Monday, September 27, 2010

Bring Em On

Faux News recently gave the President some flak for saying "we can absorb another terrorist attack" claiming that he was inviting more terrorist attacks, that he wanted us to be attacked. This, from a network that claims to be "fair and balanced."

This has got to be one of the stupidest things someone on Fox has said. I think it was pretty clear what Obama was saying and that his comment was in no way an invitation for another terror attack. What he said was, in a nutshell, if we get attacked, we will survive and recover, and we will be stronger because of it. Please tell me, how this invites an attack. If an attack makes us stronger, why would the terrorists want to attack us? If we're going to survive and recover, why would the terrorists want to attack us? All he is saying is that the US can absorb an attack and recover perfectly healthy and be stronger because of it.

Look at 9-11. For a little while, we were stronger. We were united and we rallied together in support of this country and its president after the attacks. Everyone was ready and willing to do what was necessary to destroy Al-Qaeda so such a thing could never happen to us again.

The conservative outrage over this comment makes me wonder if they're afraid that the next terror attack (god forbid there is one) could destroy us. I wonder what makes them so frightened. A terrorist attack is terrible thing, don't get me wrong, and no one wants one, but are they seriously frightened that if one happened, we wouldn't survive?

That's all Obama is saying. If an attack happens, we will survive and recover. It is a statement of our strength, not an invitation for attack.

But it was okay for George Bush to challenge the terrorists directly and say "Bring 'em on?" Not only is that an invitation, but a challenge for them to accept. It was a cowboy attitude that lead to both middle east wars and claimed the lives of millions. Bush actively invited them to attack us, Obama simply stated we were strong enough to survive and recover from one.

J Kuhl Signing Off

Monday, September 13, 2010

I Am Pissed

As is all the rage in the news, a large portion of Americans are protesting over a "ground zero mosque (that is neither on ground zero, nor a mosque)" and ignorantly equating ALL muslims to the same extremist terrorists who attacked us on 9-11. At the same time, in Florida, some mustachioed idiot insists on banning a bunch of Korans with his fundamentalist extremist church. Across the world, Muslims in the middle east are protesting this event, burning American flags and blaming ALL Americans for the pastor's book burning idiocy.

Interesting. Interesting how both groups are ignorantly judging an entire group by the actions of the extremist few, how the protesters here in America are just as ignorant as those over in the Middle East. The tea baggers and Parks51 opponents would be shocked to read this I'm sure, learning that they're just as ignorant as the protesters in the Middle East.

You see, this entire thing is stupid. And it is pissing me off. Why are we so goddamn frightened of Islam that were going to violate our own freedoms? The people who died on 9-11, died for the freedoms that America holds dear and those freedoms include freedom of religion and freedom to do what you wish with your own property. I think rather than being insulted by a "ground zero mosque" they'd be more insulted by stripping freedom of religion from the Muslims over bigotry and fear.

Are we going to let Osama Bin Laden win?

The behavior here in the US is disgusting and abhorrent. The media and the right wing are fanning the flames of hatred for their own political and financial purposes and the teabaggers are silly enough to blindly go along with it, frothing at the mouth with the next rightwing talking point.

And then they have the gaul to freak out when they're called "bigots"

Gee, a quick google search and you see tea baggers carrying signs comparing Obama to monkeys, references to Kenya or his "Islamic birth," signs about how Islam is evil and murdered 3000 people on 9-11, calling the Parks51 project evil, claiming it supported by Hamas, and none of it is true.

This is as stupid as saying "All Christians hate gays because the Westboro Baptist Church protested at a soldier's funeral." Islam did not attack us on 9-11. We are not at war against Islam. The people who attacked us on 9-11 were Islamic, but attacked us for their own extremist religious viewpoint, not by a viewpoint shared by the majority of Islam. If Fred Phelps blew up a gay bar, would people be protesting against Christianity as a whole? If after the gay bar was destroyed, would people get pissed off if someone built a church next to the rubble?

Of course not, this is a god fearing Christian country according to these teabagger idiots, never mind the fact that this nation was founded on the idea of religious liberty for all.

Oh and in other news, do the teabaggers even know what "tea bagging" is? I'll give them a hint:

It has nothing to with tea

But if they want to be known as tea baggers, I'll keep calling them that.

J Kuhl Signing Off