House Representitive Bill Posey (R-FL) is considering a bill to require that presidential candidates present their birth certificates.
Bill Posey's Bill (Talking Point Memo)
I understand his intent, getting rid of this stupid distraction, but this shouldn't even be an issue. I'm not directing flames and brimstone at Posey, but at the nutjobs who are making an issue of this.
But I do need to say this:
"Opponents of President Bush used the 2000 election results and the court decisions to question the legitimacy of President Bush to serve as President," Posey said in a statement. "Opponents of President Obama are raising the birth certificate issue as a means of questioning his eligibility to serve as president. Neither of these situations are healthy for our Republic."
In 2000, we had a legitimate issue with the ballots in Florida. We had a true electoral dispute. This current dispute about BHO's birthplace is not a legitimate issue. He was born in Honolulu in 1961, after HI became a US state in 1959. The Certificate of Live Birth shows he was born in Honolulu. There is no controversy, just crazed conspiracy nuts who keep this stupidity going.
And I guarantee that if Barack Obama was white, or his middle name was something European, like 'Joe' or 'Robert,' none if this idiocy would happen.
And what of Senator McCain? He was NOT born in the US, but on a US military base in Panama. There were only a few cries to see proof of his citizenship. In fact, Obama and Hillary Clinton both cosponsored (AOL) a bill before the campaigns began, which allowed McCain to run for President.
This whole 'Obama's a Kenyan!' bullshit is not only pathetic, but it is racist, and ignorant. It is racist because I am sure this would not come up if he was white with an anglo-saxon name. And it is ignorant because it refuses to look at evidence.
The McCain controversy died the moment the McCain Citizenship Bill was passed. The moment the certification of live birth for Obama was produced what did all the nutjobs scream in unison?
Republicans? Please, drop the frenetic act of trying to sabotage the president at every turn and trying to appease the nutjobs in your party. You're killing yourselves each time you endorse something like this.
Oh, one last thing:
Birth Announcemences in HI, 1961
If this is a conspiracy, Mama Obama planned ahead.
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." — Albert Einstein
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