Tuesday, October 09, 2007

The Mailman

So today, I was sending out a credit card payment and I passed the mailman.

I'm sorry, I meant mail carrier.

I forgot I live in communist China and everything I say must not be "offensive" to anyone.

Wait, if this is China, why does everyone speak English and talk like hicks?

This is the United States of America. Freedom of speech. I have every right to say what I want the way I want, so long as it doesn't contain a threat.

Saying "mailman" is not threatening anyone or infringing on their rights.

Secondly, when I say "mailman," I am not saying it because I have this "hatred" against women and want to see them chained to a kitchen. I am saying "mailman" because I grew up with it meaning "the person who delivers the mail." I don't care if the mailman is a hot young blond woman, I will call her a mailman if I feel like it. It has nothing to do with her gender, its just what her job is titled; Mailman. I have nothing against saying "mail carrier." I'm just not used to such a term and I refuse to change my habits over a little detail that might be offensive to some cranky feminist moron.

Is Burger King ever going to change to Burger Leader?

taken from http://www.blavish.comSteve Colbert had it right on last nights show. The great thing about the United States of America is our right to say anything, even if it is indeed offensive.

Does the term "mailman" offend you? Too bad. First of all, it is a gender NEUTRAL term. Gee, "human" has the word MAN at the end! Should we go around calling ourselves homo sapiens? But then the ignorant homophobes will get upset over the word "homo." Secondly, we have the right to say it.

It is time that the extremist activist groups stopped using censorship to bandaid their problems and actually come up with a real solution. Arguing over how offensive termonology is will not fix your cause, it just covers it up. Rather, find out why your minority group (or what ever) is mistreated and work to fix the problem.

I dunno, campaign for equal wages for women or something.

But don't tell me to not say "mailman."

In other news, minorities again. I agree, every race, sex, ethnicity, etc of humankind should have equal rights and no race should have special rights.

And some of the minorities seem to want special rights.

I can understand how many of them feel repressed by the white majority, but it isn't fair to us for you to take more.

If I get sued for saying "Ni***r," then you should be sued for calling me "Cracker."

I've heard stories where minorities get picked for jobs because they are minorities, not because they are qualified. Now I have nothing against taking a qualified hispanic. But an unqualified hispanic does not deserve a job over a qualified white person. A qualified hispanic against a qualified white person, well that may be an issue. But between the two, it is quality that I would seek, not skintone or ethnicity.

Yes, there are morons who will go for the white person over a minority because they are prejudice but you can't lump every white guy as the bad guy and give the minorities special rights.

They should have equal rights. No more, no less. Ethnicity, sex, religion, race, etc, should not even enter the equation when considering rights.

"I may not agree with what you say, but I will fight to the death to defend your right to say it" -Unknown

J Kuhl Signing Off

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about taking a linguistics class? "Mailman" is not gender-neutral. And the job is titled, "letter carrier;"
"mailman" hasn't been used for YEARS.