Sunday, May 02, 2010

South Park

Recently, the writers of South Park aired an episode which featured Mohammed, but the writers satirized him by making sure the prophet was never shown directly. Instead, he was in a mascot costume of a bear.

Naturally, Muslims have a problem with this. One extremist site even went so far as to direct veiled threats at South Park's writers for offending them, which is pretty stupid as everyone knows that South Park insults any one and everyone and holds nothing sacred whatsoever. Jesus is often portrayed on that show, as is Satan and yet you never hear Christians upset over the show. Most people who don't like the show's juvenile humor, of course, usually elect to change the channel.

But the extremists feel special, like they have the sole right to eliminate free speech if such speech might possibly offend them. Honestly though, they are a very easily offended bunch. Rock music offends them. A barefaced woman in public offends them. A cartoon of Mohammed with a bomb in his hat? Results in more death threats and violence from the "Religion of Peace."

I do not mean to be offensive, but we need to offend them more. Produce more political cartoons, animated shows and whatever lampooning islam (lampoon the other religions too to be fair.) Why? To send a message that we are a nation of free speech and no death threats, no violence is going to stop us. Roll with the punches like the rest of the world does when comedic media turns its attention on you and perhaps your idols and prophets won't find themselves being openly mocked.

One last point before I move on, this is public TV. No one points a gun at one's head and makes him watch. If you find it offensive, get thicker skin and change the channel.

In other news, on my way back from Texas the other day, as I was driving through Massachusettes, I came across a billboard. It had the Earth and a message that said "In the beginning God created the world. . . " and I shrugged it off. Who cares right? Sign isn't making me believe in god, let the religions advertise if they wish. But then, on the otherside was a picture of the evolution of man behind a no-smoking symbol.

This is some BS. I can understand the "In the Beginning" part as that part isn't a direct lie to mislead the public, but a belief and a tenant to a religion that can be interpreted in multiple ways. After all, one cannot prove that God exists or does not exist. However, it is clear that evolution does in fact happen, has been observed both in the lab and in the wild and is wholly supported by the science community, a large number of which are Christian. To say that evolution did not happen is a lie and spreading lies to the public is immoral, evil and illegal.

God could have made this universe. This is why the other part of the sign did not offend me. But if he did, he made it through a scientific method that can be observed and those methods were the Big Bang, abiogenesis and evolution, all of which have been extensively researched and other than abiogenesis, are very strong theories. And even abiogenesis is a well developing theory. All of these theories are supported by strong, researchable evidence. So to say that any of them did not happen or are lies, is downright wrong and to spread lies like this to the public, even on a billboard on the interstate is evil.

Thou shalt not bear false truths.

J Kuhl Signing Off

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