But this message is for the moderate Muslims, the day to day Muslims who want to be a part of Western culture and enjoy the fruits of our civilization. I had, until now, nothing wrong with moderate Islam. But now, there is one thing about them that really pisses me off.
Islam has been committing major crimes against the Westernized world for the last decade (and a few before that even.) I can list them:
- 1993 World Trade Center Bombings
- 2000 USS Cole Bombing
- 2001 World Trade Center/Pentagon Bombings
- 2002 Bali Bombing
- 2003 Shoe Bomber attempt
- 2004 Madrid Bombing
- 2005 London Bombing
- 2005 Bali Bombing
- 2006 Gatorade Bomber attempt
- 2008 Mumbai shootings
- 2009 Underwear Bomber attempt
- 2010 Times Square Bombing attempt
. . . it sparked outrage and violence. When the Pope quoted someone who said 'Islam is violent,' Islam reacted with outrage and . . . violence. When Dutch film director Theo Van Gogh made a documentory that criticized Islam, he was murdered while riding his bike to work. When South Park lampooned Islam and Mohammed, the creators of South Park recieved death threats.
It is apparent to me that the lunatic fringe of the Islamic religion has taken full control. Moderate Muslims in the US often complain about being compared with terrorists. Well guess what, your entire religion is guilty of terrorism, if not by action, then by inaction.
Everytime the Islamic extremists do something terrible, there is a loud and deafening silence from the Muslim moderates. We rarely hear any condemnation from prominent clerics. We never hear anything from the Muslim world that tells us that you are not like them. We never hear anything that tells us that Allah does not support terrorism. You have allowed these lunatics to take control of your religion with nary a peep in protest. You aren't powerless. Say something. Use the blogs, use Youtube, use Facebook. If you want to deliver Islam from the radical extremists, if you want to prove that Islam is the 'Religion of Peace,' if you want to be in Western culture, then use the media and technology of today and denounce the radical Muslims.
But until then, all of you are guilty by association. If it takes a guilt trip to get you into action, so be it.
I'll leave you with this:
J Kuhl Signing Off