Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A Scatalogical Plea

I've been in many public restrooms and I've seen a number of different designs for restrooms and some, quite frankly, are depressing. Its as if the designer didn't understand etiquette.

As everyone knows, there is bathroom etiquette in a men's restroom.

1. Stare straight ahead at the urinal.
2. If there are no dividers, keep a space between you and the other man at the urinals. If this is not possible, use the stall or wait.
3. Flush! Men are supposedly bad at this but come on! It takes two seconds.

Now some comments. Some restrooms like to use urinals with lips that come out a foot. I really wish people would stop building those. How can I have a bit of privacy when I have to stand a foot away?

Some restrooms like to use automatic flush. This is really great, unless the mechanism doesn't work and there is no button to push or handle to use.

And some restrooms use johns that don't flush. Woohoo for water conversation and all, but you gotta make it drain somehow. I'm talking to you, Boston Aquarium.

Then there are faucets. Oh the fun faucets where you can only wash one hand at a time because the moment you take your hand off the push-handle, the water shuts off. Does a turn-handle waste water or something? Why would the push-handle even be desired?

And last, if you are the manager of a building with public restrooms, please, please, please, send someone in to wash it and replace toilet paper/paper towers/etc at least once an hour.

Oh and, air dryers blow.

J Kuhl Signing Off

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