Sunday, February 12, 2006

Texans, Mohammed, and Snarling Pro-Abortion Feminist Commenters

Rednecks. I can't stand rednecks. And Texas is one giant redneck state. Rednecks are the group of people who are bringing our nation down. They are the shotgun-weilding, bible-thumping, morons who laze around all day long, wasting taxpayer money in their mobile homes and their Ford pick-ups. They don't even have the decency to talk straight. "I bought them trucks with my own money." I hate it when people say "them" in that manner. You don't use them! Them is for when you don't have noun! And ain't bugs me too. "I ain't eddycated 'nuff to use those when them is the wrong word."

I was going to comment on the cartoons that have been pissing off the Muslims. These cartoons make me proud to be American, where there is a little right called THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH in which I can say anything I like, such as, George W. Bush is a liar and a moron. George Bush is more of a terrorist than al-Zaqwari will ever be. Anyways back to the point. The cartoons were offensive. They should have never been posted in the first place. But now that they have been, I think we should reprint them in every paper across the western world to show the Middle East that they cannot intimidate us into subjugating to their will. We have the right to say what we want about who we want and they cannot tell us what to do.

Besides, why should we respect the Middle-East? Every time we do some jackass decides to kill some more of us. And they are such a hypocritical bunch of wild animals. They depict images that mock other religions and those other religions don't go burning down buildings over a stupid cartoon.

Rather than crying a screaming fit and shooting random shots into the sky, why don't they become a little more civilized and complain the proper way. Perhaps if they would stop killing and burning and actually try, just try to act civilized, the western civilization will learn to respect them.

Thats why these cartoons need to be reprinted. To teach them a lesson. Maybe if they become less violent and hateful, we will get rid of our cartoons. But we will never get rid of our freedom of speech.

In other news, I got some rediculus comments on my last post. Some snarling, brainless feminist decided to be a pain in the neck and say some stupid stuff. Lets go through her comments:

"easy for you to say..being male, you never have to give birth and then give up the baby." Okay, point there. Being male, I will never know what birth is like. I agree. But abortion is still murder.

"Also what about times when it will kill the mother to have the infant?" I addressed this. Why don't you read the post? I said, "There are few legitiment reasons for an abortion. If the birth of the child may cause the death of the mother, then abortion maybe the only option."

"What about young girls too young to take care of a baby who were raped?" Girls too young to take care of a baby should know better before they have the baby, its the consequence for their actions. And there's adoption. As to rape, is it the baby's fault? Why punish the baby? Actually, I am more or less undecided in this extreme because keeping the baby may cause emotional damage. As to this, I don't know.

"one more thing...and sometimes babies are girls" This is incredibly stupid. Of course babies can be girls. I don't want to say "he or she" at every pronoun. As there is no genderless pronoun other than "it," which describes inanimate objects, I will use "he," which is more or less generic. I'm not discriminating female babies, its just easier to say "he." And enough with this politically correct bullshit (I had to be vulgar, PC annoys me) I HAVE FREEDOM OF SPEECH! And some how I get the feeling, that if I had said "she" no one would care. That annoys me. Anytime you piss off a minority, they call you racist, sexist, or ignorant.

And let me make a note: I don't include all muslims/middle-easterners in my invective: just the stupid ones.

"Good fences make good neighbors" - Robert Frost

J Kuhl Signing Off

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