Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Too Good to be True

I didn't trust Obama during the campaign. I voted for him, but I didn't trust him. Everything he said was simply too good to be true.

Now its three weeks into his administration, and I'm beginning to trust him.

It scares me because I'm too cynical to trust a politician, but I want to trust him.

So I start feeling good about him and he goes off and pulls this stunt:

Obama Apologizes about Daschle

He owned up and apologized to a mistake! Bush NEVER did that! Not ONCE (alright, fine, he did say that he should not have put a Mission Accomplished sign on an aircraft carrier). And Clinton, Clinton had to be caught with his pants down before admitting to his big mistake, note that he lied to us before hand (I did not have a sexual relationship with that woman!).

I mean, Obama's a politician! You can't trust him! But he keeps doing things that garner trust. He's closing down Gitmo, he's putting up bills up on the internet for 5 days for the public to view before he signs/vetos them. He's ensuring that when a terror suspect undergoes rendition, they do NOT go to a country that uses torture. He's spoken out against torture. He's making government transparent, moral, and accountable and he's actually admitting to his own mistakes!

Its like some sort of wonder dream. It's too good to be true! I'm still waiting for the suck that Republicans say he's full of.

"We are not about to send American boys 9 or 10 thousand miles away from home to do what Asian boys ought to be doing for themselves." -LBJ, another untrustworthy president.

J Kuhl Signing Off

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