Friday, January 21, 2005

I Don't Believe Him!

He did it again. Just like Hello Dolly, he did it again. My school is putting on the musical Guys and Dolls. I'm not the musical type, I don't like to sing, so I was going to work backstage, like I did for Hello Dolly. I walked into Mr. Thibideaux's room, he's the Drama guy, and I asked him when crew would be needed. He asked me why I didn't show up at auditions yesturday. I told him that I don't like to sing. He said that there was a role without singing. Then he said, very ominously, check the cast list on monday.

He roped me in again, hook, line and sinker.

Just another adventure.

After falling into Mr. T's trap, it was time for my school to go to Mass. I go to one of those weird schools that celebrate the Eucharist every Friday. I don't mind though. I'm not very religious but Mass makes my classes shorter, so it makes me happy. There is this very annoying kid that I don't like, and I realized he wasn't there. That made me happy. During the Mass, I noticed my History teacher, the Deuce, leaving. This made me even happier. About ten minutes passed. Father Labree was rambling about something in his homily, I can never pay attention during Mass, and I glanced to the right. And that was when my spirits plummetted The Duece returned, followed by that annoying kid. This made me less happy. I had it all, then they returned.

Later this evening I went to the fitness center. I was in the room, benching my humble five pounds when this eldish guy comes in. He gets on a back-extension machine. It has twenty bars on it, the twentieth is 330 pounds. He set the machine to the twentieth and then takes three half-weights from some other machines and stacks them on top. I looked at him in silent amazement and mouthed silently, "He's not gonna. . . " He did. Effortlessly. I was thinking "Did he just . . . ?" I was amazed. I strained my self on my five pounds.

Hey I attempted the 330 pounds.

That's why I'm typing this in the hospital.

Just Kidding.

Oh, don't type papers while you're stoned. This is the funniest essay I've ever read! But I can't believe he got a D-!
"This font is smaller than the last"

J Kuhl, Signing Off

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