Lightning strikes only once but kills 52 cows
MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay (AP) -- Lightning struck only once - but 52 cows are dead at an Uruguayan ranch. The newspaper El Pais reports that the cows had pressed against a wire fence during a storm when the lightning bolt struck in the northern state of San Jose.
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And later on, this article:
Uruguay hosts biggest BBQ, grills 12 tons of beef
MONTEVIDEO (Reuters) - More than a thousand barbecue fanatics in Uruguay grilled up 12 metric tonnes (26,400 lbs) of beef on Sunday, setting a new Guinness world record while promoting the country's succulent top export.
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I just wonder if the two incidents are linked. 52 dead cows are a lot of beef and it would be a shame to let them go to waste like that. Why not have a big BBQ out of the incident?

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