Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Cowart and Shlesselman are Cowards

On Nov. 5, 2008, it is very likely that President Obama will be America's first black president. And there has already been an assassination plot on the man.

Two white supremacists, unsurprisingly from rural Tennessee and unsurprisingly high school drop-outs (I hate stereotypes, but they originate from somewhere), planned to kill 102 black Americans and Obama or die trying (88 shot, 14 beheaded, 88 and 14 are important numbers to the white supremacists.) Fortunately, their spree was stopped before it began and these two turdbuckets are off to jail for a long, long time.

More on these assholes here

And yet, I find this sad. This is the United States of America where people are suppose to have different opinions. People are suppose to be able to speak their minds and live in relative equality with each other. These two idiots are such cowards that they fear that their white supremacy ideas might just be evil and wrong and that a black man IS capable of governing this country.

They can disagree with Obama all they want, but attempting to kill the candidate you don't like is unpatriotic and cowardly. This is not how our nation is suppose to be run and it makes me sad that there are inbred swine here who would do this.

This isn't the only election-year issue either. There have been vandals on both sides who are scratching cars and vandalizing homes because the owner put up a sign supporting Obama/McCain. What is up with this bullshit? Are Americans no longer being raised to tolerated different opinions? I thought this nation was founded on difference of opinion? I guess some Americans are too primitive realize this.

In other news, Barack Hussein Obama is not a Muslim.

Since Obama even started running, long before the DNC, people claimed that the Illinois senator was a Muslim. I've known that the man was a Christian for several months now but still today you hear people cry out that we don't want no mooslim for president. You just can't eliminate ignorance.

And even if Obama was a Muslim, would this be a bad thing? No. I'd still vote for him over McCain. Americans need to learn that not all Muslims are terrorists. Any time I've slammed Islam in past blogs, I've been targeting fundamentalist Islam. The normal, moderate, day-to-day, Muslim is just an ordinary guy who follows the Qu'ran as much as a normal, moderate, day-to-day Christian follows the bible. Having a Muslim president would not mean anything. It would not make us weak on terrorism. He would not implement an islamo-fascist theocracy for our government. There are Muslims and there are fundamentalist Muslims. It is time for the US to realize the difference.

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J Kuhl Signing Off

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