Wednesday, August 11, 2010

America is a Land of the Free

Before I even begin, let me fully quote my favorite part of the US Constitution.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Now, in New York, there's a bunch of stupid ignorant crap going on about a mosque being built within the vicinity of Ground Zero. The ignorant bigots claim that it'll be opened on 9-11-11, to mock Americans, but that rumor has never been substantiated at all.

And now they've gone further. A conservative group has called to ban all mosques in the US. And there have been numerous protests lately over other planned mosques in the US.

This frightens me because another guy in another nation tried banning a religion, some sixty years ago.


His name was Hitler.

Last I checked, America promised freedom of religion, freedom to believe whatever you desire. Muslims have every right to practice their religion, as much as any other religion. The vast majority of the Muslims do not profess the radical beliefs that the 19 hi-jackers from Al-Quaeda did on 9-11. Most are disgusted by the acts of the Taliban, Al-Quaeda and other extremists and many came here for American freedoms.

Now that they've come, we're going to betray them with bigotry? We're going to ignore our most sacred Amendment, the one protecting our most valued freedoms because we're scared? We're going to turn to ignorance and hate because we're frightened of some bogey man from the middle east? Is the (F)Right Wing out of their ever-loving minds? We built this nation on the idea of freedom and we don't need to go tearing that down because we've become so ignorant as to be afraid of some Muslims. 90% of the Muslims here in the US are ordinary people.

Sure, we have our fair share of radicals. We got the guy who failed to blow up a car bomb in times square and the major who gunned down several servicemen in Fort Hood, and so on, but they represent a radical extremist view point that most muslims do not share.

Some people argue that all Muslims are extremist because the Koran tells them to murder people who aren't Muslim. By this logic, Judeo-Christains are also murderers. The Old Testement is filled with Hebrews killing non-Hebrews in the name of God.

Why don't we start living up to our own standards and behaving as if we believed in the strength of our own Constitution? A mosque 2 blocks from 9-11 (actually, Islamic culture center) is not anything to throw a fit about. We should welcome it really, and show the world we really do believe in freedom of religion.

And we definitely do not want to be this:


Oh and if Sarah Palin wishes to profess to be a lover of the Constitution, she needs to embrace the construction of this Islamic center, not condemn it.

Then again, if she ever says anything with an iota of intelligence, I'll eat my hat.

J Kuhl Signing Off

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