Monday, February 27, 2006

Extremist Baptists Are Idiots

The other day I was searching for a picture of God on I didn't find anything that I could use but I did find this:, a site advocating the condemnation of homosexuals. Unfortunately, I was unsurprised to learn it was run by an intolerant baptist church. The baptist extreme right has always been an intolerable group, claiming to be messengers of God and only spreading evil. Isaiah and Jeremiah warn us of false prophets, and these extremists are just that, false. They are not sent by God.

Who are they to judge others? Where do they get the arrogance that leads them to believe that they can condemn? And where do they get the belief that God hates homoesexuals? The Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) believes that their obligation in life is to condemn them, rather than help them, as if their homosexuality is their fault. You will find them picketing around solemn funerals. They are truly a hateful bunch.

One of the kids, "Bob," in my religion class opened up about three months ago. One of his fellow students asked him if homosexuality was a choice. Bob replied no. And how could it be? No one wants to be an outcast. Bob said that he hid from it, hoping for a normal attracting with a girl than a boy. But it never came. His sexual oreintation is not his fault. How can a kind and loving God punish someone for a condition that is not their fault? It isn't their choice. I'm pretty sure homosexuality is as much of a choice as heterosexuality, and given the choice, almost all the homosexuals would take heterosexuality, but again, it isn't their choice.

The Old Testement would not understand this, being written by primitive civilizations, long before the New Testement. They would view homosexuality as being a demon or a sin because they could not understand it. The Old Testement also advocates wife beating and slavery. So I suppose if we take the Old Testement as still being up-to-date, then we should reinstate slavery and beat our wives.

Jesus came with the New Testement, if you are a christain (and I believe Baptists are) and a new message. He brought us truth. He said "Love thy neighbor as you love thyself." Clearly, he did not tell us to hate people, especially the sinners. He hung out with the sinners! He helped them! He loved them! He never, ever condemned the sinners! So if the homosexuals are sinners, as WBC clearly believes, then Jesus would do his best to love them!

Also, there is the scene in the Bible where a bunch of Jews are about to stone a woman for adultury. Jesus enters the scene and says to them all, "Let he who is without sin throw the first stone." Are any of you, WBC, absolutely sinless? No none of you are. Your hatred is sin. Jesus, AKA God, commanded us to love our neighbors. He commands us to love our enemys, sinners, outcasts, ill, everyone. Jesus never said "Oh, condemn the fags who will burn in Hell."

Anyone who pickets at a funeral is sick. The WBC believes that God is killing American soldiers because our military supports homosexuality. They believe that this soldier is inherently evil for fighting for the US and is therefore in hell. I don't care who died, picketing at funerals is tasteless. It is insensitive to the grieving family, who just lost a loved one. "People have a right to demonstrate, but they don't have a right to infringe on the rights of a family trying to mourn the loss of a loved one. That too is a fundamental right." Rep. Dan Severson stated as Minnisota passed limits on funeral protests, a good move in my opinion. How incredibly cruel is that, to picket at a funeral. I'm sure their own family would be enraged if I picketed the funeral of a baptist, holding a sign that says "God Hates Baptists!" The governer said it best in one word, appalling.

Listen to what happened at another funeral:
'As Ostlund turned away to enter Zion Lutheran Church, Shirley Phelps-Roper taunted her: "Adulterer! You can't admit you sent your own child to hell! If she does not heed this warning, she will look up from hell with him."'source. How incredibly dispicable. I am seething with rage right now. How dare anyone display such blatant disrespect and cruelty to a bereaving mother. How truely hateful. If there was a Patroit Guard Rider (a group that fights funeral picketing) chapter nearby, I'd join up.

If anyone is going to condemn anyone, God will, as God is the only one who has the right. No one knows who God hates. No one can say for God who God hates. To write a memorial to a dead woman and celebrate the alleged "fact" that she is burning in hell is downright cruel too. Every human has dignity (Pope John Paul II) and this is the most undignified act that anyone can make. Shame on anyone who acts like this. The WBC also insists on condemning US Soldier "fags" who are bringing evil to the Americans. The WBC actually supports the terrorist organizations fighting America and bombing our people. The WBC are unpatriotic traitors. They believe America will burn in Hell for our gay sins. They forget, American soldier's protected their right to protest and picket.

"God Himself Has Now Become America's Terrorist, Killing Americans in Strange Lands for "Brokeback Mountain Fag Sins." pdf source

God doesn't kill. God doesn't send terrorists, who subjugate women, and kill innocent civilians, to kill American soldiers. Bush's greed and the greed of the terrorists lead to these deaths. "Thank God for IED's" No, thank God for God's forgiveness. What is wrong with you people! GOD DOES NOT HATE! DID YOU READ THE NEW TESTEMENT YOU MORONS! "LOVE THY NEIGHBOR!" "LOVE THY NEIGHBOR!" ITS IN YOUR PRECIOUS BIBLE!

Intolerant morons like the WBC need to learn that their ignorant ways are evil and immoral. They need to learn that ignorance and intolerance only leads to further death and destruction. They need to learn that their message of hate ignores everything that Jesus Christ ever said. Being Christians, they should know this. They should know what they are doing is wrong and hateful, but they are too stupid and too blind in their hatred to see.

Thank God for other groups, such as the Patriot Guard Riders, who ride out to protect funerals from picketers. and thank God for Minnesota's new law. Thank God for those who fight these false prophets. May God forgive these mistaken people, because I'm not sure that I can.

I suppose homosexuality is the cause of Katrina too.

J Kuhl Signing Off

1 comment:

Caleb said...

All baptists are idiots. It is just that extremist baptists are extremely idiot.

But there is not such thing as the less stupid baptist, not to mention the intelligent one.

That damned cult is just made of big time morons.