Although he was actually born in Connecticut, “Texan” President Bush has earned his cowboy hat and spurs. During the last six years of his presidency he has overwritten unwanted freedoms for much needed security. He has brought tax cuts to those who know how to spend money and full employment for the United States of America. The President has spread American values to the Middle Eastern nations and brought hope to the world. George “Dubya” Bush is America’s finest and smartest President. He is the man to be the king of the free world.
The liberals have always been on the President’s case for his Patriot Act, demanding its repeal and claiming that the act is unconstitutional and immoral. They claim the Patriot Act is a clear affront to our right to privacy and free speech. Their priorities are twisted. Security is our number one issue now. What good is freedom of speech if it costs you the freedom of walking down the street without being blown up? Americans do not need free speech. Any American should be arrested on the spot for talking against the Bush Administration as they are an obvious threat to security. Only terrorists who kill innocent babies and old women would speak out against the government. By imprisoning and torturing any dissenting citizen, the Bush Administration has successfully kept America secure from wild and dangerous men. Since the inception of the Patriot act, there has not been another terrorist attack on our soil.
George Bush’s policy on wiretapping has been deemed “an invasion of privacy” by the liberals. Would they rather have an invasion of Arabs that want to kill them? The CIA has every right to listen to American phone conversations for the protection of the American people who have nothing to hide. If they do have something to hide, they must be doing something illegal. When you cross the border and the police ask if they can search your car, are you really going to say no? Of course not! That is the first indication that you have marijuana stuffed inside the doorframe. The same is true for wiretapping. If you object, you deserve to be locked up, without trial, in Guantanamo Bay, because it is apparent you have some illegal skeletons in your closet, such as that dirty bomb you obviously plan to detonate in New York. Model American citizens know that the Bush Administration wants to know everything about its people for the nation’s protection. George Bush cares about his people. He wants to see them living in peace and security on the home front. The loss of privacy is far outweighed by the gain in security, which George Bush is further fighting for in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are vital to the defense of the United States of America. Without these wars, another terrorist attack, possibly much worse than 9-11, may have occurred several times. Due to our President’s determination to keep America secure, we have kept the terrorists at bay for four years. The unpatriotic liberals argue that the war in Iraq is a complete mess with no way out. They argue that Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction (WMD) did not exist and that there was no link between Saddam and Osama. They argue that all the Bush Administration has done is ruin these two countries. These are completely false statements. Under Bush’s leadership, we have brought the Iraqis and Afghanis freedom that even American citizens do not enjoy (such as freedom of speech and freedom to privacy.) Iraqis and Afghanis are happy living with the constant threat of being killed by a suicide bomber because they no longer have to worry about being tortured by Saddam’s cronies. Their women can now become doctors, their teens can now listen to Godsmack and their cities all now have an open Starbucks or a McDonalds to serve them coffee and refuge from the insurgency. The presence of the insurgency itself is a clear indication of Saddam’s dealings with Osama. Where else would they have come from? China? I don’t think so. Osama and Saddam shared a common enemy. Even though they hated each other, they would have supported each other. Saddam would have willingly sold Osama a WMD if that meant getting the Americans to stop breathing down his neck. And Osama would have used that WMD to kill as many Americans as possible. George Bush’s invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq was a giant step toward a secure United States of America and towards peace in the Middle East. Although the streets of Baghdad and Kabul remain violent today, we are winning the war. American values, such as obesity and Burger King, are now being accepted into mainstream Muslim society and even bolstering the American economy.
War is good for the economy. George Bush has solved the unemployment problems in the United States by starting a war. Now there are plenty of positions available in the United States military. Positions open up every day, especially in Iraq. As American soldiers are killed, another one can join up and take his place. If the soldier lives, he’ll get paid. The money he earns goes into the economy and raises the American standard of living. There is no need for unemployment when there is continuous job availability in the Army and the Marines. It’s not just any job either. Although it may be hazardous, you are fighting for your country’s security. That makes it all worth getting your arm blown off by an improvised explosive device. Anyone would be proud to have a job like that. Not only is Bush creating jobs in the military, he is also helping sustain the entertainment industry. After all, who would Jay Leno and David Letterman be making fun of at ten o’clock at night? Because of George Bush, these two comedians still have jobs. Hollywood makes money because of Bush’s decision to invade Iraq and declare an all out war on terrorism. According to an article in New Political Science, authors Carl Bogg and Tom Pollard explain,
“The al Qaeda attacks of 9/11 heightened public fascination with terrorism, fueled by mounting fear and paranoia, and this was destined to inspire a new cycle of films in which on-screen terrorism dramatizes elements of real-life threats that now include possible weapons of mass destruction.” (Bogg and Pollard)
By creating an anti-terrorist hysteria that Hollywood can exploit, Hollywood is creating millions of dollars on anti-terror films. All this money leads to a better economy.
George Bush’s wars are improving America’s declining economy. Many liberals would complain that this war is driving the U.S. deficit into a hole, trillions of dollars deep. The security the war brings us makes it all worth it. Once it becomes apparent to Americans that the war is keeping the threat at bay, they will come out of their homes and spend money and eventually, about a century or two, our deficit will be paid off. George Bush’s tax cuts will also help this deficit shrink. All the cuts go to the rich. Who better to have the money? The rich know how to use the money, they also are the most able to spend the money and inject the money into the economy. The more the rich buy, the more taxes they pay and ever so slowly, the deficit shrinks to become the surplus Clinton created for us. Although our grandkids will be having grandkids by the time that happens, it will eventually happen.
George Bush is the greatest American president of the 21st Century. In the last six years, he has created more jobs in the market. He has brought freedom to the Iraqis and security to the Americans. Most importantly, he has protected our nation from evildoers that are jealous of our own rights and freedoms. The liberals who call Bush a catastrophe do not see the security that the President has brought to us. By starting a war, George Bush has brought us peace. War is Peace. George Orwell said that.
Works Cited
Bogg, Pollard Tom. “Hollywood and the Spectacle of Terrorism.” New Political Science. Sept. 2006: 28.3. Online. EBSCOhost. Oct. 29, 2006.
"I love you like a fat kid loves cake!!!"
-50 Cent
J Kuhl Signing Off
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Air Traffic Control
Recently overheard on Fargo (N.D.) Approach Control frequency:
"Cessna One Alpha Bravo, you have unidentified traffic at 2 o'clock, three miles, altitude unknown, over the railroad tracks. Very slow moving primary target, might be a helicopter."
(Long pause.)
"Might be a train."
Gotta love the ATC guys. There they all are, all warm in their tower as us pilots shiver in our cockpits, sitting at the end of Runway 14, waiting for takeoff clearance. I'm sitting there at the hold-short line, holding short, while big bad ATC sips their coffee and then finally decides to clear us.
I use to be afraid of the ATC. It was the old fear that if I said something wrong in the mike, they'd shoot a missile out of the tower and kill me or something. Now its so much easier. Just say what you need to say and if you screw up, oh well. Its not as scary anymore. They're just regular guys in a tower, drinking coffee, and holding me short of the runway.
"You've flown 23.7 hours and 53 landings in the past 90 days." -Skyscheduler
J Kuhl Signing Off
"Cessna One Alpha Bravo, you have unidentified traffic at 2 o'clock, three miles, altitude unknown, over the railroad tracks. Very slow moving primary target, might be a helicopter."
(Long pause.)
"Might be a train."
Gotta love the ATC guys. There they all are, all warm in their tower as us pilots shiver in our cockpits, sitting at the end of Runway 14, waiting for takeoff clearance. I'm sitting there at the hold-short line, holding short, while big bad ATC sips their coffee and then finally decides to clear us.
I use to be afraid of the ATC. It was the old fear that if I said something wrong in the mike, they'd shoot a missile out of the tower and kill me or something. Now its so much easier. Just say what you need to say and if you screw up, oh well. Its not as scary anymore. They're just regular guys in a tower, drinking coffee, and holding me short of the runway.
"You've flown 23.7 hours and 53 landings in the past 90 days." -Skyscheduler
J Kuhl Signing Off
Monday, October 23, 2006
Come on Cindy, respond already! I wanna get my coffee and study for my midterm already! Gosh!
I remember back in Mississippi this April at breakfast. I'm sitting at the table, drinking my crappy cup of black coffee and across the way, Bridget and Heather are talking about coffee and how its so great with cream and sugar and raspberries and coconut and chocolet and pineapple and marinara sauce and all sorts of stuff that won't even make it taste like coffee anymore. And I'm sitting there thinking, what the heck is wrong with you two? There is only one way to drink coffee. Pure. Pitch. Black. Don't put anything in your coffee. It ruins it.
It all started during a pancake breakfast in March. I had gotten about one hour of sleep the night before. I had to serve pancakes, but I was practically falling asleep, face first into the maple syrup. So I drank my first cup of coffee. As soon as that stuff hit my insides, I was awake. I was jittery. Man, I was annoying. Drinking coffee on an empty stomach was the weirdest, shakeist, energetic feeling ever.
And ever since then, I was addicted to coffee. They say its bad for you, but screw that. It gets me going in the morning. It gives me an extra buzz to stay awake through economics class. Coffee is a good thing. If it weren't for coffee, I'd be a mean little SOB sometimes.
So now, here I am chatting with an internet technician to figure out my laptop problem and she and I can't seem to wrap up our internet conversation so I can go out and buy myself a cup of joe so I can stay awake as I review my notes for tommorrow's midterm. I'm turning into a mean little SOB right now . . .
So give me that rich, nutty Starbucks coffee. No, I said black. Not cream, not sugar, not marinara. Black and strong, like a kick to the gut. And hot. Cold coffee tastes like crap. Hot, strong, black coffee. The way god intended.
I mean, do coffee beans grow with cream? I thought not.
In other news, never call for tech support anymore. Everyone on the other end is friggin Indian. I don't have a problem with Indians, but I have no idea what they are saying. I think I got a new harddrive out of them, but don't blame me when a Learjet is delivered to your door because I might have accidently bought one.
"Nashua Tower, Webster 81 is holding short runway 3-2 for left departure" -Me yesturday.
J Kuhl Signing Off
I remember back in Mississippi this April at breakfast. I'm sitting at the table, drinking my crappy cup of black coffee and across the way, Bridget and Heather are talking about coffee and how its so great with cream and sugar and raspberries and coconut and chocolet and pineapple and marinara sauce and all sorts of stuff that won't even make it taste like coffee anymore. And I'm sitting there thinking, what the heck is wrong with you two? There is only one way to drink coffee. Pure. Pitch. Black. Don't put anything in your coffee. It ruins it.
It all started during a pancake breakfast in March. I had gotten about one hour of sleep the night before. I had to serve pancakes, but I was practically falling asleep, face first into the maple syrup. So I drank my first cup of coffee. As soon as that stuff hit my insides, I was awake. I was jittery. Man, I was annoying. Drinking coffee on an empty stomach was the weirdest, shakeist, energetic feeling ever.
And ever since then, I was addicted to coffee. They say its bad for you, but screw that. It gets me going in the morning. It gives me an extra buzz to stay awake through economics class. Coffee is a good thing. If it weren't for coffee, I'd be a mean little SOB sometimes.
So now, here I am chatting with an internet technician to figure out my laptop problem and she and I can't seem to wrap up our internet conversation so I can go out and buy myself a cup of joe so I can stay awake as I review my notes for tommorrow's midterm. I'm turning into a mean little SOB right now . . .
So give me that rich, nutty Starbucks coffee. No, I said black. Not cream, not sugar, not marinara. Black and strong, like a kick to the gut. And hot. Cold coffee tastes like crap. Hot, strong, black coffee. The way god intended.
I mean, do coffee beans grow with cream? I thought not.
In other news, never call for tech support anymore. Everyone on the other end is friggin Indian. I don't have a problem with Indians, but I have no idea what they are saying. I think I got a new harddrive out of them, but don't blame me when a Learjet is delivered to your door because I might have accidently bought one.
"Nashua Tower, Webster 81 is holding short runway 3-2 for left departure" -Me yesturday.
J Kuhl Signing Off
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Chicago Under Attack from . . . . Light Aircraft???
As everyone no doubt knows, just last week a small general aviation airplane crashed into the side of a building in New York City, killing a few people and scaring the nation for a few hours as we expectedly overreacted to a tragic accident that the media decided to sensationalize because they are dirty little scumbags that get profit from the pain and fear of the general public.
And I am so sick of Couric hitting the news. I mean, who cares? So some woman from one show becomes ABC anchor (Or was it CBS?). Whoopity doo!
Anyways, the Mayor of Chicago now wants to make Chicago a no-fly zone, because "a singe or two engine plane can kill as many people as they want to." Yeah, okay, GA aircraft are a really threat to your city. Forget about the homeless bums and the criminals running loose, lets worry about small airplanes. Think about it Mayor Daley, how many GA aircraft have crashed into buildings? Not very many. I've only heard of one. Glad he has his priorities straight.
Enough is Enough by Phil Boyer.
What would a no-fly zone do? Nothing. If a terrorist wanted to repeat 9-11 in Chicago, do you really think he's going to worry about airspace rules?
I also suggest that Daley open up a FAR/AIM and read it cover to cover. His city is safe. We pilots follow the rules.
In other news, the radio stations in New Hampshire are complete crap. They have about ten songs. Ten. Every hour, its the same few songs, the same sickening "Chains Hang Low" crap that I can't stand hearing once, much less multiple times in one hour. Has our culture sunk that low, that we (as in everyone but me) can only stand ten songs? How about some variety. Some of the songs I wouldn't mind if they weren't ruined by radio DJ's that think that if they don't play the same dumb song every five minutes they'd lose listeners. Well, they lost me.
When I got my windows media player going, I like to start with Linkin' Park's Numb and then let it randomly go from there. Some Coldplay followed by the Beatles. Then the Peanuts theme song. Then Lovely Bunch of Coconuts. Then some Third Eye Blind followed by Sugar Ray, Ride of the Valkeries and Dave Matthews. Then more Beatles (but not the same song as before) and so on. It goes on for hours before it hits the same songs again and its awesome. Radio stations should do that. They should play so many songs that they can only play the same song once a day. If they want ratings, they play the songs no one else likes at 3 in the morning. Or they can do repeats then, when I'm asleep.
Radios need more music and need to repeat less. Also, health insurance should be free.
"Hans, Hans, Hans! We've been frew this a dozen times. I don't have any weapons of mass destwuction, OK Hans?" Kim Jong Il, Team America
J Kuhl Signing Off
And I am so sick of Couric hitting the news. I mean, who cares? So some woman from one show becomes ABC anchor (Or was it CBS?). Whoopity doo!
Anyways, the Mayor of Chicago now wants to make Chicago a no-fly zone, because "a singe or two engine plane can kill as many people as they want to." Yeah, okay, GA aircraft are a really threat to your city. Forget about the homeless bums and the criminals running loose, lets worry about small airplanes. Think about it Mayor Daley, how many GA aircraft have crashed into buildings? Not very many. I've only heard of one. Glad he has his priorities straight.
Enough is Enough by Phil Boyer.
What would a no-fly zone do? Nothing. If a terrorist wanted to repeat 9-11 in Chicago, do you really think he's going to worry about airspace rules?
I also suggest that Daley open up a FAR/AIM and read it cover to cover. His city is safe. We pilots follow the rules.
In other news, the radio stations in New Hampshire are complete crap. They have about ten songs. Ten. Every hour, its the same few songs, the same sickening "Chains Hang Low" crap that I can't stand hearing once, much less multiple times in one hour. Has our culture sunk that low, that we (as in everyone but me) can only stand ten songs? How about some variety. Some of the songs I wouldn't mind if they weren't ruined by radio DJ's that think that if they don't play the same dumb song every five minutes they'd lose listeners. Well, they lost me.
When I got my windows media player going, I like to start with Linkin' Park's Numb and then let it randomly go from there. Some Coldplay followed by the Beatles. Then the Peanuts theme song. Then Lovely Bunch of Coconuts. Then some Third Eye Blind followed by Sugar Ray, Ride of the Valkeries and Dave Matthews. Then more Beatles (but not the same song as before) and so on. It goes on for hours before it hits the same songs again and its awesome. Radio stations should do that. They should play so many songs that they can only play the same song once a day. If they want ratings, they play the songs no one else likes at 3 in the morning. Or they can do repeats then, when I'm asleep.
Radios need more music and need to repeat less. Also, health insurance should be free.
"Hans, Hans, Hans! We've been frew this a dozen times. I don't have any weapons of mass destwuction, OK Hans?" Kim Jong Il, Team America
J Kuhl Signing Off
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