpage and this is America after all.

92,389,288 people find Maddox's site tasteless and offensive

J Kuhl Signing Off

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