Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The Senior Class of 2006

Halloween. 2001. Sun was shining and all was normal. Normal. As normal was defined four years ago. Anyways, it was on that day when Mr. Gleason walked into Mr. Fournier's room and presented St. Dom's to my class. On that very Halloween. He talked about how great the school supposedly was, how it was brand new and had all this great stuff. I won a vinyl jacket that day cause I answered some random question correctly. I marked 'very interested' on a little sheet of paper and took an application. Then I thought to myself 'Thanks, but no thanks' and carried on with life.

But St. Athanasius St. John School was full of cretins, as any other school would be. I was their specified target. It became clear before the end of the year, I had to get the hell out of that situation before something bad happened. Ultimately, I changed my mind. I sent in the application.

And from that point onward, well, I'll just say its a long, long, long story.

The end result however, came out amazingly well. Certainly, my class has jerks, but nobody this time is against me. They have all accepted me as who I am and I am grateful of that. To the Class of 2006 - Thank You!

In other news, I've been accepted into Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, my #2 school! That knocks Bridgewater State and Florida Tech off the list. Now it is down to Daniel Webster, which is my #1. Once they respond, I'll know where I'm going next year.

"Good Morning! Its a beautiful rainy day! Time to get up!" -Mr. Servidio at 6:30 this morning.

J Kuhl Signing Off


Rawr said...

I'm commenting A LOT so u read this.......srry. they're all the same. U visited my blog once......and got the wrong message......i'm not a senior......anyway.......i like ur blog. ur very interesting.......lets keep in touch.
email: getsk3wled@yahoo.com
blog: http://getsk3wled.blogspot.com

Rawr said...

I'm commeting a lot so u read this.....srry. theyre all the same. U visite my blog once.....im not a senior.....anyway. i like ur blog ur very interesting.....lets keep in touch.....
Email: getsk3wled.blogspot.com

Rawr said...

I'm commenting A LOT so u read this.......srry. they're all the same. U visited my blog once......and got the wrong message......i'm not a senior......anyway.......i like ur blog. ur very interesting.......lets keep in touch.
email: getsk3wled@yahoo.com
blog: http://getsk3wled.blogspot.com

Rawr said...

I'm commenting A LOT so u read this.......srry. they're all the same. U visited my blog once......and got the wrong message......i'm not a senior......anyway.......i like ur blog. ur very interesting.......lets keep in touch.
email: getsk3wled@yahoo.com
blog: http://getsk3wled.blogspot.com

Rawr said...

I'm commenting A LOT so u read this.......srry. they're all the same. U visited my blog once......and got the wrong message......i'm not a senior......anyway.......i like ur blog. ur very interesting.......lets keep in touch.
email: getsk3wled@yahoo.com
blog: http://getsk3wled.blogspot.com

Rawr said...

I'm commenting A LOT so u read this.......srry. they're all the same. U visited my blog once......and got the wrong message......i'm not a senior......anyway.......i like ur blog. ur very interesting.......lets keep in touch.
email: getsk3wled@yahoo.com
blog: http://getsk3wled.blogspot.com

Rawr said...

srry i commented a lot. all u said was ur scared being a senior. i thought that was weird, thats all. once again, sorry to have taken 7 seconds out of your life--my bad.
I'll try to be nicer this year SANTA....dont put me on your naughty list.......