Monday, May 09, 2005

Ah Now Back to My Life . . .

At last, its over. The play, the AP exam, the SATs . . . Its all over. Although I must admit, the play was, to say the least, fun. Friday, the day of the AP exam, was probably the best show. Everything went well and spirits were generally high. Saturday was not as good. The cow fell over several times, lines were lost and the dances were off, but we got the most laughs and the biggest crowd on Saturday. The play officially ended at the Ground Round but there was a character switch this evening. I was suddenly Cinderella's mother, and since Cara wasn't there, I stole Rapunzel's prince and the Wolf as well. I got to belt out Agony in a way the originals could not! It was rather interesting. Tommorrow the cast is doing a show for a bunch of nuns and then its out of the freaking Woods. The adventure was fun, but I just want to go home now.

The year is ending. I'll graduate in about 365 days. Now that is a frightening thought. With the end of the Prom, the AP, the SATs and the play, the year is ushered into a quickly moving pace. One year left. I'm either glad or scared.

Dwarves are very upsetting.

J Kuhl Signing Off

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