Saturday, May 28, 2005

363 More Days

May 26th 2006 is the day, the end of it all, the day of Pomp and Circumstance, the black hat and gown, the diploma. Graduation. And it is now less than 1 year away.

This year ended much like it began. Nothing really happened, except perhaps the plays, which all went very well. As I said to Mike at lunch Thursday, "this is the year in which absolutely nothing happened." And indeed, nothing did happen. It was a long and tedious year. But the exams are coming. I start on tuesday with that jackass Piper and I end the exams with Ducey.

Next year will be much better. Pipes will be gone. Chemistry will be over. And perhaps as seniors we may even get some respect. Next year is the final year.

And after that, who knows?

Are you suggesting that coconuts migrate? - Monty Python and the Holy Grail

J Kuhl Signing Off

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