The other day I was searching for a picture of God on I didn't find anything that I could use but I did find this:, a site advocating the condemnation of homosexuals. Unfortunately, I was unsurprised to learn it was run by an intolerant baptist church. The baptist extreme right has always been an intolerable group, claiming to be messengers of God and only spreading evil. Isaiah and Jeremiah warn us of false prophets, and these extremists are just that, false. They are not sent by God.
Who are they to judge others? Where do they get the arrogance that leads them to believe that they can condemn? And where do they get the belief that God hates homoesexuals? The Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) believes that their obligation in life is to condemn them, rather than help them, as if their homosexuality is their fault. You will find them picketing around solemn funerals. They are truly a hateful bunch.
One of the kids, "Bob," in my religion class opened up about three months ago. One of his fellow students asked him if homosexuality was a choice. Bob replied no. And how could it be? No one wants to be an outcast. Bob said that he hid from it, hoping for a normal attracting with a girl than a boy. But it never came. His sexual oreintation is not his fault. How can a kind and loving God punish someone for a condition that is not their fault? It isn't their choice. I'm pretty sure homosexuality is as much of a choice as heterosexuality, and given the choice, almost all the homosexuals would take heterosexuality, but again, it isn't their choice.
The Old Testement would not understand this, being written by primitive civilizations, long before the New Testement. They would view homosexuality as being a demon or a sin because they could not understand it. The Old Testement also advocates wife beating and slavery. So I suppose if we take the Old Testement as still being up-to-date, then we should reinstate slavery and beat our wives.
Jesus came with the New Testement, if you are a christain (and I believe Baptists are) and a new message. He brought us truth. He said "Love thy neighbor as you love thyself." Clearly, he did not tell us to hate people, especially the sinners. He hung out with the sinners! He helped them! He loved them! He never, ever condemned the sinners! So if the homosexuals are sinners, as WBC clearly believes, then Jesus would do his best to love them!
Also, there is the scene in the Bible where a bunch of Jews are about to stone a woman for adultury. Jesus enters the scene and says to them all, "Let he who is without sin throw the first stone." Are any of you, WBC, absolutely sinless? No none of you are. Your hatred is sin. Jesus, AKA God, commanded us to love our neighbors. He commands us to love our enemys, sinners, outcasts, ill, everyone. Jesus never said "Oh, condemn the fags who will burn in Hell."
Anyone who pickets at a funeral is sick. The WBC believes that God is killing American soldiers because our military supports homosexuality. They believe that this soldier is inherently evil for fighting for the US and is therefore in hell. I don't care who died, picketing at funerals is tasteless. It is insensitive to the grieving family, who just lost a loved one. "People have a right to demonstrate, but they don't have a right to infringe on the rights of a family trying to mourn the loss of a loved one. That too is a fundamental right." Rep. Dan Severson stated as Minnisota passed limits on funeral protests, a good move in my opinion. How incredibly cruel is that, to picket at a funeral. I'm sure their own family would be enraged if I picketed the funeral of a baptist, holding a sign that says "God Hates Baptists!" The governer said it best in one word, appalling.
Listen to what happened at another funeral:
'As Ostlund turned away to enter Zion Lutheran Church, Shirley Phelps-Roper taunted her: "Adulterer! You can't admit you sent your own child to hell! If she does not heed this warning, she will look up from hell with him."'source. How incredibly dispicable. I am seething with rage right now. How dare anyone display such blatant disrespect and cruelty to a bereaving mother. How truely hateful. If there was a Patroit Guard Rider (a group that fights funeral picketing) chapter nearby, I'd join up.
If anyone is going to condemn anyone, God will, as God is the only one who has the right. No one knows who God hates. No one can say for God who God hates. To write a memorial to a dead woman and celebrate the alleged "fact" that she is burning in hell is downright cruel too. Every human has dignity (Pope John Paul II) and this is the most undignified act that anyone can make. Shame on anyone who acts like this. The WBC also insists on condemning US Soldier "fags" who are bringing evil to the Americans. The WBC actually supports the terrorist organizations fighting America and bombing our people. The WBC are unpatriotic traitors. They believe America will burn in Hell for our gay sins. They forget, American soldier's protected their right to protest and picket.
"God Himself Has Now Become America's Terrorist, Killing Americans in Strange Lands for "Brokeback Mountain Fag Sins." pdf source
God doesn't kill. God doesn't send terrorists, who subjugate women, and kill innocent civilians, to kill American soldiers. Bush's greed and the greed of the terrorists lead to these deaths. "Thank God for IED's" No, thank God for God's forgiveness. What is wrong with you people! GOD DOES NOT HATE! DID YOU READ THE NEW TESTEMENT YOU MORONS! "LOVE THY NEIGHBOR!" "LOVE THY NEIGHBOR!" ITS IN YOUR PRECIOUS BIBLE!
Intolerant morons like the WBC need to learn that their ignorant ways are evil and immoral. They need to learn that ignorance and intolerance only leads to further death and destruction. They need to learn that their message of hate ignores everything that Jesus Christ ever said. Being Christians, they should know this. They should know what they are doing is wrong and hateful, but they are too stupid and too blind in their hatred to see.
Thank God for other groups, such as the Patriot Guard Riders, who ride out to protect funerals from picketers. and thank God for Minnesota's new law. Thank God for those who fight these false prophets. May God forgive these mistaken people, because I'm not sure that I can.
I suppose homosexuality is the cause of Katrina too.
J Kuhl Signing Off
Monday, February 27, 2006
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Curious George learns to drive!
Why did we elect this moron? Check out!
J Kuhl Signing Off
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Memory Lane
Mrs. Robi suggested the other day that my class writes about our memories of the last few years. I got to thinking and I found myself, as usual, in the Drama society.
The play at the time was Hello Dolly. The day's rehearsal was over. Benny and Kyle were carrying the soundboard to the stage to store it for the night. I was in the lead, clearing a path through the chairs. Then I have no idea what happened. I was flying. I was looking straight at the cieling as I flew. Slowly, ever so slowly, I moved through the air and landed on my back, like a beetle. Amazingly, it didn't hurt. But I've never been able to go near that soundboard again without some irrational fear.
Then the next day Josie, the co-directer came in and announced that she needed two husky men. So naturally, Nick Hixon and myself went out to help. We walked to her car and managed to pull the spotlight out. Nick and I pushed the spot to the door where it hit the threshhold and started leaning dangerously forward. We tried to pull it straight but somehow my foot got stuck. To lean it forward even more would free my foot but drop the spot. What a conundrum. Finaly, I managed to wiggle free and push the dumb thing into the building and roll it into position.
Another crisis averted by J Kuhl!
But then there are other memories too, unrelated to drama. Senior Retreat. 12:00 PM. I am in my bed, trying to sleep as the kids in the room next to mine are talking. Loudly. About sex. I was too disgusted to sleep, too tired to stay awake. The bloody hockey players wouldn't shut up. But after about an hour of their horrific conversation, I fell asleep. It seemed immediate. There came a loud knock on the door. It was 6:30 AM. Mr. Servidio was knocking on doors shouting "Good Morning! It's a beautiful rainy day! Time to get up!" I knew from that moment, it would be a long, long day.
Eventually, I woke up. The class then went to Mass, then we boarded the busses. I was planning to go to the Ninety-Nine with a bunch of friends once we got back. As the bus started off for Auburn, I was looking forward to this. Then the bus broke down at the first stop sign. While we were waiting, Jake flashed his chest. He's rather big, so it was funny, and yet disturbing. After about an hour ago, a mechanic showed up and the bus got moving at about 25 miles an hour for about two hours.
We finally made it back to the school. About 8 of us went to the Ninety-Nine. Mike was in heaven because they were playing old songs on the radio. It started to snow. We made our orders and we were joking around, waiting for our food. Mike's mother then showed up, very angry. She hates driving in any type of snow. She told him it was time to go. Mike argued that the food was still coming. She argued that it was snowing out their and Matt, Mike's brother, had an appointment. Mike protested. She aquiessed and left, rather angry. Mike wasn't in heaven anymore.
These are some small samples of my memories of the last four years. That is what the entire career has been, a mesh of stories strung together, woven with different characters and events. These are two random samples, but they are important to me. They show some of the strangeness of the situation. These are memories of a larger story, becoming more and more painfully significant as the end of this year rapidly comes to a close. I want to keep these memories, and all the other memories, to ensure that I never lose the experiances I've had.
Experiance is the world's greatest teacher after all. Do these memories have any special lesson to them? Perhaps. They give me some insight on how life works after all. I could take Mr. Servidio's cheerful attitude on a rainy day as a signal for keeping spirits up during dark times. His attitude also reveals how ironic, and maybe even cruel life can be. Every memory will teach me something though. Whether I consciously know it or not, I get something out of everything.
And in the past four years, I have gotten so many somethings out of these memories that now my life is so completely different than it was in 2002 that I wouldn't recognize myself four years ago.
"Captain and crew, Captain and crew, Take me, oh take me, To anywhere new." -Shell Silverstein, Falling Up, Needles and Pins
J Kuhl Signing Off
The play at the time was Hello Dolly. The day's rehearsal was over. Benny and Kyle were carrying the soundboard to the stage to store it for the night. I was in the lead, clearing a path through the chairs. Then I have no idea what happened. I was flying. I was looking straight at the cieling as I flew. Slowly, ever so slowly, I moved through the air and landed on my back, like a beetle. Amazingly, it didn't hurt. But I've never been able to go near that soundboard again without some irrational fear.
Then the next day Josie, the co-directer came in and announced that she needed two husky men. So naturally, Nick Hixon and myself went out to help. We walked to her car and managed to pull the spotlight out. Nick and I pushed the spot to the door where it hit the threshhold and started leaning dangerously forward. We tried to pull it straight but somehow my foot got stuck. To lean it forward even more would free my foot but drop the spot. What a conundrum. Finaly, I managed to wiggle free and push the dumb thing into the building and roll it into position.
Another crisis averted by J Kuhl!
But then there are other memories too, unrelated to drama. Senior Retreat. 12:00 PM. I am in my bed, trying to sleep as the kids in the room next to mine are talking. Loudly. About sex. I was too disgusted to sleep, too tired to stay awake. The bloody hockey players wouldn't shut up. But after about an hour of their horrific conversation, I fell asleep. It seemed immediate. There came a loud knock on the door. It was 6:30 AM. Mr. Servidio was knocking on doors shouting "Good Morning! It's a beautiful rainy day! Time to get up!" I knew from that moment, it would be a long, long day.
Eventually, I woke up. The class then went to Mass, then we boarded the busses. I was planning to go to the Ninety-Nine with a bunch of friends once we got back. As the bus started off for Auburn, I was looking forward to this. Then the bus broke down at the first stop sign. While we were waiting, Jake flashed his chest. He's rather big, so it was funny, and yet disturbing. After about an hour ago, a mechanic showed up and the bus got moving at about 25 miles an hour for about two hours.
We finally made it back to the school. About 8 of us went to the Ninety-Nine. Mike was in heaven because they were playing old songs on the radio. It started to snow. We made our orders and we were joking around, waiting for our food. Mike's mother then showed up, very angry. She hates driving in any type of snow. She told him it was time to go. Mike argued that the food was still coming. She argued that it was snowing out their and Matt, Mike's brother, had an appointment. Mike protested. She aquiessed and left, rather angry. Mike wasn't in heaven anymore.
These are some small samples of my memories of the last four years. That is what the entire career has been, a mesh of stories strung together, woven with different characters and events. These are two random samples, but they are important to me. They show some of the strangeness of the situation. These are memories of a larger story, becoming more and more painfully significant as the end of this year rapidly comes to a close. I want to keep these memories, and all the other memories, to ensure that I never lose the experiances I've had.
Experiance is the world's greatest teacher after all. Do these memories have any special lesson to them? Perhaps. They give me some insight on how life works after all. I could take Mr. Servidio's cheerful attitude on a rainy day as a signal for keeping spirits up during dark times. His attitude also reveals how ironic, and maybe even cruel life can be. Every memory will teach me something though. Whether I consciously know it or not, I get something out of everything.
And in the past four years, I have gotten so many somethings out of these memories that now my life is so completely different than it was in 2002 that I wouldn't recognize myself four years ago.
"Captain and crew, Captain and crew, Take me, oh take me, To anywhere new." -Shell Silverstein, Falling Up, Needles and Pins
J Kuhl Signing Off
Thursday, February 16, 2006
With the disturbingly quick approach of the End Of All Things (graduation), I came to wondering what the purpose was. An age old question I suppose, but that was my question. What is the purpose of evering thing that happened in the last four years?
Well, for starters, lets look at fundimentals. What is mankind's primary purpose for existance? Do we have a purpose? At first glance, one dispairs at the uselessness of life. We have 100 years on this planet and then we die. All comes to naught in the end. So life is worthless, isn't it? Why should I live a life of accomplishment, when in the end, it will mean nothing at all?
Many religions, such as Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and many others answer this with the concept of heaven. Buddhism and Hinduism addresses the problem with the idea of Nirvanah. And yet, there are those who believe in nothing after death. Essentially, our lives will have an effect in our after life. According to Hinduism and Buddhism, when one finally lives a good life, he will break out of his cycle of suffering and go to Nirvanah, for a while. Even in those religions, Nirvanah isn't eternal. According to the judaic-based religions, one either goes to Heaven or Hell according to their behavior.
But no one religion can define the purpose of life for all people. There are far to many and picking the correct religion is simply the luck of the draw. Who's to say what book is the correct book to read? The Bible, the Torah or the Qu'ran?
The answer is neither. Lets look at a few lives. Martin Luther King Jr. fought for his lifetime for civil rights. John Lennon may have been the most successful musician in all of history. Did they live purposeless lives? No. They did something with their lives, unconcerned with Heaven or Nirvanah. They and many other extraordinary people have done great things to better the Earth. Their purpose was to use their talents to better the Earth.
And so how do we, the ordinary people find a purpose? How do we tell if we are indeed extraordinary? We can't. I lied earlier. King and Lennon are not extraordinary. They are ordinary people who followed their dream and made an impact on the world.
The purpose of life therefore is to find your dream and do something to make the world a better place. You don't have to do anything ubergreat, simply make the lives around you brighter. Strive to bring happiness to all around you.
So what does this have to do with the last four years? In the last four years, I have seen and heard so many different things and finally I'm off that first step to find my own particular purpose.
Forget the other news.
"Was Richelieu African-American?" -Brian
J Kuhl Signing Off
Well, for starters, lets look at fundimentals. What is mankind's primary purpose for existance? Do we have a purpose? At first glance, one dispairs at the uselessness of life. We have 100 years on this planet and then we die. All comes to naught in the end. So life is worthless, isn't it? Why should I live a life of accomplishment, when in the end, it will mean nothing at all?
Many religions, such as Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and many others answer this with the concept of heaven. Buddhism and Hinduism addresses the problem with the idea of Nirvanah. And yet, there are those who believe in nothing after death. Essentially, our lives will have an effect in our after life. According to Hinduism and Buddhism, when one finally lives a good life, he will break out of his cycle of suffering and go to Nirvanah, for a while. Even in those religions, Nirvanah isn't eternal. According to the judaic-based religions, one either goes to Heaven or Hell according to their behavior.
But no one religion can define the purpose of life for all people. There are far to many and picking the correct religion is simply the luck of the draw. Who's to say what book is the correct book to read? The Bible, the Torah or the Qu'ran?
The answer is neither. Lets look at a few lives. Martin Luther King Jr. fought for his lifetime for civil rights. John Lennon may have been the most successful musician in all of history. Did they live purposeless lives? No. They did something with their lives, unconcerned with Heaven or Nirvanah. They and many other extraordinary people have done great things to better the Earth. Their purpose was to use their talents to better the Earth.
And so how do we, the ordinary people find a purpose? How do we tell if we are indeed extraordinary? We can't. I lied earlier. King and Lennon are not extraordinary. They are ordinary people who followed their dream and made an impact on the world.
The purpose of life therefore is to find your dream and do something to make the world a better place. You don't have to do anything ubergreat, simply make the lives around you brighter. Strive to bring happiness to all around you.
So what does this have to do with the last four years? In the last four years, I have seen and heard so many different things and finally I'm off that first step to find my own particular purpose.
Forget the other news.
"Was Richelieu African-American?" -Brian
J Kuhl Signing Off
Monday, February 13, 2006
I was out and about on the far side of the internet the other day when I came across the Best Page in the Universe where a pirate by the name of Maddox spews out his opinions on life in general. The writer is arrogant, sexist, egotistic and afraid of jocks. His articles are offensive and down-right slander at times.
And yet there are times when he can be funny. And there are times when he is right. The article on the "pedosmile" caught my attention. This is the absolute truth. I have never seen a pediphile without a half-concealed grin on his face. And just why are they smiling? Because they recieve enjoyment by touching helpless children. Enjoyment. We need to take a harder stand on them. We should, and I am serious, castrate them. Remove half the cause of their problem. Then throw them in prison for life. These lunetics threaten society and should never be set loose.
I'm sure God may say to forgive. I say to forgive them too, if they truly to repent.
But keep them locked up anyways.
In other news Maddox has also spewed off in hatred against bloggers He states that bloggers are narcissist. Yet, he has an entire webpage, updated now and then, filled with his arrogant opinions, which is the definition of blog. His definition of blogger is worse: "Blogger: Term used to describe anyone with enough time or narcissism to document every tedious bit of minutia filling their uneventful lives." The funny thing is, this is exactly what he is doing. Trust me Maddox, you are blogging. And you are too conceited to see that! He calls us arrogant for posting our opinions!
This is what I find funny about The Best Page in the Universe. It is a worthless pile of garbage for the most part, but his rants can be quite entertaining. So let him type. It's his webpage and this is America after all.
92,389,288 people find Maddox's site tasteless and offensive
J Kuhl Signing Off
And yet there are times when he can be funny. And there are times when he is right. The article on the "pedosmile" caught my attention. This is the absolute truth. I have never seen a pediphile without a half-concealed grin on his face. And just why are they smiling? Because they recieve enjoyment by touching helpless children. Enjoyment. We need to take a harder stand on them. We should, and I am serious, castrate them. Remove half the cause of their problem. Then throw them in prison for life. These lunetics threaten society and should never be set loose.
I'm sure God may say to forgive. I say to forgive them too, if they truly to repent.
But keep them locked up anyways.
In other news Maddox has also spewed off in hatred against bloggers He states that bloggers are narcissist. Yet, he has an entire webpage, updated now and then, filled with his arrogant opinions, which is the definition of blog. His definition of blogger is worse: "Blogger: Term used to describe anyone with enough time or narcissism to document every tedious bit of minutia filling their uneventful lives." The funny thing is, this is exactly what he is doing. Trust me Maddox, you are blogging. And you are too conceited to see that! He calls us arrogant for posting our opinions!
This is what I find funny about The Best Page in the Universe. It is a worthless pile of garbage for the most part, but his rants can be quite entertaining. So let him type. It's his webpage and this is America after all.
92,389,288 people find Maddox's site tasteless and offensive
J Kuhl Signing Off
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Texans, Mohammed, and Snarling Pro-Abortion Feminist Commenters
Rednecks. I can't stand rednecks. And Texas is one giant redneck state. Rednecks are the group of people who are bringing our nation down. They are the shotgun-weilding, bible-thumping, morons who laze around all day long, wasting taxpayer money in their mobile homes and their Ford pick-ups. They don't even have the decency to talk straight. "I bought them trucks with my own money." I hate it when people say "them" in that manner. You don't use them! Them is for when you don't have noun! And ain't bugs me too. "I ain't eddycated 'nuff to use those when them is the wrong word."
I was going to comment on the cartoons that have been pissing off the Muslims. These cartoons make me proud to be American, where there is a little right called THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH in which I can say anything I like, such as, George W. Bush is a liar and a moron. George Bush is more of a terrorist than al-Zaqwari will ever be. Anyways back to the point. The cartoons were offensive. They should have never been posted in the first place. But now that they have been, I think we should reprint them in every paper across the western world to show the Middle East that they cannot intimidate us into subjugating to their will. We have the right to say what we want about who we want and they cannot tell us what to do.
Besides, why should we respect the Middle-East? Every time we do some jackass decides to kill some more of us. And they are such a hypocritical bunch of wild animals. They depict images that mock other religions and those other religions don't go burning down buildings over a stupid cartoon.
Rather than crying a screaming fit and shooting random shots into the sky, why don't they become a little more civilized and complain the proper way. Perhaps if they would stop killing and burning and actually try, just try to act civilized, the western civilization will learn to respect them.
Thats why these cartoons need to be reprinted. To teach them a lesson. Maybe if they become less violent and hateful, we will get rid of our cartoons. But we will never get rid of our freedom of speech.
In other news, I got some rediculus comments on my last post. Some snarling, brainless feminist decided to be a pain in the neck and say some stupid stuff. Lets go through her comments:
"easy for you to say..being male, you never have to give birth and then give up the baby." Okay, point there. Being male, I will never know what birth is like. I agree. But abortion is still murder.
"Also what about times when it will kill the mother to have the infant?" I addressed this. Why don't you read the post? I said, "There are few legitiment reasons for an abortion. If the birth of the child may cause the death of the mother, then abortion maybe the only option."
"What about young girls too young to take care of a baby who were raped?" Girls too young to take care of a baby should know better before they have the baby, its the consequence for their actions. And there's adoption. As to rape, is it the baby's fault? Why punish the baby? Actually, I am more or less undecided in this extreme because keeping the baby may cause emotional damage. As to this, I don't know.
"one more thing...and sometimes babies are girls" This is incredibly stupid. Of course babies can be girls. I don't want to say "he or she" at every pronoun. As there is no genderless pronoun other than "it," which describes inanimate objects, I will use "he," which is more or less generic. I'm not discriminating female babies, its just easier to say "he." And enough with this politically correct bullshit (I had to be vulgar, PC annoys me) I HAVE FREEDOM OF SPEECH! And some how I get the feeling, that if I had said "she" no one would care. That annoys me. Anytime you piss off a minority, they call you racist, sexist, or ignorant.
And let me make a note: I don't include all muslims/middle-easterners in my invective: just the stupid ones.
"Good fences make good neighbors" - Robert Frost
J Kuhl Signing Off
I was going to comment on the cartoons that have been pissing off the Muslims. These cartoons make me proud to be American, where there is a little right called THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH in which I can say anything I like, such as, George W. Bush is a liar and a moron. George Bush is more of a terrorist than al-Zaqwari will ever be. Anyways back to the point. The cartoons were offensive. They should have never been posted in the first place. But now that they have been, I think we should reprint them in every paper across the western world to show the Middle East that they cannot intimidate us into subjugating to their will. We have the right to say what we want about who we want and they cannot tell us what to do.
Besides, why should we respect the Middle-East? Every time we do some jackass decides to kill some more of us. And they are such a hypocritical bunch of wild animals. They depict images that mock other religions and those other religions don't go burning down buildings over a stupid cartoon.
Rather than crying a screaming fit and shooting random shots into the sky, why don't they become a little more civilized and complain the proper way. Perhaps if they would stop killing and burning and actually try, just try to act civilized, the western civilization will learn to respect them.
Thats why these cartoons need to be reprinted. To teach them a lesson. Maybe if they become less violent and hateful, we will get rid of our cartoons. But we will never get rid of our freedom of speech.
In other news, I got some rediculus comments on my last post. Some snarling, brainless feminist decided to be a pain in the neck and say some stupid stuff. Lets go through her comments:
"easy for you to say..being male, you never have to give birth and then give up the baby." Okay, point there. Being male, I will never know what birth is like. I agree. But abortion is still murder.
"Also what about times when it will kill the mother to have the infant?" I addressed this. Why don't you read the post? I said, "There are few legitiment reasons for an abortion. If the birth of the child may cause the death of the mother, then abortion maybe the only option."
"What about young girls too young to take care of a baby who were raped?" Girls too young to take care of a baby should know better before they have the baby, its the consequence for their actions. And there's adoption. As to rape, is it the baby's fault? Why punish the baby? Actually, I am more or less undecided in this extreme because keeping the baby may cause emotional damage. As to this, I don't know.
"one more thing...and sometimes babies are girls" This is incredibly stupid. Of course babies can be girls. I don't want to say "he or she" at every pronoun. As there is no genderless pronoun other than "it," which describes inanimate objects, I will use "he," which is more or less generic. I'm not discriminating female babies, its just easier to say "he." And enough with this politically correct bullshit (I had to be vulgar, PC annoys me) I HAVE FREEDOM OF SPEECH! And some how I get the feeling, that if I had said "she" no one would care. That annoys me. Anytime you piss off a minority, they call you racist, sexist, or ignorant.
And let me make a note: I don't include all muslims/middle-easterners in my invective: just the stupid ones.
"Good fences make good neighbors" - Robert Frost
J Kuhl Signing Off
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