It's apparent that Mr. Welsh doesn't trust his own student body, seeing as how he has the doors locked after 3:30. This causes big problems with the Drama society, not to mention pizza-delivery guys.
This was the case Wedsnesday. I had a rehearsal to go to at 6:00. I can't go home before 8:00 so I went to the mall to get some food. When I came back, I had to be let in. I didn't want to press the doorbell, otherwise an alarm goes off inside the school: "CODE BLACK AND WHITE! CODE BLACK AND WHITE!" to which Mike always shouts "Hit the Deck!" or "Scramble the Fighters!" Anyways, Mike had ordered a small cheese pizza to be delivered from Papa Gino's, less than a half a mile away. When Mike told Ben and I this, we began to crack up. There is just something wrong with ordering a small pizza. Mike began to complain how he felt like a fool. He asked some other kids whether this was weird or not, to which he received a few yeses.
As he waited for the pizza, he wanted to know if it was true that the girl's room had a couch in it, so he, Benny and I set off on this rediculus mission. Apparently, it's just a rumour. Ben joked that the girls should have one because girls always go in in groups to socialize.
We came back to the Commons and soon the pizza man showed up. Mike went out to greet him before the guy rang the doorbell. Mike went, met him, took the pizza, payed $5 for the pizza, 1$ for delivery and $6 for a tip. He payed a 110% tip!
Then a black truck pulled up. "It's Kyle!" Mike shouted. "Hide!" Ben and I followed him into the make-up room. There we laughed and joked until the rehearsal, which went well.
In other news, Thursday, there was another rehearsal for Into the Woods. Everything was going rather well until Vincent decided to make me dance in the song
Ever After. He had the cast members divide up into their respective couples, e.g., Rapunzel and Cinderella with their princes and so on. First he gave us a small step dance to do. The girls had the harder parts, of course I've come to believe that most females are natural dancers anyways. Then, later on, we split up into two lines, guys across from their girls. We danced to each other and then circled around the stage and then got into the line. Our next job was to weave under and then over the line of couples. We did this about three times until we ran out of time, and my back still hurts.
Leaving the stage, Wednesday was my day in Religion. Everyone had to say something nice about me. It was rather frightening! Apparently I'm
accepting . . .I think Vincent is trying to kill me.
J Kuhl Signing Off