Thursday, June 03, 2010

Oh Boy, Mrs. Palin Does It Again

According to talking head (because that's all she is now) Sarah Palin, the off shore drilling oil spill isn't BP's fault, but the fault of, get this, environmentalists. She argues that if the environmentalists had let us drill in ANWR, we wouldn't need to drill in the Gulf and thus this disaster would have never taken place.

Its just jaw dropping how . . . I hate to say this, but how stupid this is. If environmentalists had their way, we wouldn't even be drilling in the gulf. We'd be using alternative energies now (which we have the technology) and no longer dependent on foreign oil or offshore oil. Its stupid to blame environmentalists on a disaster caused by corporate greed and lax regulations.

I really hope that the Republicans run Sarah Palin in 2012, that'll be the comedic event of the century.

Further more, not only is it a stupid argument, but also a lie. Here are several clips where Palin advocates offshore drilling, and calls it safe.

Please, someone, make her go away. She's not only an embarrassment to republicans but to Americans in general. I mean, does she even realize that she's become such a laughing stock?

Drill baby drill.

J Kuhl Signing Off

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