Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Philosophical Plea on Evolution

I have argued over the scientific merits of Evolution, and I have argued how Creationism is not a scientific theory.

Now I want to bring up a philosophical point.

Young Earth Creationists (YEC) try to explain the gaping holes in their theory by claiming that god made dinosaur fossils. That god created light from stars in-transit. They make these claims because there is so much evidence that the world is far older than 6,000 years old (modern estimate is 4.5 billion for Earth, 13 billion for the Universe.) For example, every extra galactic star is over 6000 light years away, but they are visible in the night sky. Background cooling and expansion of the universe allows us to calculate back to the point of singularity, well over 6000 years.

So the YEC's claim god made the world to look old, for whatever reason. To test our faith or something. And I got to ask, why would a kind and loving god, the one described by Jesus, try to trick us into believing the world is older than 6000 years old? Not only is that a deceitful move by a god who's nothing more than a jerk, it doesn't make any sense whatsoever. There is no purpose, no motive. Why would a god do such a thing? Why would he pretend that his universe is old? It makes no sense.

And don't just say "God works in mysterious ways." That's just a cop-out. There is no rational reason why any creator would fool his subjects in this matter, especially the one described by Jesus. Do we have an irrational god? Do we have a god who likes to fool with us and deceive us? Why should I worship a deceitful god who's lying to me?

Creationism is not science and I will repeat this ad-nauseum until creationists are ejected from school boards across the nation.

Oh and, here's a decent website defending evolution: National Center for Science Education

"Dear Jesus, protect me from your followers"

J Kuhl Signing Off

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