Monday, March 30, 2009

Free Speech Denied at Free Republic

There is a neo-con website called Free Republic where extremist right wingers hang out to discuss issues.

Of course these people, named 'Freepers,' are right wing to the point of irrationality, which is beside the case.

A few weeks ago, I went to Free Republic and created an account and posted an opposing viewpoint in one of their discussion boards. I was civil. I did not attack or flame anyone. And a few hours later, my posting priviliges were revoked.

Now I have to ask, why is Free Republic terrified of a debate? If they were sure of the issues upon which they stand, wouldn't they be able to defeat any argument they encounter? Stifling an argument, to me, means that their positions and their arguments are weak.

Further more, I find it ironic that a group that wants to create a conservative Republican America, deny free speech, when free speech is a basic tenant of human rights, protected in the US Constitution.

Then again, these are the idiots who believe that Obama is a Muslim and that George W Bush was the greatest president since Washington.

J Kuhl Signing Off

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