Thursday, March 12, 2009

Lay of Limbaugh

As a guy with liberal leanings, I have this message:

Democrats, lay off Limbaugh. Leave the corpulent entertainer alone and lets move on. You see, Rush wants attention, the more he gets, the more he can rant, the more ratings he gets, the more money he makes, thus he stays in business.

Criticizing the man is fine, especially when he suddenly becomes the Republican mouthpiece when even Chairman Steele refuses to stand to him, but a billboard? Come on folks, we don't need to keep poking the beast. Criticize him, make your point, and then move on.

Limbaugh simply wants attention. If you want him to slink back under the bridge where he and Coulter and the like hide, simply ignore him.

And Republicans, seriously, stop listening to the nutjobs.

J Kuhl Signing Off

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