I've been in many public restrooms and I've seen a number of different designs for restrooms and some, quite frankly, are depressing. Its as if the designer didn't understand etiquette.
As everyone knows, there is bathroom etiquette in a men's restroom.
1. Stare straight ahead at the urinal.
2. If there are no dividers, keep a space between you and the other man at the urinals. If this is not possible, use the stall or wait.
3. Flush! Men are supposedly bad at this but come on! It takes two seconds.
Now some comments. Some restrooms like to use urinals with lips that come out a foot. I really wish people would stop building those. How can I have a bit of privacy when I have to stand a foot away?
Some restrooms like to use automatic flush. This is really great, unless the mechanism doesn't work and there is no button to push or handle to use.
And some restrooms use johns that don't flush. Woohoo for water conversation and all, but you gotta make it drain somehow. I'm talking to you, Boston Aquarium.
Then there are faucets. Oh the fun faucets where you can only wash one hand at a time because the moment you take your hand off the push-handle, the water shuts off. Does a turn-handle waste water or something? Why would the push-handle even be desired?
And last, if you are the manager of a building with public restrooms, please, please, please, send someone in to wash it and replace toilet paper/paper towers/etc at least once an hour.
Oh and, air dryers blow.
J Kuhl Signing Off
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
A Message to Fred Phelps
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Modern Day Marie Antoinettes
"Let them eat cake," she said at the height of the French Revolution, a highly insulting phrase that exposes her naivete about the life of the poor. Living sheltered in a palace, the woman had no idea how terrible the lives of the poor were. She simply thought hey, give them cake and they'll be happy. She didn't understand that people were living on the streets.
And we see it again today as GM CEO's fly their private jets to Washington to demand money and John Thain of Merrill Lynch demands a 10 million dollar bonus.
These men have no clue.
GM CEO's flew to Washington DC a few weeks ago, on a private jet which cost them around $20,000 to fly and they had the audacity to ask for more money. They could have flown coach for around $200-500, about 1/50th of the cost of a private jet. They could have driven for about the same price. I was glad to see the Congress rebuke these CEO's and send them packing until they could come to Washington DC in a more fiscally conservative matter.
And just yesterday, John Thain of Merrill Lynch thought he was worthy of a ten million dollar bonus while people far below him are being laid off. He later withdrew his request for a bonus. In this economy, no one who is a member of a company that is asking for money from the government should be asking for a bonus. I don't care if Thain had single-handedly raised Merrill Lynch from its grave, when people are being laid off, that 10 million dollars is better used to pay the company expenses and perhaps even to try to retain jobs. Mr. Thain, you already have enough money to retire and live more comfortably than any middle-class American. Get the f**k out.
These people are Marie Antoinettes, rich, elite, jack-offs with no idea what the middle and lower classes are going through right now. They claim to want money and then they pull this crap?
"I love the smell of napalm in the morning," Col. Kilroy (Robert Duvall), Apocalypse Now.
J Kuhl Signing Off
And we see it again today as GM CEO's fly their private jets to Washington to demand money and John Thain of Merrill Lynch demands a 10 million dollar bonus.
These men have no clue.
GM CEO's flew to Washington DC a few weeks ago, on a private jet which cost them around $20,000 to fly and they had the audacity to ask for more money. They could have flown coach for around $200-500, about 1/50th of the cost of a private jet. They could have driven for about the same price. I was glad to see the Congress rebuke these CEO's and send them packing until they could come to Washington DC in a more fiscally conservative matter.
And just yesterday, John Thain of Merrill Lynch thought he was worthy of a ten million dollar bonus while people far below him are being laid off. He later withdrew his request for a bonus. In this economy, no one who is a member of a company that is asking for money from the government should be asking for a bonus. I don't care if Thain had single-handedly raised Merrill Lynch from its grave, when people are being laid off, that 10 million dollars is better used to pay the company expenses and perhaps even to try to retain jobs. Mr. Thain, you already have enough money to retire and live more comfortably than any middle-class American. Get the f**k out.
These people are Marie Antoinettes, rich, elite, jack-offs with no idea what the middle and lower classes are going through right now. They claim to want money and then they pull this crap?
"I love the smell of napalm in the morning," Col. Kilroy (Robert Duvall), Apocalypse Now.
J Kuhl Signing Off
Saturday, December 06, 2008
The FIrst Amendment
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Right there in italics. Right wing christian fundies, please read it. Atheists have as much of a right to shove their beliefs down our throats as you do. So rather than making a big deal about the atheist sign in Olympia, suck it up and deal with it.
Either stop putting up nativity scenes or signs telling me I'm going to hell, or live with the fact that the opposing view points have a right to be heard. It isn't the right to free speech for Christians, it is the right to free speech for all Americans.
“It is interesting that our views are so threatening that they have to be stolen and stifled completely,” -Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-president of the Freedom From Religion Foundation
J Kuhl Signing Off
Right there in italics. Right wing christian fundies, please read it. Atheists have as much of a right to shove their beliefs down our throats as you do. So rather than making a big deal about the atheist sign in Olympia, suck it up and deal with it.
Either stop putting up nativity scenes or signs telling me I'm going to hell, or live with the fact that the opposing view points have a right to be heard. It isn't the right to free speech for Christians, it is the right to free speech for all Americans.
“It is interesting that our views are so threatening that they have to be stolen and stifled completely,” -Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-president of the Freedom From Religion Foundation
J Kuhl Signing Off
Friday, December 05, 2008
A Man, A Boy and a Donkey
A man, a boy, and a donkey were headed down the road. They past a villager who stated "why isn't the lazy animal carrying anything?"
So the man got on the donkey while the boy walked. They continued for a few more miles and they passed a woman, a mother of three. She asked, "why is the lazy father riding the animal and making the child walk?"
So the man and the boy traded places. They passed an old man and the old man said "why is the lazy son riding the animal and making his old father walk?"
So the man got on the donkey. They continued for a few more miles and they came across a farmer who said "that poor animal, carrying two people at once! you should be ashamed."
So the man and the boy both got off the donkey, tied the animal's legs together and carried it. They came to a bridge that crossed a river. The bridge wasn't very sturdy, it was a rope bridge and because of this, the weight of the donkey and the shakiness of the bridge, caused them to loose balance and fall into the river.
The man looked at the boy and said, "my son, if you learn anything from this, its 'you can't please everyone.'"
This, I believe, is an old Aesop fable. And it came to mind after reading an article explaining how the Port of Seattle quickly took down some Christmas trees (source) to please a rabbi who wanted a menorah up. Ironically, the rabbi didn't care about the trees and isn't going to sue if they don't want to put up a menorah. In other words, it was a knee jerk reaction of the Port of Seattle trying to please everyone.
In related news, this time in Olympia, an atheist put up a sign next to a nativity scene. It read "At this season of the WINTER SOLSTICE may reason prevail. There are no gods, no devils, no angels, no heaven, no hell. There is only our natural world. Religion is but myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds." While I don't think the message was really necessary, I agree with his right to put it up, something that Christians begin to complain about. But this is the United States of America. Freedom of speech means that even opposing viewpoints get an equal opportunity to make its point. If this atheist isn't allowed to say "there is no god" on a sign then I want to see every church in America banned from telling me to turn to god with a sign. I'm sick of religious people interpreting Freedom of Speech as "Freedom of Speech So Long as Everyone Agrees With Me."
If someone is offended by an atheist sign, well that is too bad. I'm offended by your implication that I'm going to hell because I don't see the value in Church. And isn't that too bad?
And so governments (from city to federal) need to learn that they can't possibly please everyone so they can't go banning one view point in favor of another. Just let both sides post their viewpoints and to hell with those idiots who are offended. Its just the same of the story of the man, the boy and the donkey. If the government bans Christmas, Christians complain. If the government puts up a nativity scene, non-Christians complain. If the government allows an atheist to put up a sign, the religious people complain.
So stop trying to please everyone.
J Kuhl Signing Off
So the man got on the donkey while the boy walked. They continued for a few more miles and they passed a woman, a mother of three. She asked, "why is the lazy father riding the animal and making the child walk?"
So the man and the boy traded places. They passed an old man and the old man said "why is the lazy son riding the animal and making his old father walk?"
So the man got on the donkey. They continued for a few more miles and they came across a farmer who said "that poor animal, carrying two people at once! you should be ashamed."
So the man and the boy both got off the donkey, tied the animal's legs together and carried it. They came to a bridge that crossed a river. The bridge wasn't very sturdy, it was a rope bridge and because of this, the weight of the donkey and the shakiness of the bridge, caused them to loose balance and fall into the river.
The man looked at the boy and said, "my son, if you learn anything from this, its 'you can't please everyone.'"
This, I believe, is an old Aesop fable. And it came to mind after reading an article explaining how the Port of Seattle quickly took down some Christmas trees (source) to please a rabbi who wanted a menorah up. Ironically, the rabbi didn't care about the trees and isn't going to sue if they don't want to put up a menorah. In other words, it was a knee jerk reaction of the Port of Seattle trying to please everyone.
In related news, this time in Olympia, an atheist put up a sign next to a nativity scene. It read "At this season of the WINTER SOLSTICE may reason prevail. There are no gods, no devils, no angels, no heaven, no hell. There is only our natural world. Religion is but myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds." While I don't think the message was really necessary, I agree with his right to put it up, something that Christians begin to complain about. But this is the United States of America. Freedom of speech means that even opposing viewpoints get an equal opportunity to make its point. If this atheist isn't allowed to say "there is no god" on a sign then I want to see every church in America banned from telling me to turn to god with a sign. I'm sick of religious people interpreting Freedom of Speech as "Freedom of Speech So Long as Everyone Agrees With Me."
If someone is offended by an atheist sign, well that is too bad. I'm offended by your implication that I'm going to hell because I don't see the value in Church. And isn't that too bad?
And so governments (from city to federal) need to learn that they can't possibly please everyone so they can't go banning one view point in favor of another. Just let both sides post their viewpoints and to hell with those idiots who are offended. Its just the same of the story of the man, the boy and the donkey. If the government bans Christmas, Christians complain. If the government puts up a nativity scene, non-Christians complain. If the government allows an atheist to put up a sign, the religious people complain.
So stop trying to please everyone.
J Kuhl Signing Off
Saturday, November 15, 2008
And so Christmas time begins again
And all of you political nutcases who get upset over a harmless manger scene, a menorah, or someone calling it a "holiday tree" need to get over yourselves.
For God's sake, its a holiday. Don't get all bitchy over "freedom of religion," Christmas is not a strictly religious holiday. If you don't like Christmas, just sit in a corner and be alone for the next month or so. Don't try to ruin it for everyone else.
Saying Merry Christmas is NOT an insult to non-Christians. Hell, a good number of non-Christians celebrate Christmas. I know a family of atheists who live up the street from me, they also celebrate Christmas. The majority of the Japanese celebrate Christmas and only 0.7% of them are Christian.
So if a Shinto in Japan can celebrate Christmas, everyone else can.
Stop complaining about it.
And Target, stop being a pussy. Call the damn trees "Christmas Trees."
Politically Correctness is a disease. Lets cure this nation of it.
and please, for the love of god, READ 1984.
In other news, lets look at my favorite part of the Constitution, the first Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Now, lets analyze: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion . . . Tell me, how is putting up a Christmas Tree in a town square, "respecting the establishment of religion?" First of all, a town is not Congress. Second of all, putting up Christmas decorations does NOT establish a religion. Third of all, most of this nation, Christian and non, celebrate Christmas, either secularly, or religiously, or both, so establishment of a religion is a moot point. Forth, no one is forcing you to join in the festivities if you're a scrooge.
MERRY CHRISTMAS (two months early)
J Kuhl Signing Off
For God's sake, its a holiday. Don't get all bitchy over "freedom of religion," Christmas is not a strictly religious holiday. If you don't like Christmas, just sit in a corner and be alone for the next month or so. Don't try to ruin it for everyone else.
Saying Merry Christmas is NOT an insult to non-Christians. Hell, a good number of non-Christians celebrate Christmas. I know a family of atheists who live up the street from me, they also celebrate Christmas. The majority of the Japanese celebrate Christmas and only 0.7% of them are Christian.
So if a Shinto in Japan can celebrate Christmas, everyone else can.
Stop complaining about it.
And Target, stop being a pussy. Call the damn trees "Christmas Trees."
Politically Correctness is a disease. Lets cure this nation of it.
and please, for the love of god, READ 1984.
In other news, lets look at my favorite part of the Constitution, the first Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Now, lets analyze: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion . . . Tell me, how is putting up a Christmas Tree in a town square, "respecting the establishment of religion?" First of all, a town is not Congress. Second of all, putting up Christmas decorations does NOT establish a religion. Third of all, most of this nation, Christian and non, celebrate Christmas, either secularly, or religiously, or both, so establishment of a religion is a moot point. Forth, no one is forcing you to join in the festivities if you're a scrooge.
MERRY CHRISTMAS (two months early)
J Kuhl Signing Off
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Good Bye Dubya
Its been fun making fun of you for the last 8 years. Please, take your time in the next three months moving your stuff out of the Oval Office and the White House. I hope you and Dick have some good times huntin' quail. (don't get shot)
Mr. Bush, if you take anything out of yourexperience failure in the White House, it is this: Be honest. If you make a mistake, admit it. If you said something wrong, own up and apologize. The American people will hate you more for lying.
Oh and, one last parting shot, Mr. Bush:

"If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure" George Bush
J Kuhl Signing Off
Mr. Bush, if you take anything out of your
Oh and, one last parting shot, Mr. Bush:

"If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure" George Bush
J Kuhl Signing Off
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Cowart and Shlesselman are Cowards
On Nov. 5, 2008, it is very likely that President Obama will be America's first black president. And there has already been an assassination plot on the man.
Two white supremacists, unsurprisingly from rural Tennessee and unsurprisingly high school drop-outs (I hate stereotypes, but they originate from somewhere), planned to kill 102 black Americans and Obama or die trying (88 shot, 14 beheaded, 88 and 14 are important numbers to the white supremacists.) Fortunately, their spree was stopped before it began and these two turdbuckets are off to jail for a long, long time.
More on these assholes here
And yet, I find this sad. This is the United States of America where people are suppose to have different opinions. People are suppose to be able to speak their minds and live in relative equality with each other. These two idiots are such cowards that they fear that their white supremacy ideas might just be evil and wrong and that a black man IS capable of governing this country.
They can disagree with Obama all they want, but attempting to kill the candidate you don't like is unpatriotic and cowardly. This is not how our nation is suppose to be run and it makes me sad that there are inbred swine here who would do this.
This isn't the only election-year issue either. There have been vandals on both sides who are scratching cars and vandalizing homes because the owner put up a sign supporting Obama/McCain. What is up with this bullshit? Are Americans no longer being raised to tolerated different opinions? I thought this nation was founded on difference of opinion? I guess some Americans are too primitive realize this.
In other news, Barack Hussein Obama is not a Muslim.
Since Obama even started running, long before the DNC, people claimed that the Illinois senator was a Muslim. I've known that the man was a Christian for several months now but still today you hear people cry out that we don't want no mooslim for president. You just can't eliminate ignorance.
And even if Obama was a Muslim, would this be a bad thing? No. I'd still vote for him over McCain. Americans need to learn that not all Muslims are terrorists. Any time I've slammed Islam in past blogs, I've been targeting fundamentalist Islam. The normal, moderate, day-to-day, Muslim is just an ordinary guy who follows the Qu'ran as much as a normal, moderate, day-to-day Christian follows the bible. Having a Muslim president would not mean anything. It would not make us weak on terrorism. He would not implement an islamo-fascist theocracy for our government. There are Muslims and there are fundamentalist Muslims. It is time for the US to realize the difference.
Heineken Lager Beer, brewed in Holland
J Kuhl Signing Off
Two white supremacists, unsurprisingly from rural Tennessee and unsurprisingly high school drop-outs (I hate stereotypes, but they originate from somewhere), planned to kill 102 black Americans and Obama or die trying (88 shot, 14 beheaded, 88 and 14 are important numbers to the white supremacists.) Fortunately, their spree was stopped before it began and these two turdbuckets are off to jail for a long, long time.
More on these assholes here
And yet, I find this sad. This is the United States of America where people are suppose to have different opinions. People are suppose to be able to speak their minds and live in relative equality with each other. These two idiots are such cowards that they fear that their white supremacy ideas might just be evil and wrong and that a black man IS capable of governing this country.
They can disagree with Obama all they want, but attempting to kill the candidate you don't like is unpatriotic and cowardly. This is not how our nation is suppose to be run and it makes me sad that there are inbred swine here who would do this.
This isn't the only election-year issue either. There have been vandals on both sides who are scratching cars and vandalizing homes because the owner put up a sign supporting Obama/McCain. What is up with this bullshit? Are Americans no longer being raised to tolerated different opinions? I thought this nation was founded on difference of opinion? I guess some Americans are too primitive realize this.
In other news, Barack Hussein Obama is not a Muslim.
Since Obama even started running, long before the DNC, people claimed that the Illinois senator was a Muslim. I've known that the man was a Christian for several months now but still today you hear people cry out that we don't want no mooslim for president. You just can't eliminate ignorance.
And even if Obama was a Muslim, would this be a bad thing? No. I'd still vote for him over McCain. Americans need to learn that not all Muslims are terrorists. Any time I've slammed Islam in past blogs, I've been targeting fundamentalist Islam. The normal, moderate, day-to-day, Muslim is just an ordinary guy who follows the Qu'ran as much as a normal, moderate, day-to-day Christian follows the bible. Having a Muslim president would not mean anything. It would not make us weak on terrorism. He would not implement an islamo-fascist theocracy for our government. There are Muslims and there are fundamentalist Muslims. It is time for the US to realize the difference.
Heineken Lager Beer, brewed in Holland
J Kuhl Signing Off
Sunday, October 26, 2008
So a chainmail is going around claiming that Obama shows a lack of patriotism. He had the North American Airlines logo (which is a US flag) replaced by his own 'O' symbol. Since he removed the American flag on the aircraft, people are crying out that he hates America.
Well, take a look at this:

I give you John McCain's airplane.
No American flag on the tail of McCain's plane.
Bunch of hypocrites.
There's more to the story here: Fight the Smears
J Kuhl Signing Off
Well, take a look at this:

I give you John McCain's airplane.
No American flag on the tail of McCain's plane.
Bunch of hypocrites.
There's more to the story here: Fight the Smears
J Kuhl Signing Off
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Terminal Security Administration

The TSA may as well be one of these guys. Security my ass, the TSA is more Gestapo than security. They don't make us safer, they just get in the way of law-abiding citizens.
Dammit, I'd rather be hijacked than deal with TSA anymore.
Just recently, the great TSA searched a disabled, wheel-chair bound woman. Seriously, is an 85 year old woman going to be any sort of a threat? What is going on with this country? Why is everyone so afraid of terrorism that they'll give up their freedoms for security? Its disgusting.
And why is the TSA a bunch of incompetent fools that don't do anything except get in the way? I don't feel safer. I'm in as much danger now as I was on 9-11-01. Even with all the security measures up, the terrorists will still find a way in. They ban guns? The terrorist brings a knife. They ban knives? The terrorist brings a CD and breaks it in half and uses the shard. They ban CD's? The terrorist whittles a toothbrush into a knife and smuggles it on board. They ban toothbrushes? The terrorist uses a ballpoint pen. They ban pens? The terrorist uses a pencil. They ban pencils? The terrorist finds something else to use as a weapon. Until we are naked and handcuffed to the seats, we won't be perfectly secure.
So what do we do? We get rid of the full body searches. We lessen the bans. No weapons or sharp objects obviously, but get rid of the asinine bans on harmless things like water and other liquids. No, they won't succeed in making a bomb in the bathroom. We keep the metal detectors but increase the efficiency so we don't wait three goddamn hours to get through. We add armed air marshalls to every flight. We make cockpit doors bulletproof and locked from the inside and give the pilots and flightmembers guns and self defense training.
Since we can't stop the terrorist from boarding the plane, we should rather plan to stop the terrorist once he's on the plane.
J Kuhl Signing Off
Uruguay and Cows
I came across this article today:
Lightning strikes only once but kills 52 cows
MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay (AP) -- Lightning struck only once - but 52 cows are dead at an Uruguayan ranch. The newspaper El Pais reports that the cows had pressed against a wire fence during a storm when the lightning bolt struck in the northern state of San Jose.
Full article
And later on, this article:
Uruguay hosts biggest BBQ, grills 12 tons of beef
MONTEVIDEO (Reuters) - More than a thousand barbecue fanatics in Uruguay grilled up 12 metric tonnes (26,400 lbs) of beef on Sunday, setting a new Guinness world record while promoting the country's succulent top export.
Full article
I just wonder if the two incidents are linked. 52 dead cows are a lot of beef and it would be a shame to let them go to waste like that. Why not have a big BBQ out of the incident?

J Kuhl Signing Off
Lightning strikes only once but kills 52 cows
MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay (AP) -- Lightning struck only once - but 52 cows are dead at an Uruguayan ranch. The newspaper El Pais reports that the cows had pressed against a wire fence during a storm when the lightning bolt struck in the northern state of San Jose.
Full article
And later on, this article:
Uruguay hosts biggest BBQ, grills 12 tons of beef
MONTEVIDEO (Reuters) - More than a thousand barbecue fanatics in Uruguay grilled up 12 metric tonnes (26,400 lbs) of beef on Sunday, setting a new Guinness world record while promoting the country's succulent top export.
Full article
I just wonder if the two incidents are linked. 52 dead cows are a lot of beef and it would be a shame to let them go to waste like that. Why not have a big BBQ out of the incident?

J Kuhl Signing Off
Friday, October 24, 2008
Half Life

The Best Video Game: The Half-Life Series.
Half-Life is more than your typical first person shooter. It has a captivating story line, an amazing atmosphere and requires more thought than simply running in, guns-blazing (although it has a number of sequences like this.) With the Freeman's crowbar (and later, Gravity Gun) the player must navigate obstacles and defeat enemies not with firepower but with objects in his environment. This makes the game far different than other FPS games, requiring strategy as well as quick reflexes.
One example of this is in Episode Two, when Gordon Freeman must defeat a helicopter, but he has no rockets or grenade launchers and his weapons are ineffective. His only hope is to shoot the mines that the helicopter drops back at the helicopter with the gravity gun before they explode in Freeman's face.
Another example is in Half-Life 2 where Freeman is trying to escape City 17. He's in a room with a large grate and a ladder that goes down into a partially flooded chamber. There is a pipe that the player needs to go through, but he cannot jump high enough to enter the pipe. Rather, he must go back up the ladder, place a barrel at the edge of a ledge, jump on to the barrel, then onto the ledge and move into another room with a number of pipes and a wheel. The player then jumps to the wheel, turns it, and the water level rises dramatically and now he can swim through the pipe into another room. There is a ledge with an exit, but the ledge is too high for Gordon to jump to from the water, but below the water, are several objects that float. If Gordon can break those objects free, he can jump from those floating objects and onto the ledge.
The game play is well done. The fight scenes aren't overly long and are interspaced with realistic puzzles as I mentioned above and the major fights require not firepower, but strategy. I remember the Strider fight at the end of Episode Two, it was very difficult and challenging, but it was fun because it was unorthodox and required you to think and strategize and prepare.
The story is also captivating. It has all the elements in it, intrigue, horror, twists, and a little bit of humor. Essentially in Half-Life, a portal is opened in which alien forces named the Combine invade earth. After Freeman fights them, he's put into stasis for years until Half-Life 2 occurs. In Half-Life 2, the Combine has defeated earth in a 7 hour war and have claimed dominion. Gordon Freeman becomes a part of the Resistance.

Intrigue: Throughout the series, you encounter the mysterious G-Man. In Half-Life, he shows up as the game begins to reach its conclusion and in Half-Life 2, he awakens Gordon Freeman at the very beginning. There are several times when you can spot him while you're traveling through the world, but only for a few brief seconds and only from a distance. He appears to have employed Gordon Freeman for . . . something, but it isn't explained what his motives are or who he's working for. It is uncertain whether the G-Man works for the Combine, the Resistance or for himself. He speaks peculiarly, with odd pauses and stresses on words that don't require stresses. Hopefully, when Episode 3 comes out, the G-Man will be explained. The G-Man stands out so well because the rest of the story is clear cut.
Horror: Throughout the game, Gordon encounters zombies. Zombies are the result of headcrabs. Headcrabs are little creatures that attack in large numbers and infest their host by attaching to the head. They take control of all the functions of the victim and the victim becomes a zombie. Half-Life made the element of surprise in this game, as zombies often come at you where you aren't looking. They'll hide in dark corners where you won't see them. They wail when they attack. From the sound it seems as if the victim still retains some of his humanity as you can hear him wailing in distress, even though it is muffled by the headcrab. It can be very creepy. The city of Ravenholm is completely infested by these zombies and can be come very creepy and suspenseful.
Humor: The game is serious but there are snippits of humor. One example is the stereotypical Dr. Kliener, who is the typical nerd scientist. He's balding and fascinated with physics and has a tame headcrab as a pet that likes to cause problems. There is also Father Gregori who lives in Ravenholm, who's half crazy and trying to "save" his congregation from torment by killing them (the zombies.) It is just enough to keep the game serious but apply comedic relief.
It is a very captivating game with an interesting story line. If one doesn't keep track of time, one might find himself playing the game all day long.
"Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman" - the G-Man
J Kuhl Signing Off
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Religious Billboard causes Uproar.
Billboard urges questioning of religion
I find it pretty funny that you can travel across the nation and read billboards from religious churches that tell you to turn to God, and that Jesus will save you, and all of that good stuff, but god forbid someone dare put up a sign asking you to question your religion. It is hypocrisy if you ask me, if some religious person is offended by this sign, because he's content with his own sign pushing his own beliefs. If he wants to put a sign in front of his church fine, but don't turn around and get upset about a sign that may be contrary to what you believe. These people seem to think that freedom of speech means "freedom for me to speak my mind and then try to censor the opposition."
I think this is a great sign. It tells people to take a close look at their religion and be sure that they're doing the right thing with it. And honestly, if the sign converts you to agnosticism or athiesm, you had no faith to begin with.
One commenter stated "but with no religion, there are no morals." This is false. There are hundreds of religions, most which seem to share some moral code. These religions are geographically diverse and some are even hard to reach. This tells me that moral codes are a part of being human, and is often woven through religion, but not created by religion. And what kind of warped moral thought is it, when one is only being good to avoid divine retribution? No. I want people to be moral out of their own being, not because God tells them to.
In other news, I found this interesting picture floating around the interwebs:
Other than the F bomb, I really don't understand the complaints that it gets.
First of all, it is just a humorous depiction of something that Jesus didn't do. The absurdity alone is what makes it funny.
But then, one could argue that there is a deeper meaning. Just think, Jesus was the Son of God. What if he did say "Screw your sins, I'm getting outta here?" He could have. He could have easily just ripped himself off the cross, smote down the romans and left.
But he didn't.
So this image simply reminds a Christian what Jesus did not do, and that was, Jesus did not take the cowards way out.
So instead of being offended by this image, look at it and be grateful.
People need to lighten up. That's part of the problem with religion. Most of the religious people are so uptight that they can't take a joke.
The important thing is not to stop questioning. Albert Einstein
J Kuhl Signing Off
I find it pretty funny that you can travel across the nation and read billboards from religious churches that tell you to turn to God, and that Jesus will save you, and all of that good stuff, but god forbid someone dare put up a sign asking you to question your religion. It is hypocrisy if you ask me, if some religious person is offended by this sign, because he's content with his own sign pushing his own beliefs. If he wants to put a sign in front of his church fine, but don't turn around and get upset about a sign that may be contrary to what you believe. These people seem to think that freedom of speech means "freedom for me to speak my mind and then try to censor the opposition."
I think this is a great sign. It tells people to take a close look at their religion and be sure that they're doing the right thing with it. And honestly, if the sign converts you to agnosticism or athiesm, you had no faith to begin with.
One commenter stated "but with no religion, there are no morals." This is false. There are hundreds of religions, most which seem to share some moral code. These religions are geographically diverse and some are even hard to reach. This tells me that moral codes are a part of being human, and is often woven through religion, but not created by religion. And what kind of warped moral thought is it, when one is only being good to avoid divine retribution? No. I want people to be moral out of their own being, not because God tells them to.
In other news, I found this interesting picture floating around the interwebs:

First of all, it is just a humorous depiction of something that Jesus didn't do. The absurdity alone is what makes it funny.
But then, one could argue that there is a deeper meaning. Just think, Jesus was the Son of God. What if he did say "Screw your sins, I'm getting outta here?" He could have. He could have easily just ripped himself off the cross, smote down the romans and left.
But he didn't.
So this image simply reminds a Christian what Jesus did not do, and that was, Jesus did not take the cowards way out.
So instead of being offended by this image, look at it and be grateful.
People need to lighten up. That's part of the problem with religion. Most of the religious people are so uptight that they can't take a joke.
The important thing is not to stop questioning. Albert Einstein
J Kuhl Signing Off
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Islam, Religion of Peace (TM)
Looking through the articles listed on Fark.com, I came across this:
Islamic fundies are thinking about banning the use of bikinis, forcing women to wear more modest swimwear on the beaches.
Now it may be because I'm a male, but I don't see the harm in bikinis. They cover the important parts after all.
I bring this up because one person made this comment:
Islam: The fear that someone, somewhere, is happy.
Looking at the current situation in the world with the Islamic nations, this seems to be the case. Look at everything they've ever done.
1. Discriminated women. God forbid women be happy and pursue their dreams to become doctors or scientists. God forbid they walk out in the streets and reveal (GASP) an ankle or their face. I find it amusing that they pretend that women don't have the capability to be successful, when right next door they have Israel about to be lead by a woman for a second time (thats two more than the liberal USA). And around them, the civilized nations in Europe and North America, women are free to pursue their dreams and are just as successful as men.
2. Iran's ayatollahs have banned simple pleasures like rock music and dancing. Throwing a party and having a good time, it appears, is a sin. People should be super serious and pray to Allah all the time and have no other enjoyments.
3. The bikini issue in Bali. Apparently the tourist trade in Indonesia can suffer. Its one of their few sources of income, but hey, as long as the Muslims are happy right?
So what gets into Islamofascists that gets them so ornery any time someone is happy? I just don't understand why they seem to have a hard time with just enjoying life and letting people live it. Perhaps if they'd join the 21st century with the rest of us, they'd realize happy people aren't really that bad. And perhaps they'll find out that if they can be civil and stop being so belligerent to the western nations that we'd be happy to be friends with them and help them out.
But instead, they'd rather execute women who accidently show an ankle and send suicide bombers at people who just want a fair democracy. The United States of America suffers a bit from bible-thumping baptists who make the same complaints that the fundementalist islamics do, but we get the pleasure of ignoring them. Unfortunately, the fundies control life in most muslim countries and get quite upset whenever someone is happy.
I don't think I'll ever understand why religion drives people to do insane things. Yet another reason why religion needs to go.
J Kuhl Signing Off
Islamic fundies are thinking about banning the use of bikinis, forcing women to wear more modest swimwear on the beaches.
Now it may be because I'm a male, but I don't see the harm in bikinis. They cover the important parts after all.
I bring this up because one person made this comment:
Islam: The fear that someone, somewhere, is happy.
Looking at the current situation in the world with the Islamic nations, this seems to be the case. Look at everything they've ever done.
1. Discriminated women. God forbid women be happy and pursue their dreams to become doctors or scientists. God forbid they walk out in the streets and reveal (GASP) an ankle or their face. I find it amusing that they pretend that women don't have the capability to be successful, when right next door they have Israel about to be lead by a woman for a second time (thats two more than the liberal USA). And around them, the civilized nations in Europe and North America, women are free to pursue their dreams and are just as successful as men.
2. Iran's ayatollahs have banned simple pleasures like rock music and dancing. Throwing a party and having a good time, it appears, is a sin. People should be super serious and pray to Allah all the time and have no other enjoyments.
3. The bikini issue in Bali. Apparently the tourist trade in Indonesia can suffer. Its one of their few sources of income, but hey, as long as the Muslims are happy right?
So what gets into Islamofascists that gets them so ornery any time someone is happy? I just don't understand why they seem to have a hard time with just enjoying life and letting people live it. Perhaps if they'd join the 21st century with the rest of us, they'd realize happy people aren't really that bad. And perhaps they'll find out that if they can be civil and stop being so belligerent to the western nations that we'd be happy to be friends with them and help them out.
But instead, they'd rather execute women who accidently show an ankle and send suicide bombers at people who just want a fair democracy. The United States of America suffers a bit from bible-thumping baptists who make the same complaints that the fundementalist islamics do, but we get the pleasure of ignoring them. Unfortunately, the fundies control life in most muslim countries and get quite upset whenever someone is happy.
I don't think I'll ever understand why religion drives people to do insane things. Yet another reason why religion needs to go.
J Kuhl Signing Off
Friday, September 19, 2008
It is about time for religious fervor to end.
We live in a world dominated by free thought and scientific innovation. Religion is an antiquated thing from the past. Religion frequently ignores scientific reason for the sake of dogma, in the face of overwhelming evidence. Religion ignores freedom of speech and cries out for the censorship of "blasphemous books" (like the Potter series), so long as they can still speak their hypocritical viewpoint. Religion demands that it place its stories in science classes, without providing evidence or providing room for the other religions with ID stories. Religion leads people to kil other people simply because those other people believe in a different invisible sky-daddy.
I guess this is why I've become so cynical about religion and practically fell off the agnostic fence on the athiest side of things (but I'm clinging to the edge with my fingers.)
It is everywhere in the news. Sarah Palin herself claims to be appointed by God and is an advocate of the 'theory' of creationism being taught in a science class.
A christian woman cried out in a town who named their football team "the Diablos." Next thing you know, they changed the team's name, so they don't offend the poor christ-fearing woman.
I love how these hypocrites demand that other beliefs are banned, but their beliefs should be pushed on other people. Baptists wanted Harry Potter banned because of the witchcraft. Don't Wiccans and practicers of black magic have as much of a right to have their beliefs on bookshelves. I'm offended by the bible, they should ban that. It is only fair, they want to ban Harry Potter because it offends them, so I want the bible to go. It offends me.
This can be further illustrated by the mock religion, Pastafarianism, which is belief in the Flying Spaghetti Monster (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pastafarianism). If Christians are going to force science classes to teach Genesis, then they also need to teach my religious viewpoint as well. I believe that a giant monster made of spaghetti invented the world (and pasta,) science teachers must teach that point of view as well or they are playing favorites with the Christians. But advocates of ID in science classes never say anything about other religions being included.
Lets look at the whole "my magical sky daddy is better than your magical sky daddy" debate that has been raging since mankind invented religion. We've been warring over what other people believe in for so damn long that its just getting stupid. I understand a nation going to war because it needs resources or going to war because they were attacked, but going to war because "he believes in something different than me" is asinine, especially now that we live in a world that is, for the most part, secular and religiously tolerant (at least the developed nations). And then the real problem is, all the religions believe that they are right and the other guy is wrong, so who's right?
Religious people are always shoving their crap down the throats of other people. I joined a facebook group called "1,000,000 strong get the original facebook back," which was a group that was formed to protest the forced change of the facebook layout which most people don't like. There was a post by some guy claiming that Thiesm was more rational than Athiesm. And no matter your thoughts on that claim, that argument was so obviously a christian pushing his beliefs on people. Otherwise, he'd've posted it in a group that was centered around religion, not around Facebook's layout. And the claim itself is foolish because Thiests claim there is a god without empirical evidence and then try to tell the rest of us that the world was created in 7 days and is 6000 years old, damn all the fossils and astronomical, scientific, evidence that the world is 4,000,000,000 years old in a 25 billion year old universe.
The universe was created some 13 billion years ago. Scientists have studied this and have found that their findings all point to some sort of Big Bang that initiated this universe. All matter came from an initial point of singularity. They know this because they know the universe is expanding and that expansion can be defined mathematically and through physics, thus they can work backwards and find out what happened 13 billion years ago. All scientific, empirical, evidence points to the fact that there was an explosion, a Big Bang, in which all matter was formed. How did it explode? Scientists don't know.
But the point is, the thiests do not support their beliefs with empirical evidence, and then they go and try to push it on us and call it "science."
There was a cartoon I saw somewhere that I can't find. It was a two-panel cartoon. The first panel was labeled "Scientific Reasoning." It showed two men. The first man says, I have a baseball. The second one replies, "prove it." The first man pulls out his baseball.
The second panel was labeled "Religious Reasoning." Again, two men. The first man says, "I have a baseball." The second one replies, "prove it." The first man shouts, "YOU CAN'T PROVE THAT I DON'T."
We could also look at the middle east where the nation of Israel struggles to exist simply because muslim extremists can't stand the fact that someone, who believes in the same god that they do, worships him in a different way.
I wonder when the muslims will ever grow up and stop being children.
My whole point is, have faith in whatever religious system you chose, but keep it out of science and don't push it on other people. Faith is a personal thing and if John Doe wants to believe in a flying spaghetti monster, thats his perogative, don't hold it against him. Your religion isn't the only one, which is why there is no religion in schools. If they do have religion in schools, they better be teaching all the major religions. Heck, if it wasn't unrealistic, I'd say they better be teaching ALL the religions.
My magical skydaddy is better than your magical sky daddy.
J Kuhl Signing Off
I guess this is why I've become so cynical about religion and practically fell off the agnostic fence on the athiest side of things (but I'm clinging to the edge with my fingers.)
It is everywhere in the news. Sarah Palin herself claims to be appointed by God and is an advocate of the 'theory' of creationism being taught in a science class.
A christian woman cried out in a town who named their football team "the Diablos." Next thing you know, they changed the team's name, so they don't offend the poor christ-fearing woman.
I love how these hypocrites demand that other beliefs are banned, but their beliefs should be pushed on other people. Baptists wanted Harry Potter banned because of the witchcraft. Don't Wiccans and practicers of black magic have as much of a right to have their beliefs on bookshelves. I'm offended by the bible, they should ban that. It is only fair, they want to ban Harry Potter because it offends them, so I want the bible to go. It offends me.
This can be further illustrated by the mock religion, Pastafarianism, which is belief in the Flying Spaghetti Monster (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pastafarianism). If Christians are going to force science classes to teach Genesis, then they also need to teach my religious viewpoint as well. I believe that a giant monster made of spaghetti invented the world (and pasta,) science teachers must teach that point of view as well or they are playing favorites with the Christians. But advocates of ID in science classes never say anything about other religions being included.
Lets look at the whole "my magical sky daddy is better than your magical sky daddy" debate that has been raging since mankind invented religion. We've been warring over what other people believe in for so damn long that its just getting stupid. I understand a nation going to war because it needs resources or going to war because they were attacked, but going to war because "he believes in something different than me" is asinine, especially now that we live in a world that is, for the most part, secular and religiously tolerant (at least the developed nations). And then the real problem is, all the religions believe that they are right and the other guy is wrong, so who's right?
Religious people are always shoving their crap down the throats of other people. I joined a facebook group called "1,000,000 strong get the original facebook back," which was a group that was formed to protest the forced change of the facebook layout which most people don't like. There was a post by some guy claiming that Thiesm was more rational than Athiesm. And no matter your thoughts on that claim, that argument was so obviously a christian pushing his beliefs on people. Otherwise, he'd've posted it in a group that was centered around religion, not around Facebook's layout. And the claim itself is foolish because Thiests claim there is a god without empirical evidence and then try to tell the rest of us that the world was created in 7 days and is 6000 years old, damn all the fossils and astronomical, scientific, evidence that the world is 4,000,000,000 years old in a 25 billion year old universe.
The universe was created some 13 billion years ago. Scientists have studied this and have found that their findings all point to some sort of Big Bang that initiated this universe. All matter came from an initial point of singularity. They know this because they know the universe is expanding and that expansion can be defined mathematically and through physics, thus they can work backwards and find out what happened 13 billion years ago. All scientific, empirical, evidence points to the fact that there was an explosion, a Big Bang, in which all matter was formed. How did it explode? Scientists don't know.
But the point is, the thiests do not support their beliefs with empirical evidence, and then they go and try to push it on us and call it "science."
There was a cartoon I saw somewhere that I can't find. It was a two-panel cartoon. The first panel was labeled "Scientific Reasoning." It showed two men. The first man says, I have a baseball. The second one replies, "prove it." The first man pulls out his baseball.
The second panel was labeled "Religious Reasoning." Again, two men. The first man says, "I have a baseball." The second one replies, "prove it." The first man shouts, "YOU CAN'T PROVE THAT I DON'T."
We could also look at the middle east where the nation of Israel struggles to exist simply because muslim extremists can't stand the fact that someone, who believes in the same god that they do, worships him in a different way.
I wonder when the muslims will ever grow up and stop being children.
My whole point is, have faith in whatever religious system you chose, but keep it out of science and don't push it on other people. Faith is a personal thing and if John Doe wants to believe in a flying spaghetti monster, thats his perogative, don't hold it against him. Your religion isn't the only one, which is why there is no religion in schools. If they do have religion in schools, they better be teaching all the major religions. Heck, if it wasn't unrealistic, I'd say they better be teaching ALL the religions.
My magical skydaddy is better than your magical sky daddy.
J Kuhl Signing Off
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Everyone is a Winner.
Give me a break.
In today's society, I have heard asinine tales of parents removing winning and losing from Little League baseball because it "hurt their children's self esteem."
Give me a break.
Winning and losing is a part of life. Competitive sports helps teach kids how to deal with winning and losing in a mature manner and if parents can't teach their kids how to place nice and still win and lose, then they aren't very good parents.
Children first of all, are susceptible to loss. Everyone has seen a five year old cry when he loses a game. Its a part of maturity. The five year old cries because he didn't want to lose and doesn't know how to handle it. If a parent removes losing from games, where will the child learn how to handle losing? Out in the real world where losing can often mean financial disaster or worse? Is he going to cry when he's 26 and got turned down for a job position? Sports need to have competition and parents need to teach their children how to lose. Bruce Wayne's father asked him in Batman Begins, "Why do we fall Bruce?" and Bruce would answer, "So we can learn to get up again." Parents need to stop coddling their kids and teach them about loss. Loss is a part of life and children will have to mature in order to learn to deal with it properly.
Children are also often bad winners. Winning often leads to bullying when the winning team taunts the losing team and mocks them. However, again, this is a fault of parenting, not a fault of competition. The parents need to be there and not jeer along with their kids but scold them and teach them to treat their opponents with respect, whether they are winning or losing. Letting children win gives children an opportunity to boost their own self esteem and at the same time gives parents an opportunity to teach their children to win fairly and respectfully.
Competition is not a bad thing as some terrible parents claim that it is. It gives children lessons about winning and losing and maturity that they will need when they leave the house in 15-18 years.
So please, cut out the bull**** and let the kids win and lose in Little League.
In other news, Palin is a bear-hating, creationist douche.
J Kuhl Signing Off
In today's society, I have heard asinine tales of parents removing winning and losing from Little League baseball because it "hurt their children's self esteem."
Give me a break.
Winning and losing is a part of life. Competitive sports helps teach kids how to deal with winning and losing in a mature manner and if parents can't teach their kids how to place nice and still win and lose, then they aren't very good parents.
Children first of all, are susceptible to loss. Everyone has seen a five year old cry when he loses a game. Its a part of maturity. The five year old cries because he didn't want to lose and doesn't know how to handle it. If a parent removes losing from games, where will the child learn how to handle losing? Out in the real world where losing can often mean financial disaster or worse? Is he going to cry when he's 26 and got turned down for a job position? Sports need to have competition and parents need to teach their children how to lose. Bruce Wayne's father asked him in Batman Begins, "Why do we fall Bruce?" and Bruce would answer, "So we can learn to get up again." Parents need to stop coddling their kids and teach them about loss. Loss is a part of life and children will have to mature in order to learn to deal with it properly.
Children are also often bad winners. Winning often leads to bullying when the winning team taunts the losing team and mocks them. However, again, this is a fault of parenting, not a fault of competition. The parents need to be there and not jeer along with their kids but scold them and teach them to treat their opponents with respect, whether they are winning or losing. Letting children win gives children an opportunity to boost their own self esteem and at the same time gives parents an opportunity to teach their children to win fairly and respectfully.
Competition is not a bad thing as some terrible parents claim that it is. It gives children lessons about winning and losing and maturity that they will need when they leave the house in 15-18 years.
So please, cut out the bull**** and let the kids win and lose in Little League.
In other news, Palin is a bear-hating, creationist douche.
J Kuhl Signing Off
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Hanscom AFB
On Tuesday I took a drive to Hanscom AFB. I needed some stuff for Field Training, namely some BDU Brown shirts that I couldn't find anywhere (Brown crew necks do not exist in the civilian world), a belt and a few other details.
As I entered the BX, I passed a captain who greeted me, and I passed back a "good afternoon" to him. And I realized that I wanted to salute him, even though I didn't. I guess this little incident just put a unique perspective on my advancement towards a commission. I want to be saluting superior officers and showing them my support for their willingness to put themselves on the line for everyday people. I want to be in that group with them, doing what I can to aid them, perhaps even being them, to keep this nation strong.
In other news, while on the way down I found out that most of the drivers around here are terrible. One example, I stop at a red light. Light turns green. I hit the gas and before the car overcomes its inertia, the guy behind me honks. Take a physics class pal! Not only do I have a reaction time, I also have 3-4 tons of inertia to push! It might take 3 whole seconds to get me to move!
And Nashua is the only place where we seem to stop at green lights. I don't understand it.
There was one woman in a Spider outside of Milford on that day (I went to an Army/Navy surplus first) and at a red light, I was in the left lane, she was in the right. She gave me a haughty look and slammed on the gas and probably did ninety. And I motored on at the speed limit. I was surprised to not see her pulled over a mile away.
It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye. . . . then its hilarious!
J Kuhl Signing Off
As I entered the BX, I passed a captain who greeted me, and I passed back a "good afternoon" to him. And I realized that I wanted to salute him, even though I didn't. I guess this little incident just put a unique perspective on my advancement towards a commission. I want to be saluting superior officers and showing them my support for their willingness to put themselves on the line for everyday people. I want to be in that group with them, doing what I can to aid them, perhaps even being them, to keep this nation strong.
In other news, while on the way down I found out that most of the drivers around here are terrible. One example, I stop at a red light. Light turns green. I hit the gas and before the car overcomes its inertia, the guy behind me honks. Take a physics class pal! Not only do I have a reaction time, I also have 3-4 tons of inertia to push! It might take 3 whole seconds to get me to move!
And Nashua is the only place where we seem to stop at green lights. I don't understand it.
There was one woman in a Spider outside of Milford on that day (I went to an Army/Navy surplus first) and at a red light, I was in the left lane, she was in the right. She gave me a haughty look and slammed on the gas and probably did ninety. And I motored on at the speed limit. I was surprised to not see her pulled over a mile away.
It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye. . . . then its hilarious!
J Kuhl Signing Off
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Don't Taze Me Bro!
Don't Taze Me Bro
After viewing this video, which was quickly spread across the internet, I just wonder, what did this kid do wrong exactly? He asked some harsh questions maybe, but so what? Its his right to ask questions. If he wasn't suppose to speak at that time, there was no reason to arrest him and taze him. Freedom of speech is a fundamental right in this country. He was not inciting a riot or disturbing the peace, he was simply asking Senator Kerry some questions. It is our right to ask questions.
Some of the things that occur in this country upset me. We have rights. The authorities might not like them, but too bad. A nation that supposedly protects liberty, should look at some of the things that go on within its own borders and look to its police.
And what is Senator Kerry doing? Don't tell me that he can't put a stop to this arrest. Rather, he just drones on and on in the background, answering the guy's question, but not doing anything to stop the arrest, thus facilitating the censorship of the student. I wonder if Senator Kerry actually wanted the student to hear the answer to the question.
The student in question did not need to be tazered, he needed to be let go. There was no point to this arrest.
In other news, I read an article in Newsweek in which General Petraeus is changing strategies in Iraq. He is throwing out the guns-blazing strategy that, while it toppled Baghdad in 3 weeks, failed hard in the over all war and replacing it with a better strategy. Rather than relying on all out force to gain control of Iraq, he is instead working with the Iraqis, Sunni and Shiite alike. The idea was that, instead of killing people, we work with them. We get on their good side
And it is common sense. Terrorism cannot be fought with fire. It is an idea and bullets cannot kill ideas. If instead we can get the Iraqis to work with us, perhaps we can get them to work with each other and if not like each other, then at least live with each other.
"Go young Fred" -Lord Mayor of Pepperland, Yellow Submarine (1968)
J Kuhl Signing Off
After viewing this video, which was quickly spread across the internet, I just wonder, what did this kid do wrong exactly? He asked some harsh questions maybe, but so what? Its his right to ask questions. If he wasn't suppose to speak at that time, there was no reason to arrest him and taze him. Freedom of speech is a fundamental right in this country. He was not inciting a riot or disturbing the peace, he was simply asking Senator Kerry some questions. It is our right to ask questions.
Some of the things that occur in this country upset me. We have rights. The authorities might not like them, but too bad. A nation that supposedly protects liberty, should look at some of the things that go on within its own borders and look to its police.
And what is Senator Kerry doing? Don't tell me that he can't put a stop to this arrest. Rather, he just drones on and on in the background, answering the guy's question, but not doing anything to stop the arrest, thus facilitating the censorship of the student. I wonder if Senator Kerry actually wanted the student to hear the answer to the question.
The student in question did not need to be tazered, he needed to be let go. There was no point to this arrest.
In other news, I read an article in Newsweek in which General Petraeus is changing strategies in Iraq. He is throwing out the guns-blazing strategy that, while it toppled Baghdad in 3 weeks, failed hard in the over all war and replacing it with a better strategy. Rather than relying on all out force to gain control of Iraq, he is instead working with the Iraqis, Sunni and Shiite alike. The idea was that, instead of killing people, we work with them. We get on their good side
And it is common sense. Terrorism cannot be fought with fire. It is an idea and bullets cannot kill ideas. If instead we can get the Iraqis to work with us, perhaps we can get them to work with each other and if not like each other, then at least live with each other.
"Go young Fred" -Lord Mayor of Pepperland, Yellow Submarine (1968)
J Kuhl Signing Off
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